House Makeover: Molino Fire Station Edition

September 3, 2024

Call a house makeover, Molino Fire Station edition.

As we recently reported, career fighters are now staffing the Molino Fire Station 24 hours a day, seven days a week. That means they are working, eating, sleeping, and just hanging out between calls at the Molino Fire Station.

Now that crews are living in the station, it’s undergoing a bit of a makeover. We stopped by and took an impromptu tour recently with Escambia County Fire Rescue Chief Adam Harrison and Public Safety Director Eric Gilmore. It’s only fair to note that what you see in these photos depicts a real working fire station. The firefighters did not have a chance to “straighten up” for visitors in advance.

There’s still painting to be done, a new Viking stove will be installed, and other working and aesthetic upgrades will take place.

The Molino Fire Station was constructed as a volunteer firehouse. Molino is now what is known as combination department –volunteers would still respond to calls alongside the paid crews. photos, click to enlarge.


4 Responses to “House Makeover: Molino Fire Station Edition”

  1. Beth on September 5th, 2024 9:21 am

    I think it’s fantastic that our fire station is now staffed 24/7 and these improvements are much deserved for the firefighters.

    If I could make a suggestion though, please put the American flag back up. Every time I drive past the fire station, I notice that the flag pole has no flag and hasn’t for some time.

  2. BGH2 on September 5th, 2024 6:32 am

    This is a good thing for the Northern part of OUR County. First of all, I thank these firefighters who have made it their mission to protect those in this area…and other areas…by becoming a firefighter. That’s a job that puts the safety and well being of us all above their own lives…BLESS THEM and the ones who volunteer. If it raises our taxes a little bit in order to make this “House” more accommodating then I’m all for it. Think about it, look how much time they are spending in THEIR HOUSE. I know others are going to disagree with me and that’s your right. I just look at things differently because I applaud and respect those who do a job not many would do. May OUR GOD protect you all each time you suit up and climb onboard the bright red truck with lights flashing as you all head to your next call.

  3. Mrs W on September 4th, 2024 3:47 pm

    I’m sure the upgrades would be much appreciated; this will be such a nice addition for our community to have fighters staffed 24hrs a day.
    Do you have a need for volunteers to help organize or paint??

  4. john on September 4th, 2024 1:25 pm

    Like the opportunity to allow paid firefighters to house the Cantonment volunteer firehouse. I just hope that they do not expect us to pay higher tax fee for this move and decision , just because for some reason felt current situation was not working. Lord knows each person paying $125 which is quit significant when tallied up and this should be enough to update the new paid firefighters living conditions in itself. Just do not increase the fee based on this.

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