ECUA Considering Water, Sewer And Sanitation Rate Increases

July 22, 2024

The Emerald Coast Utilities Authority is considering rate increases for water, wastewater and sanitation customers.

The ECUA Citizen’s Advisory Committee recommended a 3% across the board for all three services.

The proposed 3% for water and wastewater rate increases would be a moderate increase for customers. For an average mainland customer using 6,000 gallons, the increase will be just under $1 per month for water and under $2 for wastewater. (Pensacola Beach water and wastewater customers pay a higher rate.)

A 3% increase or sanitation rates is also proposed.

For residential customers with a 90-gallon on smaller container, the rate would increase from $29.82 to $30.56, increasing by 78 cents. The senior citizen rate with a 60-gallon container would increase 62 cents from $24.98 to $25.60.

“Other changes include an increase so the initial delivery charge for non-compaction rolloff containers in the commercial division, the resolution states. “The (fiscal year) 2024 budget included changes to commercial rates to become more competitive with the private sector.”

Resolutions to be considered by the ECUA board this Tuesday would set public hearings on the proposals for 2 p.m. on Tuesday, August 7.


40 Responses to “ECUA Considering Water, Sewer And Sanitation Rate Increases”

  1. Tee on July 27th, 2024 11:48 am

    Sad thing about this you pay for the service, and they don’t pick up the garbage.

  2. JJ on July 24th, 2024 9:34 pm

    @ Diane
    You dont pay for that recycle can. If 95% recycle was put in those cans, recycle would lower the cost to ECUA.
    people that abuse the recycle forces all in that load to be dumped in the landfill. Which in turn puts the recycle truck as a second trash truck for the day

  3. Diane on July 24th, 2024 1:30 pm

    For God’s sakes, give us a break!! The poor keep getting poorer and the rich keep getting richer due to these constant increases. Pocketing funds to pad their own pockets while taking it from our measly income. They don’t give a crap about any of us. I’m all for recycling, but it’s not mandatory. I stopped recycling because that’s just another barrel to pay for. Let them sort out the trash. As someone mentioned, perhaps it’s time to have our own well dug (if that’s even
    allowed). I try to conserve water consumption by bathing less, flushing less, not watering the lawn, etc. It’s a darn disgrace. I set up 2 rain barrels to collect water for my plants. In conclusion, this all sucks and enough is enough!! We’re getting financially raped.

  4. Fed up with ECUA on July 24th, 2024 10:28 am

    Ironic that this is being reported. Yesterday was trash day for us. Truck came down our road and emptied all the other 4 houses cans yet left ours! And all the cans for 3 of the houses (mine included) sit less than 1 to 1-1/2 feet apart on trash day! Three weeks ago they didn’t empty the recycle can for two weeks!
    When you call ECUA you get a weak answer such as “we’ll get someone out as soon as possible”. That means “wait until next week”!
    Sick of the poor service and they want to raise rates? NO!

  5. AM on July 23rd, 2024 11:26 pm

    Sanitation trucks are well past 5 years promised and still not a single new truck has entered that fleet in that time frame. They were promised 5 new sanitation trucks last year, haven’t seen one. Whoever is in charge of making sure the funds that are allocated for certain purchases for designated departments needs to be held accountable as to why those funds were no longer available and where those funds ended up. ECUA needs transparency for their budget and funds considering they say they’re a nonprofit organization and are state mandated because they have the Florida Retirement Savings option

  6. Anne on July 23rd, 2024 8:45 pm

    A friend tried to help out an elderly neighbor who had next to no weekly trash at all.
    Was letting elderly man by allowing him to share his ECUA can for like 3 plastic grocey sized bags per week.
    ECUA sent someone to investigate as elderly guy asked his big can be picked up and my friend was letting him use his can.
    ECUA told friend he cannot allow anyone to use his can and that if the older fella didn’t pay his monthly bills there would be a LEIN placed against his home.
    Need to oust all the folks on the ECUA board….It’s Election time.

  7. JJ on July 23rd, 2024 5:26 pm

    IF I had a 60 gallon can as an elder person of over 70.
    What discount is it if I fill my can for four pickups in a month. I pay 10 plus cents a gallon…
    Working Joe 90 gallon, pays less thaN 8 cents a gallon on four full dumps.
    90 GALLONS X4 WEEKS= 360. FOR $30.56
    60 GALLONS X4 WEEKS =. 240. FOR $25.60
    YOU SAVE $4.96
    no savings if you need the big can

  8. Bill L. on July 23rd, 2024 6:47 am

    Such a poorly run operation with good efficient based management they would have the money to maintain the equipment and pay a competitive wage. They cannot keep asking residents to finance their lack of business skills

  9. Norah on July 23rd, 2024 2:40 am

    It is tough to be 80 years old on a fixed income. I am sick and tired of the ECUA continuously raising their rates. I called ECUA and ask about a Senior’s Discount. A nice lady said I qualified and told me that they would send someone out and pickup my 90 gallon can and bring me a 60 gallon can. I said, my lord. I still eat, and the garbage is the same. I told her that I thought you was going to give a 120 gallon can. I’m so old, I need more room for my diapers. So forget the Senior’s Discount.

  10. JJ on July 22nd, 2024 11:38 pm

    I would wager none of the board members have ridened in a sanitation truck for a full day in the summertime. A/C will not cool you in the truck.
    Trucks breaks down all the time
    Some would never pass a DOT check
    Not to mention the hydralic leaks

  11. Michael on July 22nd, 2024 10:37 pm

    Citizen, they are raising water and sewer rates. They mentioned garbage, they raise rates every year

  12. straightshooter on July 22nd, 2024 10:26 pm

    I can’t add much more, but Kevin Stevens has to go. If I could vote on the others I would send them packing also.

  13. Mary J on July 22nd, 2024 7:11 pm

    Absolutely not!! They just had a recent increase. Where is the money going? This rule to call in your bulk pickup is ridiculous. The county looks like a dump heap. There has been a loveseat on the side of the road on Oakcliff for over a month. I guarantee you the renters living there have not called it in for pickup. It is rotting on the side of the road and a safety and health hazard. Absolutely not!!!

  14. Mommacindy on July 22nd, 2024 2:20 pm

    Enough is enough! May have to get me a burn barrel and a well!

  15. SouthEndLurker on July 22nd, 2024 1:45 pm

    AT LEAST once a quarter my garbage is just straight NOT PICKED UP, why the heck should I pay more when I am not even getting what I am currently PAYING FOR!!!!!!

  16. vanhale-n on July 22nd, 2024 1:35 pm


  17. Henry Coe on July 22nd, 2024 1:08 pm

    With more houses and more people ECUA should have more customers. 3% seems a bit excessive if needed at all.
    Or, is this really about upper level management wanting too increase their pay?

  18. Kat on July 22nd, 2024 12:34 pm

    Shame.. we just had an increase this year.. I hate that we have to call in for bulk pickup and tell them exactly what we have sitting there for pickup.. as there are times I forget to mention a piece or two.. but regardless, they never pick it up, or it sits there for a week before being picked up… some times the stuff is picked up by a random stranger.. but it also sucks that they don’t pick up all things anymore.. we have old field fence that we removed from property and can’t put it out there anymore.. recycling isn’t worth it anymore as they don’t accept many things with that either.. we need another company to choose between

  19. PD on July 22nd, 2024 11:58 am

    My goodness I’m on ssi if ECUA would take some of the fees off my bill it wouldn’t be so bad but they just keep raising there rates, we really need another company so we could have a option, when you try to speak to somebody about this they tell you that there’s organizations that would help, I have tried this, it’s degrading, and most of them don’t have any compassion for the elderly, ECUA is just another greedy company

  20. PD on July 22nd, 2024 11:51 am

    My goodness I’m on ssi if ECUA would take some of the fees off my bill it wouldn’t be so bad but they just keep raising there rates, we really need another company so we could have a option, when you try to speak to somebody about this they tell you that there’s organizations that would help, I have tried this, it’s degrading, and most of them don’t have any compassion for the elderly, Who ever is covering and watching our Republic about the great hikes need to do a better job ECU just another greedy company

  21. EMD on July 22nd, 2024 11:47 am

    TO JJ:

    What is our alternative to ECUA? I am on a fixed income. I wish there was more fairness in this world.

  22. Citizen on July 22nd, 2024 11:41 am

    Everyone hates rate increases wants premium service and wants to pay very little. With that being said I don’t mind a rate increase because in reality we are not paying that much when you look at the big picture. All I have to do is roll the can to the street and back to my house. I call for large items don’t have to do too much and my garbage is gone. Cancel your service and do your own garbage for a month and you will have a different opinion. We haven’t always had garbage service at the north end of the county so I have had to deal with it and don’t want to do it anymore. You have heard you get what you pay for well with what we pay the amount of new homes in our county and inflation it’s no wonder equipment is wearing out they can’t get help because they can’t pay decent wage . Before you scream and holler look at their pay scale and be honest would you want to work for that. Look at the big picture.

  23. Citizen on July 22nd, 2024 11:24 am

    They absolutely will not be spending the money on the trucks, it will all be pocketed. One garbage truck alone costs over half a million dollars. They would rather spend the money fixing the old ones however, they don’t have the man power to fix them because they treat their employees like absolute dirt. They have all become greedy, raising the prices like this and I think it’s time people start standing up against it.

  24. Bill T on July 22nd, 2024 11:18 am

    Never goes down always up why ?? Because of lack of concern from management at ECUA!!! So they cram what ever they want to charge down your throat and you either pay it or else !!! Sounds like they got the market cornered !!! No compition!!! No worries about a new company coming in with a lower charge doing the same thing !!! The county has a monopoly on this and it should be illegal to just up and raise rates !!!something must be done asap !!! This is ridiculous and they know it and could care less about the people of this county!!!!!!

  25. W. Ward on July 22nd, 2024 11:11 am

    Another rate increase, really. It’s become quite clear that ECUA board members are incapable of doing their job. None of them answer the phone or return phone calls which leads me to believe they have no interest in responding to constituent concerns. So why do they have a phone? Why are they allowed to do as they please without being held accountable to the people that elected them? The simplest reason is they don’t care about what anyone has to say. It’s time for people to show them they’re no longer needed & fire em in November.

  26. Lou on July 22nd, 2024 10:59 am

    Poor service, high rates and a very incompetent bureaucracy. Privatize it. The tax payers as well as businesses would get a better deal.

  27. Michael on July 22nd, 2024 10:55 am

    Every year at least once a year, ECUA increases rates. Services are not increased. Remember this on election day and vote out your board member. He/she is doing nothing for you and does not care about you.1

  28. ensley boy on July 22nd, 2024 10:39 am

    At least I will have something to speed my proposed 2.6% social security increase on next year.

  29. Dubba on July 22nd, 2024 10:25 am

    Of course they are, like the return of cicadas, rate increases

  30. retired on July 22nd, 2024 10:19 am

    @ Jason

    spot on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    need to vote in new people, get rid of the old. I would love to see sewer hook- up in my subdivision.

  31. Consider? on July 22nd, 2024 10:16 am

    When is ECUA not considering a rate increase?

  32. River Rat on July 22nd, 2024 10:16 am

    I say No, No, No increase! The service sucks as it is. Once a week pick up that is if your whole road is not skipped. All of the old household stuff beside roadways because they will not pick it up unless it is called in from the household, then you must give details to what it is they are to pick up! Sad thing is most of it is dumped by other people not even living on your road! Give me a break. This whole town looks like a landfill….. All you see is broke down cars and trash everywhere. There service needs to impove alot before any raise in rates are EVEN condisered!

  33. Gimme Gimme Gimme on July 22nd, 2024 10:10 am

    The “up’addy” employees need a new F550 / F150 to drive home every night…. with paid fuel.

    Ever see these folks leave work for the day ~3:30 from their shops… like a rat race. Watch’m on Cory Field Rd. Chemstrand and 29.. Not good stewards of paying customers funds…

  34. jb on July 22nd, 2024 9:48 am

    AND your trucks make u turns on a cul de sac and tear up our roads IN FRONT of our driveway–back out and save the entrance to our driveways

  35. jb on July 22nd, 2024 9:45 am

    ho about new containers every 3 months? how about I don’t have to call because they missed me-again? and HOW many increases can you hit us with???? Why not a break for seniors??? WE GET -0- to keep up with basics!!!! Disgraceful WE have paid for everything year after year and at almost 79—these are KILLING US

  36. Lou on July 22nd, 2024 8:39 am

    Wait…what? The article doesn’t state why they are proposing the increases. ECUA just had increases this year. We only get once a week service and 40% of the time I have to call for missed services. Maybe they need to do away with Recycle and that would reduce truck and manpower. We’ve gone from twice a week service to maintain costs to once a week. I think it shows bad management. It’s a No for me! It’s not like we have a choice of providers. When it comes to utility providers, (FPL & ECUA) we are all in the same boat….no choice and we have to pay whatever is dictated. We need some competition and choices.

  37. RW on July 22nd, 2024 8:01 am


  38. JJ on July 22nd, 2024 5:26 am

    and this is an election year.
    90 gallon= $30.56
    60 gallon= $25.60
    30 gallons difference $4.96, not much savings for us seniors….why I dont have their service here in Molino.
    Plus their trucks speeding on my road every Tuesday!

  39. No increase on July 22nd, 2024 3:29 am

    I say no to any rate increases until we see new Sanitation Trucks on the road and the Transfer station built. It seems ECUA is okay with raising rates claiming it’s for new equipment and other projects. However I see the old trucks sitting broke down all the time and no new sanitation projects like the transfer station which was to save wear and tear on the equipment. Maybe the advisory board can figure out where that money was spent before increasing the rates!

  40. Jason on July 22nd, 2024 2:56 am

    ECUA proves once again they cant live within their current budget.

    I guess rate payers should count themselves lucky considering last year ECUA raised sanitation by 9.5% and water and sewer by 5% each. Lets not forget all the Capital Improvement Fee’s they have also added to water, sewer and sanitation.

    Re-electing the same representatives gives them carte blanche to keep doing the same thing year after year. I wont be surprised one bit if the District 5 representative — Kevin Stephens — deems this to be a much needed rate increase and votes to approve it. He has voted to impose every rate increase and Capital Improvement Fee proposed to the ECUA board since being elected.
