Hundreds Line Up To Apply For Just 20 Jobs

June 6, 2012

Hundreds of people turned out in Walnut Hill Tuesday to apply for one of just 20 jobs available coming to the small community when a new crude oil transfer stations opens.

People began lining up at the Walnut Hill Community Center as early as daybreak Tuesday as Workforce Escarosa assisted Genesis Rail Services and their partner, Rail Solutions of Florida, with the recruitment and hiring of rail car unloading operators. The positions will pay from $16 to $20 per hour with benefits.

As the doors opened at 10 a.m., estimates of as many as 800 people were in line for applications. The line, two or three people deep, snaked around the community center property and alongside Highway 97 for about about a quarter mile. Parked vehicles lined both sides of Highway 97 for about a mile, from Arthur Brown Road to Wiggins Lake Road.

Many eventually gave up after spending hours in the sweltering heat. Periodically, it was announced that those would without their driver’s license and social security card, or those with felony convictions, need not apply. That announcement, along with word of a required drug test if hired, would send dozens of people back to their vehicles at a time.

For more photos, click here.

Genesis’ Senior Vice President of Business Development, Paul Davis, said the company will be creating about 30 new jobs at the Walnut Hill facility over the next couple of years.

Coming up Wednesday morning on, we’ll meet a few of the hundreds of people that were in line and learn their stories.

Pictured top: Hundreds line up for job applications in Walnut Hill Tuesday morning (note that the line in the stop photo snakes all the way around the top of the photo along with wooded area). Pictured inset: A few of the hundreds of applicants for rail car unloading operator jobs. Pictured below:  Just a small portion of hundreds of people in line. photos, click to enlarge.


44 Responses to “Hundreds Line Up To Apply For Just 20 Jobs”

  1. TC on June 8th, 2012 6:42 pm

    Wow what a long line. Reference moving to North Dakota for work, do your homework before heading up there. There is not enough housing and rent is very high if you can find a place at all. Many have been living in RV trailers and even their cars, but the city has become more aggressive as people have been parking everywhere and leaving trash behind them. There are some employers that provide housing in “man camps”, but others do not. Check out the local paper in Williston, ND, and do have a plan before you go north. Good luck to all of you looking for work.

  2. 429SCJ on June 8th, 2012 7:13 am

    A friend of mines brother just relocated his family to North Dakota and is earning good wages in the oil industry.

    An area can only support x number of people on x number of jobs, this areas poulation has exploded over the last 20 years. It may be necessary for people to move elsewhere, to find employment. They do it everyday south of the border.

  3. jake on June 7th, 2012 1:53 pm

    Maybe they will keep it in the hill and hire really close let the pcola mobile and wherever else get jobs down there we need this …

  4. Rob on June 7th, 2012 12:48 pm

    I love the lack of accountability or the blame game.

    The comment about “the reason we have high crime is because felons are not given a second chance” … really genius? So it is our (the law abiding, productive members of society) fault that you committed previous crimes and can not secure a job and therefore continue to commit crimes? Are you being serious with this sh#t?

    So given the choice between hundreds of equally qualified applicants, you believe someone that has committed a serious enough crime to be charged as a felony should get equal consideration as someone who has abided by the rules their entire life? This view is more screwed up than that of those Occupy protesters.

    It was good for a quick laugh, but now I must get back to work so I can pay for the security system to keep you out of my house since it is my fault you have not received a 2nd, 3rd, or 12th chance for crimes you chose to commit.

  5. stilljobless on June 7th, 2012 10:14 am

    I have been saying what commonsense said earlier….”Don’t believe the news that unemployment numbers are better…its better because thousands have run out of benefits and are not applying for benefits anymore, thus showing less people applying for benefits…COMMON SENSE..” I lost my job in 2009..still searching and ran out of unemployment over a year ago. The unemployment rates are down because people like me don’t qualify and are not applying for benefits NOT because they found employment.

  6. SHO-NUFF on June 7th, 2012 3:13 am

    “Im here now and from what ive gathered probably about 60% of the people arent from the northescambia area.”

    So, are you saying the demographics of the job only apply to folks that live in the area?
    I retired from Exxon offshore, not the po-dunk oil plant in Jay.
    I did have a chance to work with a few that transferred offshore to get there retirement. after Exxon sold out. What a bunch of wining crybabies for the most part! Shoot, they had to work for a living! Not worth knocking in the head!

    Not all of us have a Daddy to give us an acre to put a trailer on in the backyard, so Mamma is just a shout away.
    I saw contractors drive from 500 miles away to make 10 bucks an hour. People will do what they have to do to feed the family. Sorry, but no pity here!!!

  7. Train man on June 6th, 2012 8:52 pm

    Hi Sandra…I know where you’re coming from, but it’s obvious some of these folks did not even try and look presentable. Looks like some crawled out of bed, climbedbin the trans-camaro, went to the methadone clinic on 29 for their medicine, then drove to WH to git ‘em a job. They may not can afford nice clothes, but don’t seem to be lacking food, based on the bellies I see. You can go to Academy and buy a polo shirt ank khaki pants for $25…and probably less if you go to the store next door. Wonder why applications could not have been submitted online, or apps scheduled instead of making those folks wait in line for 7 hours. I’m sure most did not expect that and did not bring drinks or lunch.

  8. No Excuses on June 6th, 2012 7:43 pm

    Commenting upon the attire of poor job seekers is not a bad thing. The way I see it is that if you really want the job, you will go to the Waterfront Rescue Mission or Good Will and get yourself a nice, cheap outfit to wear for the process. That’s what all the poor people that I used to teach would do – they usually got the jobs too. Showing the initiative to try and look good, even though you are poor, makes an impression on a prospective employer. Leave the flip flops and dirty ball caps at home!

  9. Sandra on June 6th, 2012 4:08 pm

    To all of you commenting on the folks clothes, it must be nice to be able to wear the nicest outfits. Did it ever occur to you that many of these people may not have the best of clothes to wear? Maybe the reason for the job search is to buy nicer clothes so that they might not be looked down upon by you snobs.

  10. Molino Resident on June 6th, 2012 1:31 pm

    I have to agree …. I looked at this line up and thought “Wow, these people really do not know how to dress for a job interview”. I would not hire 90% of them by just the way they dressed! I see cowboy hats (really?), jeans with holes in them, T shirts galore, filthy baseball hats, hats turned around backwards with sunglasses hanging on them…..are you people kidding me? Your chances were already slim, but most of you made the decision for them by dressing like a thugs and rednecks. One lady even had on a “club skirt and black sandals with leather & spikes around the ankles”. What job are you applying for?
    I understand some people are desperate for jobs with the way the job market is at this time, but come on – anyone with any sense knows you want to make a good first impression on this “potential” employer. It might be a good idea for most of you to attend a class on “Interviewing for a Job 101″.
    It is very sad to me that ALL of these people are applying for a mere 30 jobs (that will be hired over a couple of years, mind you). May the best qualified (and dressed) persons be awarded those jobs.
    Thank goodness I have a GREAT job and do not have to compete with 800+ people to try and snag one of the 30 jobs at this company!!!

  11. Lawson on June 6th, 2012 9:31 am

    Sara, Sara, Sara. We get it!! We get it!! It’s all Bush’s fault. Heaven forbid the darling of the media be responsible for anything. Now, if something Bush started happened to turn out GOOD, guess who takes the CREDIT.

  12. Jane on June 6th, 2012 5:43 am

    Here are a couple of suggestions to help you get a job:
    1. Bring your identification…SSI card and driver’s license.
    2. Your appearance says a lot about you. Be clean and neat, no baggy pants, crumby t-shirts, flipflops or crocs. Wear a shirt with buttons, tuck it in.
    3. Learn to spell…employers don’t have time to guess what the word is that you mis-spelled. Write as well as you can so they can read it.
    4. Be polite and don’t try to be funny. Have an answer for why you want the job, what do you know about (whatever the job is) what you are applying for, and let them know you are really willing to work. I’m sorry it was so hot and then rainy for everyone. Good luck to you all.

  13. 429SCJ on June 6th, 2012 4:39 am

    It is a cold hard fact of life, sometimes people have to move away from home to go where the jobs are.

    I was gone from home 21years in the military, grow up reality is not always pleasant.

  14. Bill on June 6th, 2012 12:56 am

    When the oil spill clean up was taking place, Workforce Escarosa was handling the hiring. I applied for one of the jobs and their requirements are always the same. They are looking for the best possible applicants for whichever company they contract for. The fact that they are looking for a person with out a record or drug problems lets the company know they are looking for responsible workers. Also, people who are serious about seeking should show alittle pride in themselves with their appearance.

  15. About Felons on June 5th, 2012 11:30 pm

    All who has a felony or has been arrested for a felony may not have deserved to be caught up in The Trashy Judicial System of Escambia County. Once they get their fangs in you, they don’t let go. I understand most thugs deserve what they get but some innocent people get caught up in the system. I know this first handed and it’s a shame that it ruins your life FOREVER!!!!!!!!!

  16. DISAPPOINTED on June 5th, 2012 11:18 pm

    I am a high school grad. i am 21 yrs old and been working like many others since i was 16 yrs.old.I dress in my sunday best and stood in line today for over 6 hrs finally got in filled out my app. waited to be called in ,finally it was my turn went in handed him my app. he put it beside him and the first thing he ask me was how many more people in line behind you ,then he ask do you have any experiece in railroad I said no he said good by, I said I have my resume and some certicates would you like to see them he did not say anything,I said the newspaper and tv advertise that you don,t have to have experience you will been trained if you get the job.he never said anything else to me..I walk out .I don’t think that I would want to work for a company that had people like him working for them . He was a very non professioal he was the only one that did not have the companies logo on his shirt.

  17. Sara on June 5th, 2012 10:32 pm

    I’m sick of all the remarks @ the economy & snarky “hope & change” digs @ the President. Everyone with any sense knows that Clinton left the office with trillions ahead & it took Bush 8 years to screw it up & run back to Texas. He deregulated & permitted all his oil cronies & corporations to build their wealth even further. President Obama is doing a great job trying to keep our economy out of a complete depression. And things are getting better. Like some mentioned in the previous comments, a lot of the people there already had jobs & were looking for something closer to their home. Also, do people really think that economies & Wall Street will constantly remain strong. Stocks & bonds fluctuate. We were living in an inflated bubble from @ 1990 to 2006, then the bubble burst. A market that is overinflated has to correct itself by depressing at some point. The trick is to not let it go so far under that it can’t be brought back to a level standard. We are no longer living in the bubble of wealth where everyone had a big house & SUV’s. Just accept the fact that it was not feasible to continue to have a market like that.

  18. mama mia on June 5th, 2012 9:57 pm

    My husband has had to travel as far away as Nebraska this past year in order to find work. We live in walnut hill and it would be so nice for him to be home every night, but he is willing to do whatever it takes to support his family. We just want something to come to this area that would allow our family to be together all of the time.

  19. Willis II on June 5th, 2012 9:52 pm

    First off I disagree about felons needing a second chance, I feel that a felon was given a second chance today. If they had no convictions in the past ten years they could apply today at the job fair. There’s your second chance! I’m sorry that your babies daddy wasn’t able to be hired after getting out of prison earlier this year.
    I watched tons of people walk away after the announcement was made informing that applicants would need a Social Security Card and a State Issued ID card. I guess their inmate number tattooed on their forearm should’ve been sufficient.
    The employer was looking for qualified applicants not just residents of Walnut Hill or graduates of high school. A 20 year high school graduate doesn’t stand a chance with a man that was recently laid off from a chemical plant or other industrial related work.
    The appearance of the applicants over all was awful ! I might wear a Nascar T-shirt on race day, Crocs to the Tom Thumb, a tank top while fishing etc. There was an applicant in shorts wearing a Bama jersey, Coors Lite hat, Crocs and his legs cover in tattoos. Tattoos may be cool in your inner circle but not to a potential employer.
    I go back on June 15 for the mechanical aptitude test……

  20. nudo on June 5th, 2012 9:37 pm

    Here’s a brite idea….instead of making people stand in line all day, waste their and your time, why not do like 99% of all companies do. Make them apply online.

  21. nut hill guy on June 5th, 2012 9:31 pm

    @lyndy Yes I was there and was fortunate enough to pass this round of the hiring process and have moved to the next step of going for the test on Friday There were 2 other guys that had interviews the same time as me and also elgible for the test on Friday

  22. lyndy on June 5th, 2012 8:39 pm

    Im just curious to know if anyone was told they would be called for testing on friday? i heard that some people were told that.

  23. chris1 on June 5th, 2012 7:33 pm

    Hope and change?

  24. Caraway Bandit on June 5th, 2012 7:18 pm

    Unemployment rates are NOT calculated by the number of people filing benefits. So, no, the rates don’t go up because people run out of benefits.

  25. Caraway Bandit on June 5th, 2012 7:11 pm

    “Before everyone lays pity on these folks .I was there and nearly all of them that I spoke with had a job already they were wanting this one due to more money or not having to drive as far”


  26. robert findlay on June 5th, 2012 6:39 pm

    i was there this morning from 9.30 until two -thirty and whst they said about the felons was that you could not be convicted of a felon in the last ten was to say the least a hard hot and aggravating day .but was also an eye opener too .. at just how many people need to work around here ..

  27. it's sad on June 5th, 2012 6:28 pm

    It is very sad when my son who is 20,graduated from high school . Read that they were hiring,stood in line for several hours.When he did get inside,was asked if he had any railroad experience.Come on it was not even posted on this web site.Hot day to stand in line .

  28. At least try... on June 5th, 2012 6:05 pm

    I took the time to look through the photos and had a few comments…not to be ugly, but to maybe help someone in the future.

    1. You’ve got a 1:800 shot of getting a job there…at least make an effort in trying to look professional. Really…you show up in shorts, camo hat, dirty jeans, NASCAR t shirt…?

    2. You only get ONE shot to make a first impression. Make it count.

    Good luck to those qualified people who applied.

    The economy is hurting, and a lot of people are struggling, but I don’t see many folks in the photos who appear to be starving…just sayin’

  29. Angela on June 5th, 2012 5:42 pm

    I am 33 and have messed up once but I still work and try to be a productive member of society. Everyone is not like me or you for that matter. The “perfect” Gene that you have, hope it passes to your children so they don’t make one mistake or bad choice that lands them on the other end of your “non forgiving” Gene. Zoom into the reality, no one is perfect! You just didn’t get Caught. Drinking and driving or something that you don’t realize is illegal until its too late! I wish you the best with the testing and hope that you get all the blessing that you have in your heart for others! I am going to call all the employers that do hire felons and see about some type of workshop other than Camp 5 or prison. Maybe that will protect some of the things that you go out and buy with the money from this opportunity and keep helpless people out of your homes. OK!

  30. RB on June 5th, 2012 5:42 pm

    NO driver’s license or social security card, NO felony convictions, need not apply. DRUG test……Bahahahaha, that should have cut out 775 of those there…briliant ! Even if hired , I bet half of them will quit because of the hard work required.

  31. Pineville PI on June 5th, 2012 5:22 pm

    I was there from 9:30 till 4:10 and only saw 8 faces from Walnut Hill, some I knew, some I didn’t. This is a great thing for the Hill, however most of the jobs will probably be filled by from out of town.

  32. Mnon on June 5th, 2012 4:52 pm

    There is a felon job fair, it’s called prison making license plates for .15 an hour to use in the commissary. Or Camp 5 cleaning out ditches and gutters.

    Don’t do a crime if you can’t live with the consequences. Oh and there is always day labor they don’t care if you’re a felon, go check that out, the doors open early so set your clock and get down there first thing in the morning.

  33. zoom179 on June 5th, 2012 4:28 pm

    The part about the felons not getting a fair shake is bullcrap! dont do the crime if you cant live with the outcome, im 34 years old and havent been in trouble a day in my life! you screw up you pay the price!

  34. zoom179 on June 5th, 2012 4:24 pm

    well i can tell you that i had a good experience at this job fair, but for those of you that showed up with you’re pants hangin down around you’re ankles you’re not cool and employers dont think so either! stay at home and collect you’re government checks and deal dope cause thats all you’re gonna amount to in this part of the world, i on the other hand have testing this friday and will be glad to work hard to take care of my family, this is a blessing and im proud to have the experience to take part in such a great oppertunity! Thank you genesis for coming to walnut hill florida!

  35. common sense on June 5th, 2012 4:15 pm

    Don’t believe the news that unemployment numbers are better…its better because thousands have run out of benefits and are not applying for benefits anymore, thus showing less people applying for benefits…COMMON SENSE..

    people wonder why we have so much crime and robbing and stealing, because felons, whether its a little bit of marijuana or a dui…are not given opportunitiesfor jobs….sad sad world..

  36. sam on June 5th, 2012 3:49 pm

    the gulf power project would provide many jobs for years to come. wise up folks, this economy is in bad shape. we need jobs.

  37. angela on June 5th, 2012 3:35 pm

    It’s sad. This felony talk is just another way to hold people down who have paid their debts and are trying to be productive . THERE ARE NO SECOND CHANCES! If you want a job why can’t they just look at individual circumstances, one felony ok, ten not likely. I THINK THAT WHEN U GET ONE BOY MIGHT AS WELL GIVE UP BECAUSE SOCIETY HAS GIVEN UP ON U. furthermore they go and build things we don’t need in Century LIKE ANOTHER BALLAD STORE. They better start building jobs or move because not giving people a fair chance gives them the mindset to rob, steal and kill. I AM JUST SAYING. THEY NEED TO HAVE A FELONY JOB FAIR! Or just kept watching northescambia news and shaking their heads until the article is about them. No pun intended.

  38. truth on June 5th, 2012 2:47 pm

    @ william I agree most of the people I talked to were not from the area .I was only one out of about 30 that i talked with that was from Walnut Hill of which I did see some familiar faces but not many

  39. truth on June 5th, 2012 2:43 pm

    Before everyone lays pity on these folks .I was there and nearly all of them that I spoke with had a job already they were wanting this one due to more money or not having to drive as far

  40. Bondo on June 5th, 2012 2:42 pm

    How can they say that unemployment is on the decline.

  41. 429SCJ on June 5th, 2012 2:25 pm

    I was surprised as I came into Walnut Hill, at the number of cars parked on the shoulder of 97. The line was far longer than I expected.

    I pray they all have adequate drinking water, shade and that the storm holds back.

  42. Sam on June 5th, 2012 2:16 pm

    It was a traffic nightmare to get thru there without hitting someone. Very sad indicator of our county employment status. We need more businesses for these folks to make a living.

    The county commisison needs to recruit more jobs to the area. All of these people at this job fair were men and I am sure would like to provide for their families.

  43. need job on June 5th, 2012 1:44 pm

    This is why we need to support Gulf Powers plans for a new plant in the area.

  44. northescambia native on June 5th, 2012 1:33 pm

    Im here now and from what ive gathered probably about 60% of the people arent from the northescambia area.