Tate High Getting Health Science Academy For North End

February 17, 2010

The Escambia County School Board voted Tuesday night to establish the Tate High School Health Science Academy to serve students in the north end of the county.

Tate Health Science Academy students will take four years of curriculum that supports various health occupations. Students will be instructed by a licensed health care provider and certified teacher. While enrolled in the academy — essentially a school within a school – students will participate in clinical training at West Florida Hospital and have the opportunity to earn industry certifications.

The goal of the academy will be to prepare students for employment or advanced training in the health occupations industry.

During the 2010-2011 school year, the first year of the program, at least 30 students will be needed in the program.  Upon completion of the four year academy, students can apply to attend the George Stone Technical Center’s Patrient Care Technician program. Upon completing the George Stone program, students can immediately take Florida’ certified nursing assistant exam.

Students interested in the Tate Health Science Academy should contact the Office of School Choice. The academy is open to any qualifying high school student in Escambia County, not just students at Tate.

A similar health sciences academy is already in place at Washington High School.


6 Responses to “Tate High Getting Health Science Academy For North End”

  1. Splat on February 18th, 2010 12:45 pm

    Am I missing something?? Nursing Assistant? Really? That is a waste of time, unless I am misunderstanding.

  2. Just Me on February 17th, 2010 8:05 pm

    Ride the bus….Problem solved !!

  3. S.L.B on February 17th, 2010 11:56 am

    Thats wonderful and all, but the problem with that is… if the students and/or their parents can afford the gasoline and upkeep on the family car or their childs car to drive all those miles there and back for 4 school years. Not to mention the travel time committment it would take to pull it off. What would be better is if Northview would have the opportunity to offer more choices or even an academy for their students.

  4. William on February 17th, 2010 7:42 am

    Little birdie says: This won’t be the last academy announced in the county. Stay tuned.

  5. River Rat on February 17th, 2010 7:41 am

    Northview students can apply to go to the academy, just like any other high school student in the county.

  6. Oversight on February 17th, 2010 4:52 am

    And Northview??? It gets nothing as ususal.