$2.375 Million Project Will Align Quintette Road At Highway 95A Intersection, Install Traffic Light
February 3, 2025
The Escambia County Commission is set to accept a quarter million dollars from Circle K this week toward the realignment and improvement of the of the Highway 95A and Quintette Road intersection.
Circle K has an approved development order for a new convenience store at the northeast corner of the intersection.
The total cost of the project is estimated at $2.375 million for design and construction. Circle K will donate $250,000 and right of way toward the improvements. Escambia County has obligated $1.275 million, and Florida Department of Transportation Transportation Regional Incentive Program (TRIP) funding for $850,000 is allocated for 2026.
Currently, the east and west legs of Quintette Road are offset approximately 115 feet from one another, creating a hazard for the smooth flow of intersection traffic. There is no available right-of-way for a lateral shift on the west side of the intersection, but the east side has an approximate right-of-way of 100 feet, which could accommodate a northerly shift. Immediately adjacent to this intersection are a concrete plant, asphalt plant, a high-end vehicle restoration complex, a new residential development, and a proposed convenience store station on the northeast corner.
A 2023 study found that a traffic signal is needed at the intersection. A westbound right turn lane is also proposed, to reduce delays with logging trucks turning north onto CR 95A. The project consists of the design and construction of a new right turn lane on East Quintette Road for a free right turn onto northbound CR 95A, installation of a new traffic signal that will integrate into the Escambia County traffic signal network, associated striping and signage, and drainage work.
A timetable for the intersection work has not been announced.
Pictured top: One rendition of the proposed alignment of Quinette Road at the intersection with Highway 95A. Pictured below: A Circle K is proposed at the intersection. NorthEscambia.com graphics, click to enlarge.
14 Responses to “$2.375 Million Project Will Align Quintette Road At Highway 95A Intersection, Install Traffic Light”
When I first saw the map, I noticed the crazy west bound left turn.
Why not us the green space for a separate left turn lane?
You need to 4 lane Quintette Rd over to 29 too!
Very poor design, shows no futuristic thinking toward redesign to 4 lane 95A to remove congestion at Jim Allen. If McKenzie development goes thru, then you have double congestion. Redesign 95A sou to Hwy 29 intersection as part of this project. Future growth demands it. Spend dome of that 60 million OLF8 money on it!
Just another county screw up! Somebody better go sit at that intersection and watch the traffic flow and what kind of vehicles and big rigs use it!
That’s no improvement. Someone should give up their Civil Engineering Degree.
Absolutely a horrible idea! I live and use 95A everyday and more vehicles small and large turn left going south onto 95A from quintette hwy! This is going to cause so many accidents. Improvements are needed, another gas station is also needed but changing the direction forcing traffic to go north is absolutely ignorant! Let’s have people plan these improvements that have never traveled these roads is not smart!
leave it offset as the way you are mentioning will make it extremely difficult to go south on 95A for 18 wheelers, trucks pulling trailers, or campers, etc…. as we already know that vehicles don’t stop at white lines at lights where it allows the turn of large vehicles…. I pull a flatbed loaded with hay from Pace on that road and make a left turn to get to Muscogee so I don’t have to cross Hwy 29 at Hwy 196… or go down that narrow piece of Quintette Rd with the severe drop down ditches to get to Hwy 29.. the left turn now is still crazy since the road dips down on the right side… guess a lot of us pulling trailers or such will end up pulling through circle K to go out their other exit to turn left easier… Whomever is thinking of this design needs to sit out there and watch all that traffic that comes through there.. yes a light might help but not if you move the road the way you are talking about
Well this is a needed project, but definitely not as needed as four lanes for Pine Forest from I-10 to nine mile. That is way over due and the county should have fixed this many years ago.
I see the curve on the east side to be a big west bound roll over event…,
Put a redlight camera there to. Might slow down one or two(a day)
Those old 1940’s or 1950’s bridges over the floodplain have got to be reaching their structural age limits.
I wonder when they will be replaced?
And since 98% of the bridges are in Escambia County, I wonder if Escambia taxpayers will get stuck with the bill, even though both counties equally benefit?
6 years from now it will be up and running.
Then they will need to widen Quintette.
THEN you gonna 4 lane 95a south of there.
Then Quintette will be 4 laned.
great idea
Another messed up intersection.hope atleast have a left turn signal. All them new homes being built to have bottle neck intersection. Surprised they did not want round about.
Yes to the light, yes to the right turn lane, no to changing the whole road. That’s going to make that left turn off of Quintette very difficult, especially with a trailer. The light could just let one side go at a time.