Soldier Wins Car, Gives It Away To Sergeant Suffering From Leukemia

May 11, 2014

When dedicated blood donor and Florida National Guard Sergeant Jacob Thomas won a car in a blood center promotion in Escambia County…he knew almost right away that he was not going to keep it.

He decided to give the car away to his friend and fellow Platoon Sergeant William McNeil, Jr. who is fighting Leukemia and awaiting a bone marrow transplant.

“I got a reliable car, I don’t particularly need the money, so you know, it’s like helping a friend out. I mean, he needs it a lot more than I do. It’s the right thing to do. The car is just a bonus. The real winning is donating blood and helping people and saving their lives”, said Thomas.

“He told me I just want to give you the car. I was completely blown away and I really didn’t know what to say. I have a really old car and must travel to Shands Hospital in Gainesville for treatment. Now I have a car that will hold my family and one that is a gas saver”, said McNeil.

Jacob has been donating blood since high school and ironically enough, his friend William has received multiple blood and platelet transfusions due to the harsh effects of chemotherapy.

Pictured top: Florida National Guard Sergeant Jacob Thomas (blue shirt) signs over a Kia that he won to fellow Platoon Sergeant William McNeil, Jr. (left). Courtesy images for, click to enlarge.


24 Responses to “Soldier Wins Car, Gives It Away To Sergeant Suffering From Leukemia”

  1. No Excuses on May 13th, 2014 3:54 pm

    Bless you for your unselfish nature! I does feel good to help others out, doesn’t it? Several members of my family donate blood on a regular basis too.

  2. Kathy on May 12th, 2014 2:14 pm


  3. Jane on May 12th, 2014 8:15 am

    Such a nice thing to do! And if you can donate blood to help someone, please do. It only takes a few minutes of your time, doesn’t hurt and can save lives! Thank you for donating and for helping your friend…you are awesome!

  4. Brandy Thomas Lewis on May 12th, 2014 8:09 am

    I’m Jacob’s sister. I’ve started a GoFundMe account to help raise the money to cover the tax, tag, and title of the car to truly make it a “FREE” gift to these awesome men. If you’d like to help William “Eddie” McNeil in your own way….please go to this site and remember that EVERY LITTLE BIT HELPS! Be the Good; take action. THANK YOU!

  5. Jon Van Surksum on May 12th, 2014 6:38 am

    That Is the nicest thing !

  6. Jack Johnson on May 12th, 2014 6:35 am

    My new hero!

  7. robby mccann on May 11th, 2014 10:29 pm

    What a great gesture of love. my wife tammy has leukemia and had her transplant on jan. 6 at uab hospital. the trip here 2and 3 times a week has been very costly and what a blessing to have a reliable car to get there. God bless.

  8. LaRee Glasgow on May 11th, 2014 7:58 pm

    That is the best message of love I’ve received on this Mother’s Day and I am a mother. The selfless gift from one human to another in need is what makes the world a better place. You are both blessed. Thanks for making my day too.

  9. Bravo Zulu Sargeant... on May 11th, 2014 6:18 pm

    It’s an honor to hoist these two flags for a job “well done”.

    I hope this act of extraordinary kindness is returned to you ten-fold…..

  10. Dianne Beck on May 11th, 2014 6:07 pm

    Jacob Thomas is truly an ANGEL here on earth. You are such a blessing to everyone!!!!

  11. retired 1sgt g on May 11th, 2014 6:07 pm

    that was a great thing you did sgt, you are truly a giving and caring man, may god continue to bless you and your family, and my prayers will be with your friend sgt mcneil. stay true.

  12. mq on May 11th, 2014 4:38 pm

    AMAZING! Great read on Mother’s Day. I am sure he has made his Mother proud.

  13. June Hutchinson on May 11th, 2014 4:37 pm

    I want to thank Jacob for giving my son William (whom we call Bubba) and his family this car. Never heard of anyone doing anything like this. Such a wonderful act of love and kindness. I know God is going to greatly bless you for your giving. I want you to know how much I appreciate what you did.

  14. man on May 11th, 2014 3:45 pm

    Rarely do I tear up but this I can say almost made me cry!

  15. Stacey Burns on May 11th, 2014 12:34 pm

    William is my cousin … He has a long road ahead of him , but he beat cancer once and we know he can do it again . I want to personaly thank Jacob for your act of kindness showed to Bubba ( as we call him ) SONYA & their two boys . This car will help them so much with gas , and being safe on the road . So glad to know there still are good people out there to help a friend in need … Thank You

  16. molino jim on May 11th, 2014 10:09 am

    Great to see something on here that people can say “HE’S A GREAT PERSON” in place of all the bums and crooks who’s friends and family keep saying “he’s a good husband and father— even if he’s going to prison”

  17. Swampwilllow on May 11th, 2014 9:36 am

    What a beautiful story to read first thing this morning. Thank you, Sgt. Thomas, for being a hero.

  18. xpeecee on May 11th, 2014 8:53 am

    This world needs more people like Sergeant Jacob Thomas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Robert S. on May 11th, 2014 8:17 am

    Both are the Finest Kind of friends and men and are America Strong.
    Best wishes to Sgt. McNeil.

    Duty, Honor, Country

  20. Bernard Kelly on May 11th, 2014 8:15 am

    WOW!! I mean, wow!!!!!!!
    I want to meet Sgt Jacobs momma & daddy. THAT is how you raise a child. Let’s review what he said; “I got a reliable car, I don’t particularly need the money” translated = I do not live beyond my means and am responsible in my everyday life.
    “He needs it a lot more than I do” = my parents taught me to be compassionate of others AT ALL TIMES.
    “It’s the right thing to do” = It’s normal behavior to me, isn’t it, to you?
    Listen to him, readers. He is teaching us, just as his parents taught him.
    What an incredible man, especially in todays environment.
    Sgt McNiel, fall back on your training and FIGHT!! Keep your mind & body in the fight.
    I’ve bumped my gums long enough. I just had to express my immediate impression when I read this story.

    Remember kids, you are, and will be, a product of your environment; hang with knuckleheads and you end up a knucklehead.

  21. Vicki Harrison on May 11th, 2014 7:48 am

    A true patriot in every since of the word! Human kindness at it’s best! This is what I love to read about when I get up in the morning. My the Lord bless both these wonderful people!

  22. Jan on May 11th, 2014 7:07 am

    A true act of love

  23. Willene Bryan on May 11th, 2014 6:47 am

    What a blessing for your friend. God bless you.

  24. Biscuit on May 11th, 2014 2:50 am

    You’re a true friend Mr. Jacob. Hang in there Sarg!