House Won’t Ban Sending A TXT While DRVN

April 27, 2010

Sending a TXT to your BFF while you are DRVN won’t be outlawed by the Florida House this year.

notxt.jpgA key lawmaker said Monday a ban on texting while driving won’t get a vote in the House this year.

Rep. Ellyn Bogdanoff, R-Fort Lauderdale, said there wasn’t time left in the session to pass the measure, and that there was significant opposition in the Republican-controlled House to the proposal, which was the subject of several pieces of legislation this year.

“It’s intellectually dishonest,” to pursue the ban, said Bogdanoff. “There’s lots of things people do in their cars that are distracting….that are just as dangerous. To single out one activity is not the right approach.”

She said there are already laws about careless driving and reckless driving. Bogdanoff declined to say she was killing the bill. “Sometimes the clock just runs out,” she said.


17 Responses to “House Won’t Ban Sending A TXT While DRVN”

  1. dodge girl on April 29th, 2010 7:40 pm

    Not only r kids texting while driving I seen a cop texting the other day. Not to mention it was in p’cola. I think that they should ban texting while driving. If they wanna stop me for not wearing a set belt but i can text while driving that makes no good sense to me. Somebody in the florida house has issuses. They just don’t wanna pass it cause they probably text while driving
    Stupid is as stupid does.

  2. i see it everyday on April 28th, 2010 5:18 pm

    Everyday I see bus drivers on their phones while driveing if you don’t care what happens to yourself at least think of the kids on your bus. I have called several times and givin bus numbers but doesn’t do any good same drivers one hand on the wheel another holding that phone. Do the job you are paid to do. You drive a bus you don’t work at a call center.

  3. S.L.B on April 28th, 2010 10:50 am

    Law or no law, people should use the thing in their heads (a brain) that the good Lord gave them to use and do what their suppose to be doing when behind the wheel of a car…..DRIVING.

    My daughter and I were almost involved in a car accident in Brewton,Al the other day when a grown woman talking on her cell phone started merging into the lane we were driving in. She didn’t even look over her shoulder or anything to see if it was clear to change lanes, she just assumed she and her phone owned the road.
    Thank goodness my teenage daughter was doing the adult thing and paying attention as she quickly merged over into a turning lane that just happened to be there and tooted her horn at the lady. I told my daughter, the heck with a couple of toots, lay on your horn for a minute so she will get the point that she is an careless idiot!

  4. Molested on April 27th, 2010 6:03 pm

    Florida is a no fault state. You can drive reckless and be the cause of an accident but it doesn’t matter to the law.Both are charged in an accident. MADD help legislate a lot of the drinking laws. Texting should be banned. It is the same as driving drunk and has the same consequence. Some of my family text. I text occasionally but not driving. But it is all the left lane blocking cell drivers and texter’s who are dangerous. The is no courtesy or common sense on the road. Move over and turn off the phone. Especially school bus drivers.

  5. thanks on April 27th, 2010 5:29 pm

    When someone you know gets killed from answering a cell phone or texting you will understand the reason why this should be against the law.

  6. NOTE on April 27th, 2010 5:19 pm

    It’s a shame there should even be a law. You would think that people would just use good judgement when it comes to texting and driving…drinking and driving…medication and driving, etc. Guess not.

  7. Molino Mom on April 27th, 2010 3:32 pm

    Yep! That’s right, common sense tells us not to do distracting things, like texting, while driving. And common sense also tells us to buckle up – but it’s still the law. I’m very disappointed in our representitives, very disappointed!

  8. Robert on April 27th, 2010 1:14 pm

    Problem is not passing the no texting law. It is enforcing the reckless driving law already on the books.

    The definition of reckless is: utterly unconcerned about the consequences of some action; without caution; careless (usually fol. by of): to be reckless of danger.

    I don’t know exactly how the law of reckless driving reads, but all one needs is a dictionary and common sense. Seems to me that there is already a law to stop people for driving while texting.

  9. Sylvia Godwin on April 27th, 2010 12:07 pm

    Maybe some of the people who are hit and killed (seat belts or not) is because of stupidity of the ones texting or fidgeting with other things and not having their mind on driving. If seat belts are going to be a law, then so should texting

  10. Jay Man on April 27th, 2010 11:07 am

    you can’t fix stupid !

  11. JJ on April 27th, 2010 9:16 am

    ban txting NEtime.

  12. huh on April 27th, 2010 9:06 am

    Support Republicans ! So We can all text while driving !

    “significant opposition in the Republican-controlled House to the proposal”

    Actually no don’t support them because allow insane things like this to continue

  13. Angi on April 27th, 2010 8:36 am

    OK this is just down right crazy for this law not to be passed, if you’re not gonna pass that law then why was the law ever passed about wearing seat belts. All honesty it revolves around the same grounds. (SAFETY) Think about it! People do need to use their common sense and not text or do anything that distracts them from watching the roads while behind the wheel of an automobile.

  14. geeze on April 27th, 2010 8:31 am

    people do stupid things all the time…I agree we already have laws for careless driving and reckless driving, but the officers HAVE TO ENFORCE THIS!!! even if they did pass a ban on texting while driving, how many do you think would get caught? not until there’s an accident involved I bet, and then it’s still considered careless and reckless regardless of what careless or reckless thing caused it….

  15. not an english major on April 27th, 2010 8:07 am

    I just hope that none of her family gets hurt by some DA (and I don’t mean district attorney) texting while driving. This is a huge mistake on their part not putting the ban through. “Intellectually dishonest”? I think not, I think they are just politically scared!

    I agree Century girl and I have seen people doing all of the things you listed.

  16. Chumuckla proud on April 27th, 2010 6:49 am

    Okay Ms. Bogdanoff, you just gave Florida teen drivers and others a really good reason to “text away” while driving because you and other lawmakers think “it is intelletcually dishonest” to pursue the ban. I hope you all have a clear conscience when the stastics of the dead and injured start piling up in front of you.

  17. Century girl on April 27th, 2010 3:13 am

    Should Common Sense have to be regulated? Law or no law- texting, reading, putting on make-up,or many other various functions should not be done behind the wheel! Do we really need the government to tell us that and threaten to ticket or fine us to get us to just “think safe and wise”?