ECSO Colonel David Ingram Completes FBI National Academy

September 19, 2023

Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Colonel David Ingram has completed the 287th session of the FBI National Academy.

Ingram completed an intensive 10-week program focusing on communication, leadership, and fitness training led by FBI Academy instructors, special agents, and other staff with advanced degrees. The FBI National Academy is a professional course of study for U.S. and international law enforcement managers nominated by their agency heads because of demonstrated leadership qualities.

Ingram joins Sheriff Chip W. Simmons, Chief Tommi Lyter, and Chief Andy Hobbs as graduates of this prestigious law enforcement executive program.

“We continuously look for opportunities to improve our service to the community. Training and professionalism are paramount to this mission. We are proud of Colonel Ingram and are certain the training he received will make him an even better public servant,” Simmons said.


5 Responses to “ECSO Colonel David Ingram Completes FBI National Academy”

  1. Maria Camargo on September 19th, 2023 12:12 pm

    Congratulations! Thank you for your service.

  2. Mike J. on September 19th, 2023 10:34 am

    Congratulations! We appreciate the hard work for this training designation and dedication to the Escambia County community. With more neighborhoods being built all around our own and more people moving here from elsewhere, FBI National training will be helpful to handle the influx, some of which may be of the criminal variety. Thank you for your service!.

  3. Beach Boy on September 19th, 2023 10:02 am

    Congratulations Colonel Ingram!! Thank you for your service and will pray for your safety and leadership.

  4. Jimmy Brantley on September 19th, 2023 7:48 am

    Congratulations! I appreciate your service.

  5. OhYouKnow on September 19th, 2023 6:55 am

    Good on Ya!