County Passes Anti-Tether Animal Law To Committee

July 17, 2009

The Escambia County Commission decided Thursday morning to pass the possibility of an anti-tether ordinance off to a committee for study.

Such an ordinance would make it  illegal to leave your dog tied up when you are not around in Escambia County.

Thursday morning, the commission’s Committee of the Whole directed staff  to take the ordinance to the Animal Services Oversight Committee.

A similar ordinance in Miami-Dade that commissioners will look at makes it illegal for pet owners to leave their pets chained up outside when they are not around.

The anti-tether law in Miami-Dade says it is illegal to tie a dog to anything with an item, including a rope, chain or leash. Under that ordinance, it is still legal to walk a dog on a leash, or tether a dog when a responsible party is outside with the dog. Puppies six months or younger cannot be tethered.

Miami-Dade enacted the ordinance to prevent animal abuse, and because a tethered dog is 2.8 times more likely to bite, according to animal control experts in that metro area. A violation of the Miami-Date ordinance carries a $500 fine for each offense.

The county attorney’s office researched possible ordinance at the request of Commissioner Grover Robinson.


32 Responses to “County Passes Anti-Tether Animal Law To Committee”

  1. NANA OF TWO on August 27th, 2009 1:44 am

    I owned a pit and boxer mix we have had his since he was born. He was a good dog until about 1 year he decided he did not like strange men and would chase them down our street with the intent on bitting them. So we but him on a 100 foot runner in our back yard. He was not forgotten he was allowed inside at night or in bad weather. He had lots of toys and we let him loose when we were outside to control him. My husband had applied stoppers to the runner so that he could not reach the pole to tangle himself. Just to mention we had tried the fence thing but he ate through it or would climb it or even dug under it. Anyway my point is after 4 years he broke the stopper and tangled himself and in 4 hours of not going out back he choked himself to death. My husband had went out back with him about 10:30am and then my daughter and me went back there about 3pm to let him loose and he was rapped around the pole. He collar was not tight but I can only imagine that is what happen and it breaks my heart. I rushed him to the vet but they said they could do nothing for him. I will never as long as I live have a dog that will be on a chain for any amount of time. And for those who keep thier dogs on chains for life without ever letting them off or showing them affection WHY WHY do you even own a dog. Don’t let my stupidy be yours take care of your dogs they are more loyal than people any day.

  2. kelly on August 17th, 2009 2:42 pm

    it is not wrong to put a dog on a chain. but it is wrong to put a dog on a chain for a long amount of time. if the dog has fresh water and non- ant infested food then the dog will be okay for a couple hours. if the dog becomes flea infested its the owners fault of course but nobody can stop fleas so even if a dog is fenced in fleas will become a problem. i dont think people should have the right to keep a dog fenced in for a long amount of time.

  3. Elizabeth Irby on July 19th, 2009 10:17 pm

    I regret to say that too many dogs are chained then forgotten. Why have a dog? Get a stuffed toy dog and place it into your yard. I don’t feel that dogs were designed to be tied 24 – 7 and I find this behavior cruel and abusive. Personally, I choose to have my pets close to me and enjoy their company.

  4. Kristin on July 19th, 2009 10:16 pm

    Chaining dogs is sick, but I think fences can be just as bad. Im am saddened every day by a family whose yard is across from mine and they leave their dog outside 24/7 and NEVER EVER pay any attention to it. They leave it for weekends at a time and I have never even seen someone go by to feed it. He is just left in there to live is life like he is in jail. It is so sad. Some people will take advantage of fences too.

  5. Tim on July 19th, 2009 7:12 pm

    to chain free pensacola ….I live the country. Our dogs run around in the yard when we are home , otherwise they are in a 15 x 20 pen. Never chained. We are these dogs OWNERS. They are not family members. They ARE pets. Family members are People! Sons, Daughters . Grandchildren! Get It?!

  6. Netanya on July 19th, 2009 9:01 am

    To Amanda B. and the other complainers who insist on chaining their dog:
    Have you ever considered something as simple as a FENCE? Whats wrong with you people who “obtain” dogs, then throw them outside in the heat, bug infested environment to endure loneliness, boredom (which fosters aggression) to spend their lives “waiting” for freedom from the chains.
    This mind set is archaic, ignorant and cruel. UNCHAIN YOUR DOGS, AND PROVIDE ADEQUATE, SAFE AND APPROPRIATE QUARTERS AND ENVIRONMENT – What does it take to force humans to have compassion and a sense of responsibility for the dog they brought into their family? Clearly, it will take a law.

  7. Steve Chandler on July 19th, 2009 7:40 am

    wow….take a good look at these pictures people. As the poster said, ALL are from Escambia County.

    Look at the chains closely.. the average length looks to be about 4′. Four Feet.

    With the exception of the emaciated dogs? NONE of it is currently against the law. Kudos to Escambia County for moving forward on this.

  8. Sammie on July 19th, 2009 7:31 am

    Enforce the laws we have? What laws?

    Those people across from me have had that poor dog on a chain for ELEVEN YEARS and they AREN”T BREAKING any laws. Think about it.. eleven years. Thru rain, heat, cold. The dog has one of those “igloo” dog houses that probably gets to a 120 degrees or so on a hot day. I”ve never once seen them take her inside.. for a walk.. or off the chain at all.

    And I’m sure they thing they are good owners too…. they make me sick.

    Get a pet rock. And stop getting things that live and breath and that you can kill slowly but surely with your neglect…

  9. chain free pensacola on July 19th, 2009 6:07 am

    Why not let your dogs live in the house as members of the family? I would DIE first before allowing any of my four pit bulls to have to live on a chain. LIfe on a chain is NO LIFE. Try it sometime.

    Do these dogs look like they have the good life? These dogs are all local.

  10. amanda B. on July 18th, 2009 4:55 pm

    so you want me to take my pit bull dog off of his chain when im NOT at home……THATS CRAZY!!!! i could see taking him off when im home.but to do that when im not around…what if a kid was to ride his bike by my house and my dog bit the kid (but he would NEVER hurt a fly) then you would tell me i would have to put him down…thats crazy…i can tell you right now i wouldnt do it and i know alot more people that wouldnt do it…

  11. Mike on July 18th, 2009 10:17 am

    Now an adult, I fondly remember receiving a cute little black lab for my twelfth birthday. He stayed in the house for the first 9 months or so and then he had to go outside. We didn’t have a fence and my parents couldn’t afford one. I had to chain him outside. He was a wonderful dog. He loved hunting and retrieving squirrels, doves, ducks, and quail that we shot. He knew lots of “tricks” that I taught him. He could sit, stay, lay, come, go, get-up, get-down, etc. He even would “be polite” and eat a sandwich from side to side. He was, in some ways, my best friend.

    The thought of depriving a 12 year old and a dog this type of relationship is very sad to me. Why not punish the wrong doers and leave everyone else alone. It is so insulting that every dog owner that uses a chain is lumped together with these low life dog abusers.

  12. will c. on July 18th, 2009 9:54 am

    The Chain has NOTHING to do with wether or not someone takes care of an animal.

  13. will c. on July 18th, 2009 9:52 am

    I happen to own a pit bull, she is on a chain within a chainlink fence, this is not too be cruel to her and she gets everything she wants and then some, I used to just keep her in the chainlink fence until she figured out that she could actually jump over the fence,now keeping in mind that she can do this and the fact that the reason I have her now is because she kept biting people while with her previous owners(she has bit no one since I’ve had her,almost 4 years now),should I just just take her off the chain,let her jump the fence,then bite my neighbors children?Oh, I should probably just go ahead and have her put down, right? I don’t think so! She is a living, breathing animal, It might not would be right to put a human on a chain but dogs are not people and sometimes it is best for them to be confined by whatever meens necessary.She doesn’t need to be killed just because some time in her past she was trained to do this and it’s in her blood because one of her parents was a hog dog and the other a fighter.I realize some people think that alone is enough to have the dog put down but come on now we have pedifiels on every corner these days because it’s to creul to just lock them away.I think the dog should atleast be aloud to live even if it does mean she has to live her life on a chain,she still lives a better life than some dogs that live inside.

  14. chain free pensacola on July 18th, 2009 7:58 am

    Quote from *paws* “The people that I know in the Bratt area that chain their dogs are great pet owners.”

    Chaining your family member and being a great pet owner is a oxymoron.

  15. paws on July 18th, 2009 6:05 am

    The people that I know in the Bratt area that chain their dogs are great pet owners. We have people that do not chain their dogs, She runs in the neighborhood. She had puppies several months ago, I have seen her go in our shed turn over ice chest and eat deer meat that took hours to clean. She is lab mixed. She has almost starved to death.Point being chained or not some people are not going to take care of their animals.

  16. KEE on July 18th, 2009 12:08 am

    To David: I have dogs that I would never think of tethering. They don’t roam either. They are inside dogs and when they do go outside they are safe and secure in a fenced in back yard. Most always a family member is with them when they are outside. Perhaps what we need is more responsible and loving pet owners!!

  17. Delane Garrett on July 17th, 2009 11:57 pm

    I have four dogs I keep chained during the day. They are well fed ,watered and loved. Now ,on the other hand I could allow them to run up and down the road , take a dump in the neighbors yard ,or any of the other annoying stuff dogs do. If someone is stupid enough to meander up in my back yard you will get barked at and Ginger, who doesn’t take kindly to strangers will nip at your heels. And the best is coming up the road in middle of the night from work, like I do and this big ole bob tailed hound dog that someone lets run loose jumps out of his driveway at me and scares the crap of me .I say lets all let our dogs run free!!!!!!!!

  18. Sammie on July 17th, 2009 7:43 pm

    Kudos to Escambia County! Finally !

    There is a dog across the street from me that has not been off it’s chain in the entire 11 years I have lived here. A chain about 8′ long.. the dog has shelter and water (most of the time). She’s out no matter what the weather, no matter what the temp.

    She’s so starved for affection that the people put her food bowl down andkick it toward her because she jumps on people.. and they’re usually off to work in their nice clothes and don’t want doggie footprints on them.

    As was already stated.. why do they have a dog in the first place?

  19. David Huie Green on July 17th, 2009 7:40 pm

    KEE on July 16th, 2009 5:02 pm
    “It should be illegal to tie up any dog.”

    Tie that thought to the common thought that it should be illegal to let dogs roam freely to attack others or to be run over on the roads and you are left dogless.

  20. John on July 17th, 2009 1:14 pm


    Finally of voice of reason! Thank you for your comments. You are right.
    We dont need more laws.
    We need the ones we have now enforced.

  21. John on July 17th, 2009 1:12 pm

    I have never tethered an animal. Not once and not ever. But if I felt the need to do so for the animals safety…like say I was putting up a fence for the animal or a storm had blown a fence down…I wouldnt think twice.

    There are plenty of laws out there already that forbid abuse the likes of which we see here. We DONT need more laws. We live in America people! Freedom and Liberty being one of our foundations.
    If we let these laws pass we become nothing more than a Nanny State.
    These Animal rights whackos will continue to abuse our sympathies of love of animals to continue thier leftist ideals.
    Here’s your “Hope and Change”.

    Say no to more laws.
    Say no to a Nanny State.
    Say no more to violent Animal activist nutcases like PETA.
    They have an agenda.
    I remain.
    Thus endeth my lesson for the day.
    Dont thank me, I’m a giver.

  22. Shannon Allen on July 17th, 2009 10:23 am

    KUDOS ESCAMBIA COUNTY!! YOU MADE SUCH AN IMPORTANT DECISION FOR SAFETY OF OUR DOGS AND CHILDREN. I used to reside in Escambia while my husband was serving the in the USN. What great memories I have of Pensacola. Escambia, if you didn’t already have a place in my heart….you do now!!!

  23. chain free pensacola on July 17th, 2009 5:37 am

    To John ( “I have a dog that stays on a chain”):

    BTW…why even have a dog if the best you can do for him is a life on a chain?
    More and more communities are banning chaining and hopefully Escambia Co. will join the club.

  24. john on July 16th, 2009 11:15 pm

    i have a dog that stays on a chain and she is not violent and she is healthy. just because you keep a dog inside or in a pen doesent mean they get everything they need. its still up to the owner to take care of the pet. my dog likes to chew on chainlink fence. but i guees most of you people responding to this crap would rather see my dog with no teeth than be on a chain. some dogs dig and some climb, if there on a chain they are confined to that area but they can dig and run. sure no animal needs to be tied up without shade and water but that is on the owner. punish that person not every pet owner.

  25. KEE on July 16th, 2009 5:02 pm

    It should be illegal to tie up any dog.

  26. Jay on July 16th, 2009 9:36 am

    Don’t make me laugh. The BOCC can’t even get animal control to do any work now, so the law will be a waist of time.

  27. Darryl on July 16th, 2009 8:47 am

    Without the law in place, someone who is abusing an animal can not be stopped. Although the law enforcement agencies can not police every yard with a dog, the law gives the means to address a problem when it does come to light.

  28. waterlady501 on July 16th, 2009 8:18 am

    This is a tough one. While I agree animals should be protected as much as reasonably possible, our local law enforcement can’t police every situation at all times. People intent on neglect or abuse of animals are going to continue that neglect or abuse. Maybe fines or prosecution would be a deterrant, but I doubt it and those actions will ultimately cost taxpayers. I have lived at the end of a dirt road for 20 years. At least twice a year someone dumps out unwanted puppies, kittens, or even adult dogs in a secluded area several hundred yards from my property. Of course, mine is the first house these animals reach so then it becomes MY responsibility to either adopt them or turn them over to county animal control. Whilte this infuriates me, I’m not sure creating another law and/or enforcement agency will solve these kinds of problems.

  29. William on July 16th, 2009 8:07 am

    Just the standard warning that some readers might find the videos disturbing that were posted below by “animalabusersarelosers”.

  30. animalabusersarelosers on July 16th, 2009 7:17 am

    Here are some great web sites with a lot of info on why chaining is BAD!! Take some of this info and let the Commissioners know about it and why the anti-tethering is so VITAL!!

  31. dnutjob on July 16th, 2009 6:01 am

    We have nothing better for our commissioners to do? This is why taxes and permits are so high we have to pay for all the hot air they are wasting…

  32. animalabusersarelosers on July 16th, 2009 5:51 am

    Ok Folks, this is a big one! Please contact County Commissioner Grover Robinson to let him know about the plight of many chained dogs here. He is considering presenting an anti-tethering ordinance to the County Commissioners Board because more folks are calling in with complaints about these neglected dogs.

    Grover Robinson, District 4,
    (850) 595-4940

    Here are some great web sites with a lot of info on why chaining is BAD!! Take some of this info and let Grover know about it and why the anti-tethering is so VITAL!!

    Here is a great video on YouTube. “They live as prisoners yet long to be pets”

    Here are some nearby communities that have enacted anti-tethering laws. Yeah!!

    Here are pictures I have taken over the past 31/2 yrs. of chained, neglected dogs in Escambia Co. Feel free to use any of these photos when emailing Grover.

    Here are some brief videos I’ve taken of some chained, neglected dogs in Escambia Co. (Chained Pit from drug raids 4/2008) (Another Chained Pit from drug raids 4/2008) (Most starving, neglected chained pit from drug raids)