FHP Getting Tough On Custom And Altered License Plates

August 9, 2024

The Florida Highway Patrol is warning drivers that they are getting tough on Florida license plates that have been airbrushed, vinyl-wrapped, or customized.

Such alterations violate the legal tag requirements under Florida law for reflectivity and safety enhancements and can potentially impact the yellow expiration date validation stickers.

Tag alterations like the ones pictures here are frequently found in communities across Florida, and the FHP is being proactive in raising awareness of the law. This is to ensure that individuals who may not realize they are breaking the law by altering their tags are informed.

“If you have altered your Florida tag and cannot return it to its original condition, you will need to get a replacement Florida license plate from your local tax collector,” FHP said. Troopers encountering altered tags can seize the tag requiring the owner to apply for a new license plate.

Florida offers more than 100 specialty license plates for various organizations, with the proceeds from the sales going directly to support the causes they represent. Additionally, personalized license plates can be ordered in person at a motor vehicle service center.


6 Responses to “FHP Getting Tough On Custom And Altered License Plates”

  1. Seth on August 10th, 2024 5:27 pm

    Florida is a single rear tag state. You can install a custom tag on the front of your vehicle with no problems. I remember back in the 70’s, every van in town had an “If This Van’s Rock’in, Don’t Come Knock’in” tag on the front!… I sure do miss my old ‘65 Chevy Van!

  2. JW on August 10th, 2024 5:09 pm

    Aww man! Busted. At least I don’t need a FL tag anyway. ;)

  3. Oversight on August 10th, 2024 11:28 am

    JW, yes, there is a state fine that is around $64. Don’t forget it starts at that plus whatever the county commissioners add on. Also, it is a moving violation with three points on the driver’s license.

  4. JW'S Friend on August 9th, 2024 9:43 pm

    Don’t let JW fool ya.
    He’s asking for himself.

  5. JJ on August 9th, 2024 6:25 pm

    What about the tags that has a frame around them where you cant see the states’s name. I see a quite of few of these tags while in town

  6. JW on August 9th, 2024 10:18 am

    Never thought of this, but that black fire dept tag is sweeet!! Is there a fine or do they just take your tag? Asking for a friend…
