Cantonment Woman Charged With Child Cruelty For Allegedly Spanking Girl With Extension Cord

October 7, 2020

A Cantonment woman has been charged after allegedly hitting a child multiple times with an extension coard.

Baretha Kendra Grandison, 35, was charged with felony child cruelty. She remained in the Escambia County Jail Wednesday with bond set at $50,000.

The victim told the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office that Grandison had spanked her with an extension cord. That left “bruises, marks and welts”, according to an arrest report.

The report states Grandison said she had spanked the victim on the buttocks with a black leather belt but never used an extension cord. Grandison said the underage victim had been caught sending photos to teenage boys on her phone.

The age of the victim, and the relationship between the victim and grandison were redacted from the arrest report.


57 Responses to “Cantonment Woman Charged With Child Cruelty For Allegedly Spanking Girl With Extension Cord”

  1. D.J. on January 13th, 2021 1:31 pm

    A good mother who should never have been charged!

  2. Vincent Ty on November 8th, 2020 8:06 pm

    Sometimes Parents React To the kids doing wrong things in a Very Crazy Way If that keeps up children might reject their parents forever if the punishment goes way to far to the point it is just abuse by not sending him to the hospital

  3. Bella on November 3rd, 2020 12:59 pm

    Children should be spanked. It teaches them right verses wrong. Let the Mom go, and let her spank her daughter even more, and take away the phone.

  4. Beaten child on October 12th, 2020 11:06 pm

    @Protect our children
    You are a perfect example of why the youth of today are like they are!! I got my ass BEAT as a child and into my teen years. Guess what?? I love my dad more than words can express! Because of his discipline I didn’t become a druggie, or a burden to Escambia County. Instead I became an Eagle Scout, Graduated from Tate High School in 1980, joined the Navy and retired after a VERY successful career, have 4 wonderful kids, and have a very fulfilling and well paying job for the 21 years since I retired from the Navy. You see everyday in the kids today (and with some young adults) the product of not getting their asses “lit up” and being put on TIME OUT or sending them to their room (fully stocked with TV, computer, internet, and cell phone). No ma’am kids need their butts busted!!

  5. Same situation mama on October 10th, 2020 4:30 pm

    Way to go, mom! Kids need discipline and some just don’t listen to reason as well as they do a belt or wooden spoon. I hope you get cleared of all charges and that daughter of yours gets a talking to about life as a registered sex offender. Oh, and no phone…until she’s an adult.

  6. Richard Guise on October 10th, 2020 5:44 am

    Ms Grandison should be congratulated for disciplining the girl in the way she did. I hope the cord was applied long and hard across the girl’s bare bottom. It’s utterly ridiculous that kids today can’t be properly disciplined as their parents/guardians see fit. My daughter was spanked with a long wooden spoon across her bare bottom, or caned too when she misbehaved. She’s now a fine young woman. In my view, corporal punishments should be reintroduced in schools too. There’d be a marked improvement in kids behaviour if the cane was brought back into regular use.

  7. Libranation on October 9th, 2020 2:47 pm

    She did nothing wrong. I would beat my child tail too if she is sending pictures to someone. It’s so much sex trafficking, and missing kids that we have to be parents. It’s actually kids being abused and raped by their families and DCF places those same kids back in harm’s way. 50k for a bond is ridiculous. Now she will have to struggle to get that money up and then get out and still have to take care of her kids. ECSO should understand discipline in the home can stop the horror in the streets if they let parents be parents. Free this Lady now

  8. patti on October 9th, 2020 1:59 pm

    THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT IS WRONG WITH CHILDREN TODAY. Parents not disciplining their children. We raised 4 sons, they knew the rules because we started out when they started walking by telling them yes or no, and we repeated it more than once. Personally I think children should NOT HAVE TELEPHONES. In today’s world too much goes on on telephones. You never know who your child is talking to, texting, are sending pictures to. I’m thankful for my children, they weren’t perfect, but they learned early, we have a wonderful relationship and enjoy gathering together for any reason, holidays, just visiting and being together. If I had young children in today’s time, THEY WOULD NOT HAVE A TELEPHONE. Ours did great without telephones and I think the kids of today would too.

  9. Jcellops on October 8th, 2020 11:36 pm

    In reading the article, it is not verified that the woman was actually the girl’s mother. Secondly, it’s ambiguous as to whether the girl was using the woman’s phone or the girl’s phone to send the questionable pictures. Without positively knowing the answer to those two unknown factors, it may be a little presumptuous to assume what the woman’s actual intent was in whooping the girl’s butt. Revenge or correction. For example, what IF the woman was not even a relative and was pissed because the the girl got ahold of the woman’s phone and used it to send questionable photos (of someone or something) to teenage boys. That might explain the unusually high bond. The fact that the relationship of the woman and the girl was redacted, made me wonder if there was actually something else going on here. On a side note, I grew up getting the belt, on occasion, when I needed it- and, definitely deserved it! I’m very thankful that my parents disciplined me as they did.

  10. Kay on October 8th, 2020 11:13 pm

    Do not punish this mother….JUSTICE FOR HER!!!

  11. John Reading on October 8th, 2020 9:05 pm

    Grandson is a good family!

  12. Hollene Benson on October 8th, 2020 5:26 pm

    This is what’s wrong in Escambia county you put parents in jail for displine there children then you give her a bond so ridiculous that it just don’t make sense so we as parents should just let our kids just do what the heck they want and don’t say nothing now what her daughter did was un acceptable she should be charge for sexting just like that boy who she sent those pictures to just don’t make no kinda of sense so she whipped her with a belt and that daughter probably told the police that her mother hit her with an entension card kids lie mine did I don’t put nothing pass these teenagers now a days just sad

  13. tg on October 8th, 2020 4:33 pm

    You are looking at a doright woman. Good Luck to her.

  14. Just saying on October 8th, 2020 12:49 pm

    @protect our children…you do realize that on National news they showed a kid in the riots acting a fool and just seconds later his MAMA grabbed him by his neck and tore that BUTT up..She was never charged..I bet he doesn’t do it again..wanna know why ?..Cause old school whoopings WORK..My momma grabbed whatever was close to her if I acted up..remote,wooden spoon,shoe,switch that i had to pick, get the picture..But without her being a great MOTHER I would not have learned How to be respectful when i talk, trustworthy when someone confide in me,Honor when you give your word and the list goes on..See a whooping is much more than a whooping it is a lesson that teaches us at a young age that there are consequences for when we do wrong. As a man now i thank my mother every day for the lessons i learned the hard way because without them or her. I would not be married to my beautiful wife that i have the utmost respect for or have my two amazing loving kids..

  15. Military Momma on October 8th, 2020 12:04 pm

    This is what is wrong with our country today. We need more parents like her, not less. If we had more parents being parents and actually disciplining their children, than we would not have so much dis-respect and entitlement today.

    These types of “crimes” should be judged by her piers not the courts… then we could all have a sit down with the little lady that did this and all help her mother in teaching her life lessons instead of it being this way.

    It takes a village to raise a child.

  16. BIG MOMMA on October 8th, 2020 10:05 am

    Exactly why kids should NOT have a phone.

  17. retired on October 8th, 2020 9:24 am

    Guess now days you have to call the authorities to discipline your kids?????????
    ECSO is going to be busy!!!!!!!!!!!

    bond 50,000 that is more than someone shooting at the police.

  18. Support The Spanking on October 8th, 2020 9:15 am

    I think the punishment fit the crime. This underage girl is sending pics to a teenager. I would have torn that butt up too. If I left a scar so be it. Look at this picture. This mother is trying to raise her children, one which is a young girl. The affects of not chastising is have not so pleasing end results. Ok so she have a scar. if she is not chastised she could end up a drug addict, she can have track mark, thus a scar. If she is not chastised, she could end up with a dreadful disease, requiring treatments of some sort, which with all the needles, treatments, etc. could leave scars. Teen Pregnancy, cant feed the child, inward scars. Have to go to DHR beg for assistance. Inward scars from embarrassment. Not being chastised, do what you want, so this child or as a preteen, or young adult, go still something, rob somebody, sell drugs, any felony, go to prison, get in severe fight. SCARED. So, my point is mom may have left a reminder (scar) that this one is not to send pics on her phone, or do anything else she have been taught not to do.
    I have a scar my mom left with an extension cord, I am now in by 50’s and I have never been to jail. I have not done or sold drugs, I don’t steal, AND I DONT SEND PICTURES OVER MY PHONE OR INTERNET. I HAVE A REMINDER (scar) TO BE HONERALBE.

  19. Don Neese on October 8th, 2020 7:45 am

    Proverbs 23:13-14
    Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. [14] Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell.
    Proverbs 13:24
    He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.

  20. Matchbox on October 7th, 2020 11:55 pm

    Children need to be spanked. They are not capable of understanding logic…and I guarantee the when spanked they remember that because pain is a direct link to the brain…they will remember just look at all the people who grew up being spanked. They respected their parents and teachers and most all adults…children think they should get what they want just for breathing or existing that is a problem..they aren’t special. Only to the parents as they should be but honey teach them that the world does not love them like you do and you have to work and earn privileges..they have to be taught to respect you and it’s either out of love or fear ..when they are young it’s fear then they grow up that is when they respect out of love…grow a pair parents . Good job Mom

  21. Mike on October 7th, 2020 10:04 pm

    To “Protect our children:”
    You said “Did you know that Escambia County is number 1 out of 67 counties in Florida for child abuse? ”
    You need to show the data to support this claim, otherwise it is just stuff on the fan. Anybody can make any outrageous statements, you can say 100 000 children die in Escambia county because of abuse (there are not that many children in Escambia to begin with) but these statements are nothing but noise unless supported by verifiable data.

  22. Laila Law on October 7th, 2020 9:38 pm

    @Rasheed Jackson – perfectly said!!

  23. Just Saying on October 7th, 2020 8:26 pm

    @Protect our children,

    Maybe Escambia County is so high on that list because too many people seem to think that a parent shouldn’t discipline a child and should instead allow them to run wild. The reason you see all these posts defending the woman is because there are a lot of people here who have enough sense to know that when you spare the rod and spoil the child, you have already lost that child.

  24. Good discipline on October 7th, 2020 8:19 pm

    @protect our children, with your skewed logic you’re a HUGE part of the problem. Without discipline and direction kids will often take the wrong path. Involved and responsible parents know where their kids are, know who they run with, and have a trust with their kids that is built through mutual involvement. This child likely cried wolf and now her mother has to pay. I’d be willing to bet that a “friend” of this child coaxed her in to calling child protective services when she didn’t get her way and got whipped for talking back. Discipline turned in to a child crying abuse. Big difference. Stop being part of today’s problem with irresponsible kids who thinks the world owes them something for doing nothing. Lord knows they might have to own up to a problem some day instead of living in denial.

  25. Shirley Hales on October 7th, 2020 6:56 pm

    My Mama use to make us go get the switch, if it wasn’t big enough we had to get another one. Very few kids respect their parents this day in time, most are rude, outspoken, use the F word. I grew up fine, and I respected my parents, those butt whippings hurt just enough to make you not want to do whatever you got whipped for. I respect this Mother, now little DARLING knows she can do whatever she wants or call the law when her Mother tries to make her behave. I’m on her Mothers side.

  26. Grams on October 7th, 2020 6:40 pm

    We got it several times with a tiny limber limb from a tree, it left welts, and hurt like the dickens, also had a couple belt (Come to Jesus) experiences, we grew up to be good people. That girl should be thankful she has someone that cares about her that much, a lot of kids don’t! I don’t think you should beat your children in anger, but yes spank them because you care what kind of person they grow up to be!

  27. Rasheed Jackson on October 7th, 2020 6:12 pm

    @ protect our children
    This person is trying to protect this young girl. How do you think the preditors whom this young girl is communicating with, and sending pictures to will treat her? Once in their control they will be the abusers that you mentioned in your comments. As a father of daughters I can attest to the fact that young girls are always at risk of being manipulated by an older person who knows all the right things to say. The teen years are very vulnerable years for young girls because they are the the ones that are preyed upon the most. This person was most probably at her wits ends and just trying to protect this girl from the wolves that are out there at every corner. Yes there may have been a better way but she was doing the best she could at protecting her, and desperate times call for desperate measures.
    If your child was falling off a cliff and the only way to save them was to kick them to safety would you kick them or let them fall because you didn’t want to hurt them? Because everyone knows kicking a child is abuse.

  28. Protect our children on October 7th, 2020 3:35 pm

    Did you know that Escambia County is number 1 out of 67 counties in Florida for child abuse? I’m not surprised since every single comment here supports an adult who beat a child so hard it keft welts. Bravo everyone. Beating a child is not normal, it is abuse. Use your brain. You can teach a child a lesson in ways other than beating them.

  29. Joseph Utnage on October 7th, 2020 3:33 pm

    After reading all of these comments I think that we should take back the childhood in to the home where it belongs, This woman obviously loves this child and wanted to teach her this lesson and I say should punish her again for calling the police, this is not abuse in my mind ,good job mom.

  30. Dale Flowers on October 7th, 2020 2:55 pm

    And the state thinks they can do a better job raising that kid?

    Maybe they need to butt out on this one and let Ms. Grandison parent as she sees fit.

  31. tg on October 7th, 2020 2:54 pm

    And i thought kids were suspose to get a TROPHY for anything they did.

  32. RC on October 7th, 2020 2:49 pm

    I’ll tell you what I know because I lived it-She has that phone locked down with a password and she will bleed from her eyeballs before she tells you what it is. If you get in it here’s what you’ll find-with that phone that little girl is on all these apps telling all these guys that she’s 18 and single. There will be 30 year old men talking to her telling her ANYTHING. She likes it because she feels empowered and “in charge” and strings them along. Then she’s crawling out of the window to meet them and isn’t smart enough to realize she may wind up missing or in a ditch dead. He’ll buy her a burner phone when they take the one she has now-believe that. Beat her tail with whatever is at hand if you have to and if it beeps, dings or buzzes take it away from her- she don’t need it. Good luck Ms. Grandison-you have a tough challenge ahead of you.

  33. RC on October 7th, 2020 2:43 pm

    I’ll tell you what I know because I lived it-With that phone that little girl is on all these apps telling all these guys that she’s 18 and single. There will be 30 year old men talking to her telling her ANYTHING. She likes it because she feels empowered and “in charge” and strings them along. Then she’s crawling out of the window to meet them and isn’t smart enough to realize she may wind up missing or in a ditch dead. He’ll buy her a burner phone when they take the one she has now-believe that. Beat her tail with whatever is at hand if you have to and if it beeps, dings or buzzes take it away from her- she don’t need it. Good luck Ms. Grandison-you have a tough challenge ahead of you.

  34. Charlie Coldblood on October 7th, 2020 2:30 pm

    The only problem is the other kids parents Ain’t doin the SAME THHNG ONLY TWICE AS BAD to their KIDS .Should be charged with enticing a child and anything else the legal system has

  35. Lindsay Vowell on October 7th, 2020 2:16 pm

    Good job on mom. Woop that lol behind before she ends up pregnant and 15. Maybe next time not an extension cord… But…. My parents used to be whatever was closest.

  36. Short sighted on October 7th, 2020 2:14 pm

    I can only comment based on the info provided here… Leaving bruises, welts, markings on the rear end is not crime, much less a felony charge… I can’t stress enough how an abundance of caution should be used before involving law enforcement and therefore state run DCF agency into family affairs… Now this young ladys’ life will be scrutinized by state workers demanding entry into her home searching for anything incriminating of her personal lifestyle while holding her child as a hostage for compliance… Is a random spanking leaving markings justify ripping this family unit apart ? Is this child better off without their mother ? I think not… I caution you all before asking the state to intervene within your family…

  37. SPARE THE ROD-SPOIL THE CHILD on October 7th, 2020 1:36 pm

    This is very shameful a child calling authorities when being punished.

  38. Kudos to Mom on October 7th, 2020 1:31 pm

    This is insane. Why lock up a mother for trying to make sure her daughter doesn’t end up a delinquent like so many young people today. Whip her now, take away her phone, maybe she won’t end up in prison when she grows up! Set mom free! Send her out to whip some other butts that need it!

  39. Mia on October 7th, 2020 12:37 pm

    A Mother trying to teach her daughter that what she was doing was wrong and could get her hurt, abducted, or killed. A good ol’ spanking was what the girl needed and she never needs a phone again until she can pay for it on her own. Phones are a privilege and not a given. Little girl, if you are reading this, your Momma was teaching you a valuable lesson and trying to keep you safe. If I were you, I would be worried about when Mama gets released because I would take every privilege from you for a long while until you matured enough to earn a phone, computer, car, etc. This is what is wrong with so many kids today thinking they are entitled. I pray your Momma has patience and chores to keep you busy for a long time!

  40. DJC on October 7th, 2020 11:28 am

    I’ve had teachers leave bruises on my behind and it was because I needed them. I didn’t dare tell my parents about it or I would have more to match them. Bruises marks and welts will heal, but the painful lesson will be never be forgotten. Any punishment that I received as a child were acts of love and I hope that is true in this case.

  41. Wow on October 7th, 2020 11:04 am

    You cant even spank your children now. No I don’t believe in spanking with a extension cord, but my God people. Why is this generation full of nothing but Karen’s? Young, Old, and everyone in between.

  42. L. B. on October 7th, 2020 10:55 am

    More Parents need to dicipline their children, not the judicial system. I can understand Child Abuse, but a good whipping has never hurt for long. If i found my daughter or son sending photos to some pervert, I would do the same. Great job Mrs. Grandison.
    If we don’t raise our childern the Courts will, we have enough of our children in Jail and Prison NOW!!!!!

  43. Moral Patriot on October 7th, 2020 10:33 am

    Good job mom. Prayers
    Woke judge needs to be spanked.

  44. Fredtp on October 7th, 2020 9:19 am

    This why the world is like it is today! Can not discipline your own kids. Just look at the kids today.

  45. Bewildered on October 7th, 2020 9:11 am

    Not surprised about this- just another example that our sense of right and wrong is upside down. We punish people who do the right thing and worship and defend predators and felons.

  46. mnon on October 7th, 2020 9:01 am

    I don’t blame mom… but how about take the phone away? If it were my kids I caught doing that, they’d never get another phone or PC access… I’d also use a 2×4.

  47. Lifendason on October 7th, 2020 8:32 am

    Not knowing all the details, but from the story, I say good job Ms. Grandison. Kids today need more than a “timeout.” It might work for some (I guess), but the majority need that butt whooped!

    $50k in bond…WOW

    Praying for the situation.

  48. Caraway on October 7th, 2020 8:24 am

    Good job mom! And I dont mean that sarcastically in the least bit. Judge should be ashamed for the bond unless there is some unknown factor….

  49. Jksmith on October 7th, 2020 8:20 am

    @senseless. Perfectly said!

  50. BPD on October 7th, 2020 8:17 am

    Extension cord, fan belt, switch, water hose, I got whipped with what ever was handy to get my attention and my kids were not different. I grew into a responsible adult and so have my kids. You have to raise your kids knowing that inappropriate behavior will have consequences. A few good butt whippings could prevent a future prison sentence.

  51. sam on October 7th, 2020 8:02 am

    would like to know more details. age of the child being the most important. if she’s a teen. she probably needed it. the way people coddle their kids these days is pitiful. they usually end up saying they don’t know why the kids became punks.

  52. MAH on October 7th, 2020 8:02 am

    I would whip her butt again for lying when I got out of jail.

  53. StraightShooter on October 7th, 2020 7:34 am

    Support for parent trying to be good parent. I know this comment will receive lots of criticism from “Perfect Parents”, but I got spanked and marks left when I was disciplined also.
    50K bond is steep compared to what we have seen on here.

  54. JD on October 7th, 2020 7:11 am

    Been spanked with alot worse. It’s the supposed victims word vs hers. Good luck to you Ms Grandson. Spare the rod and you will rue the day later on.

  55. Rasheed Jackson on October 7th, 2020 6:52 am

    Not a lot of details here to draw a conclusion from but had she chased her down with a car, stole her bicycle, referred to her in a racist or sexist way, had outstanding warrants for her arrest, then maybe she wouldn’t have had such a high bond.
    I would like to know if she is this girls guardian. I just wonder if the victim had been warned about sending pictures on her phone. Also, were these just innocent pictures between friends or were they inappropriate in nature, to strangers or acquaintences, and was Mrs. Grandison trying to protect her. It has been my experience that many times young people have a hearing problem until that leather slaps accross that buttocks, leather makes for good hearing aids.
    If what I think happened actually happened, then the victims protector is behind bars and the preditors she was trying to shelter her from are free to continue with the hunt.

  56. Free her on October 7th, 2020 6:12 am

    K maby she should nt have used a cord.. But maby she should have.. These little girls are way outa hand.

  57. Senseless on October 7th, 2020 2:23 am

    This is so sad! It’s her word against her Mom’s word! Our generation is the generation that raised these kids that are in control these days! We were taught respect and by god.:we dare not disrespect our parents. We got our asses handed to us! We are the generation that said “ we are gonna give our children what we didn’t have”. The sad part… we only gave them material possessions. We did not give them the love, support, compassion or discipline our parents gave us. We gave them “stuff”. We are reaping exactly what we sowed! Sad! Kudos to us, Not!