Urban Development Center, Mayor, Push For Continued YouthFirst Century Program Funding From Children’s Trust

November 29, 2023

The Urban Development Center pushed for continued funding during a Tuesday meeting of the Escambia Children’s Trust Program Committee.

The Escambia Children’s Trust (ECT) awarded a contract to the Pensacola non-profit Urban Development Center for “YouthFirst Century” to serve 750 youth ages 11-18 over a three-year period at a total cost of $1.2 million. In reality, they have only reached 30 children in their targeted ages of 11-18.  They are pushing to lower their target age group to just 5-years old.

UDC directors, and Century’s mayor, addressed the board Tuesday morning.

“If you take this program away from Century, you’re not taking away one of the programs in Century. You’re taking away the only program in Century,” Mayor Luis Gomez said.

“We need this program to remain in Century. I know that it might be out of compliance a little bit,” the mayor continued. “This program is the only educational program in the town of Century. And we actually need it to stay in Century; it would be devastating to lose this program…just please keep it there.”

“It’s disappointing when I see 11 participants, 30 participants and yet we are spending $20-$30,000 dollars a month.” Escambia School Superintendent Keith Leonard, who sits on the ECT board, said “So, I will think long and hard prior to our next board meeting on where, where I will cast my vote.”

As they push for a second year of funding, UDC has requested a $189,256.70 reimbursement despite reaching just 56 children, with less than 30 of those in the target age range. That equals $6,308 per targeted child in the 11-18 age group.

UDC’s reimbursement request from ECT included about $60,000 for personnel, $6,212 in travel, $2,692 for advertising, $37,000 for program supplies, $1,201 for field trips, $59,000 in “sub-grants to partners”, and $21,000 for professional services for 56 children, 29 of which are not in the program’s target group.

In their application to ECT, UDC acknowledged that they did not have the cash on hand to operate under a cost reimbursement model. UDC approached the Century Town Council for help in early 2023. The town has provided the Century Business Center at 150 East Pond Street as meeting space, with upgrades such as lighting and an ice machine.

The Town of Century fronted $61,925 to The Urban Development Center to purchase items like computers and workbooks. The 500 workbooks at $52.75 per workbook were to be purchased from UDC for $26,375. UDC said they would reimburse the town after they received the ECT funding, but no specific deadline was established. At least $20,000 was recently repaid to the town.

The Children’s Trust board took no action Tuesday; they will vote at an upcoming December meeting.


20 Responses to “Urban Development Center, Mayor, Push For Continued YouthFirst Century Program Funding From Children’s Trust”

  1. SW on December 2nd, 2023 9:15 am

    Nothing to see here, just another Century-related bottomless pit of incompetence. Move along citizen.

  2. Not again on December 1st, 2023 8:06 pm

    I’m taking Century’s perspective on this one.

    The calls for the repeal of the ECT are way too premature. The calls for repeal are akin to calling the Georgia/Alabama game at the end of the 1st quarter when Alabama is behind 10-0. You gotta let the game be played.

    The UDC needs to better understand the community. And it needs to see that the funds are not intended to be blissfully spent. Sounds as if the plan was way over the top, likely caused by not understanding client demographics, attendance zone boundaries and school locations, etc. Classic unrealistic expectations without research.

    Century residents and families need to come to grips about the year over year “F” school ratings that caused closures years ago. Don’t just blame teachers. Families were not taking schooling seriously, and it resulted in losing a school. It is 2023, and all individuals must perform competitively, not pitifully.

    As for Superintendent Keith Leonard, it would appear that more than just your consideration of how you will vote on the ECT is needed. Maybe some on the ground effort and time is needed from you by leaving the ivory tower on Pace Boulevard, rolling up your sleeves, and determining how you can actually help ECT and UDC to be successful not just on paper, but also in all communities.

  3. Thomas Paine on December 1st, 2023 9:26 am

    Someone else said it, independent forensic audit is needed. BUT what will happen when/if it’s determined to be a scam is it will all be swept under the rug because the ruling cabal in Century and their minions will cry that it is a racial bias against them for them being called out for malfeasance. Even though the allegation is a tread worn last line of defense by charlatans and scammers it still gets traction with spineless politicians who are scared to hold such people’s feet to the fire.
    I bet if some of these local leaders had their backgrounds looked into there would be some interesting results.

  4. MR REALITY on December 1st, 2023 6:57 am

    This is like a personal ATM for someone. These programs, without PROVEN ties to the community and with a BOND or insurance in place shouldnt get a DIME of public funds. This stuff has fraud written all over it. More taxation without representation.

  5. JMC on November 30th, 2023 5:56 pm

    Getting Dr. Evil vibes there.

  6. John on November 30th, 2023 12:48 am

    I live in century and have kids never heard of this what they are talk about kinda funny how they are begging for this my kids is almost grown now just now hearing about this program

  7. Well on November 29th, 2023 7:01 pm

    Why y’all blaming Century for this one ?
    Century didn’t establish this tax to be wasted, Escambia County Voters did this mess.

    And with the money being wasted all over the County why not some in Century also.

    No success stories on any of it that I’ve seen.

    Vote another one in geniuses.

  8. Chelleepea on November 29th, 2023 6:36 pm

    For the first year…getting 50 kids is not a failure. Regroup, set a more attainable goal, present it to board for reconsideration. Focus more on outreach and make sure every parent and student is aware of the program in all the schools that serve Century.

  9. Senetria Harris on November 29th, 2023 3:39 pm

    If there had been more parents to apply we wouldn’t be going through this foolery, its so many people want to come and make Century a better place but you guys wont let them.
    we don’t have ANY schools here except The Head Start Program and PSC College.

  10. Beulahwood on November 29th, 2023 2:41 pm

    I surely hope this gets investigated to the core! $6200.00 in travel? To where?

  11. YakokeOfi on November 29th, 2023 12:20 pm

    Kudos to the photographer: those signs in the background say it all.

  12. ed on November 29th, 2023 12:15 pm

    repay the $189,256 first or go to jail

  13. Same ol song..... Same ol results on November 29th, 2023 10:54 am

    Throwing money into the ocean will not prevent flooding

  14. Lou on November 29th, 2023 10:33 am

    I didn’t vote for this to begin with. This is more waste of taxpayers money. Property taxes are enough already. More people on the payroll. We have a lot of programs to help kids in our area. Most people don’t know how to access what we have. Repeal!! This has been a mess from the beginning.

  15. tg on November 29th, 2023 10:24 am

    The Fox figured out an easy way to get into the Hen House and the County let it happen. No accountability here.

  16. Oversight on November 29th, 2023 9:36 am

    This isn’t the first nor will be the last scam of tax dollars wasted in Century. Repeal the tax!

  17. RW on November 29th, 2023 9:26 am


  18. Just saying on November 29th, 2023 8:59 am

    The people of Century spoke by not utilizing the services.

    Beyond that it just appears they are trying to prop up salaries of those managing the program.

  19. slumlord on November 29th, 2023 8:45 am

    anything involving Century+Town of Century+Urban Development Center+Century Town Council= super massive fraud

    Pensacola non-profit Urban Development Center for “YouthFirst Century” to serve 750 youth ages 11-18 over a three-year period at a total cost of $1.2 million. In reality, they have only reached 30 children in their targeted ages of 11-18.

    so, there is only 30, 11-18 year olds in school or in century

    “If you take this program away from Century, you’re not taking away one of the programs in Century. You’re taking away the only program in Century,” Mayor Luis Gomez said.

    isn’t there a school these kids go to

  20. JTV on November 29th, 2023 8:27 am

    The Urban Development Center + The Escambia Children’s Trust = Massive Fraud