Walnut Hill Man Charge With Battery Of 65-Year-Old Relative

January 10, 2025

A Walnut Hill man has been charged with battery of a 65-year-old relative.

Jared Evan Jones, 37, was charged with domestic violence related battery on a person 65 or older.

The victim told deputies that Jones demanded that he buy him a truck before becoming angry and started throwing furniture before pushing him down and hitting him in the back, an arrest report states.

An Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputy noted a cut on the 65-year-old victim’s leg and overturned furniture. After being read his rights, Jones told the deputy that the victim has ruined his life and won’t buy him a house or a truck, according to the report, before threatening to kill his parents once gets out of jail.

The Sheriff’s Office said the victim refused medical treatment.

Jones remained in the Escambia County Jail Friday morning with bond set at $5,000.


12 Responses to “Walnut Hill Man Charge With Battery Of 65-Year-Old Relative”

  1. Shocked on January 13th, 2025 1:08 am

    This is so shameful and disgusting! And scary!! What has it turned into these days ? Such a sad world we have these days.

  2. Jksmith on January 11th, 2025 8:47 am

    This thirty seven year old chose to ruin his own life! It’s time citizens start to question the judges on their leniency! And those same judges should be held accountable if this scumbag actually Carrie’s out his threat! As a parent, I would be heartbroken and fearful. A sad state of affairs these days, where too many offsprings don’t want to work to earn their way yet keep grabbing for handouts. Smiling in a mug shot is one thing that really irks me…

  3. Well on January 11th, 2025 12:47 am

    If your 37 and still expect your parents to buy you a truck and house……

    You’ve ruined their lives !

  4. Jen on January 10th, 2025 10:29 pm

    If he threatened to kill two people if he was released, why on earth did they set the bond at $5000? That, to me, seems completely irresponsible. They better be providing 24 seven protection for his parents.

  5. David on January 10th, 2025 4:57 pm

    Once again I ask this question. Why are bonds being set at such low levels on people who are this openly hostile after they have already displayed violence toward their victims? This person has threatened his parents with death. Who will be the most to blame if he carries out his threats, him or those who made it too easy to be set free?

  6. Audra Nicole Powell on January 10th, 2025 11:38 am

    This guy needs to realize that nobody and nothing owes him anything… He is not entitled to anything;

  7. Susie on January 10th, 2025 10:45 am

    Don’t pay his bail either and get a restraining order to keep him away. These kind of people are mentally challenged and believe they’re entitled. This is unforgivable. Let him fend for himself. It’s not the victim’s fault.

  8. OhYouKnow on January 10th, 2025 9:18 am

    ” Jones told the deputy that the victim has ruined his life and won’t buy him a house or a truck, according to the report, before threatening to kill his parents once gets out of jail.”

    A 37 year old man said that.

    This is what happens when we are too generous with our loved ones. They feel intitled to what you have as if they have ever done anything for themselves. It is better to let your relatives learn the hard lessons as you have had to do. It may be hard to watch them struggle in life in order to achieve what you have. They are not entitled to the rewards of your success.

  9. Jan on January 10th, 2025 9:08 am

    Seems like a low bond. Threatening to kill his parents once he gets out of jail. 10% of 5,000 will get him out of jail in order for him to do so. They better buy him a house or a truck soon,

  10. Shelly Searcy on January 10th, 2025 8:57 am

    Wow just wow they need to give him a house and transportation from the state

  11. Debbie on January 10th, 2025 7:54 am

    I hope his parents have someone who will help protect them cause he looks like someone who might just carry out his treats. Makes you wonder does he have mental health issues or drug issues or what cause we all know you don’t just demand that someone buy you a house and a truck . Hopefully no one will bail him out and the judge can sentence him to a good long time in jail and help buy the parents some time before they have to deal with him again. I just have a feeling this is not the last time we see him in the news. Praying for the parents

  12. John on January 10th, 2025 6:59 am

    “Threatening to kill his parents once gets out of jail” and bond only set at $5,000?
    There is something seriously wrong with this picture.