Flomaton, Davisville Convenience Store Burglars On The Loose (With Suspect Photos)

April 29, 2009


Authorities in three counties are investigating a rash of smash and grab burglaries at convenience stores in Davisville, Flomaton and Uriah  — all targeting cigarettes.

Two convenience stores in Flomaton where burglarized in the early morning hours within just seven minutes of each other. At about 1:50 a.m., the suspects broke the side window out of the Norwood BP Station at 1021 Sidney Manning Boulevard in Flomaton, according to Flomaton Police Chief Tim Hardage, and stole numerous items, mostly cigarettes.

About seven minutes later, a similar smash-and-grab burglary occurred at the Norwood BP store at 22685 Highway 31 in Flomaton. Again, a windows was busted and numerous items, mostly cigarettes, were taken.

Police are looking for three men, two white and one black, appearing to be between 18 and 21 years old. They were possibly driving a white four-door car.

Hardage said that a similar incident happened at the Davisville BP on Highway 97 Monday night. Investigator Frank Way with the Escambia County (Fla.) Sheriff’ Department said the burglars took mostly cigarettes in that incident as well. Hardage said a similar crime occurred at a convenience store in Uriah in Monroe County, Alabama.

Anyone with information about this crime is asked to call the Flomaton Police Department at (251) 296-5811 or the Escambia County (Fla.) Sheriff’s Department at (850) 436-9620.

Pictured above: One of the burglary suspects in a recent rash of convenience store burglaries in three counties. Pictured below: Another view of the suspect. Picture bottom: The suspect removes items stolen from a convenience store in a garbage bag. Submitted photos from the Flomaton Police Department for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.

Editor’s Note: NorthEscambia.com has digitally enhanced the photos provided by the Flomaton Police Department to make the suspect easier to see.




8 Responses to “Flomaton, Davisville Convenience Store Burglars On The Loose (With Suspect Photos)”

  1. Ray~of~Hope on May 2nd, 2009 12:19 pm

    just like gas when prices went up so high and were many drive offs, stupid choice, but people get desperate and go to desperate messures to get what they need (think they need). and sadly probably won’t stop any time soon as long as prices keep going up.

    Amen to “In The Name Of Jesus” ~
    that would be a great help and answered prayer to so many. there are so many that did somethin stupid in the past, learned their lessons, done their time, and paid their fines ~ and should be able to move on with thier lives. know too many that are in that boat. they have kept their noses clean for years to still have it thrown back in their face many years down the road! most people do have ’stuff’ in their past they’re not proud of (possible even illegal too)….just didn’t get caught and some of these are the very ones who hold it against the ones that did get caught!
    yes there’s some that don’t change, but many more that have and are not given a chance for so many things in life. Rules are good, but there are times when a few really ‘bad eggs’ make it impossible for those who want to do things to be able to do so. Laws are important, but sometimes gullible kids who don’t understand their options in given situations under pressure from their peers are seemingly forced into doing things they would not ordinarily do.or even want to do, and never do again, but like the old series, “Brandied” they can’t get a chance in life. So, we wish you well, and God bless you “In The Name Of Jesus” for what is in your heart to do!

  2. Darryl on April 30th, 2009 8:11 am

    I know an owner of a small general store here in Charlotte who had a rash of break-ins for cigarettes. He pulled the brand they kept going after and put up signs stating so and why in very blunt terms.

  3. Chris Maloney on April 29th, 2009 8:01 pm

    The top pic looks like a young Capt. Kirk!

  4. leggrizer on April 29th, 2009 6:46 pm

    What did this idiot do , POSE for these photos !

  5. In The Name Of Jesus... on April 29th, 2009 5:20 pm

    OMG!!!!!!! What has this world come to? Someone should give these people a shot at making money the legal way so that they won’t turn to the life of crime. I am majoring in Business and as soon as I am done and get my degree I’m going to start a program for convicted felons. I’m going to give these human beings a second chance to prove that they are good people afterall. It may come back to haunt me someday, but I truly feel that God will take care of me because I would be starting this program in his name, and constantly praying that he covers me in the blood of the lamb. Through PRAYER ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE….

  6. psu1earl on April 29th, 2009 5:14 pm

    Well done NorthEscambia.com! I look forward to the PNJ story maybe sometime before the end of the week…It will go something like, ‘police are looking for three people involved in robberies’. (they will not include a picture of course)…

  7. Laine on April 29th, 2009 5:07 pm

    Those are very clear pictures. Somebody should be able to id him.

  8. Beegee on April 29th, 2009 4:14 pm

    Now you know somebody knows this one for sure!!!!