Thompson Gets Life Sentence In Cheryl Cain Murder; ‘Closure’ For Family

July 22, 2010

cainstation.jpg Joseph Thompson will remain behind bars for the rest of his life for the murder of Cheryl Cain, the Cantonment woman whose body was found in a Pensacola dumpster in March, 2009.

Thompson, now 30, was found guilty of second-degree murder for the strangulation death. Following the jury verdict, Circuit Judge Ronald Swanson sentenced Thompson to life in prison.

“I’m tickled to death for the verdict,” said Danny Cain, Cheryl’s father, Wednesday night. “I hate it for his family. But they can go and see him in jail. We can’t go see our daughter.”

When he was arrested on the second degree murder charges, Thompson was already in the Escambia County Jail for violating probation on 2007 narcotics charges, according to court records, waiting for a bed to become available in a drug treatment facility.

caincheryl.jpgCain’s body was found in a dumpster behind a former gas station on Highway 29 at Burgess Road in Pensacola on March 25, 2009. DNA evidence from the dumpster and in Cain’s car were used to charge Thompson with murder, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Department. Thompson’s DNA was reportedly found in Cain’s vehicle, which was located after the murder at a Pensacola motel.

Phone records also connected Thompson to Cain, as well as a witness that testified that the two argued over money the last day she was seen alive.

It took an Escambia County jury just an hour and twenty minutes Wednesday night to return the guilty verdict.

“We finally got some closure,” Danny Cain said.

In March of this year, Danny Cain spoke to about what it was like to loose his daughter.

“It wasn’t suppose to be this way,” Cain said in that interview. His daughter Cheryl was a rodeo star, a proud Tate graduate, and doing what she loved — working with animals at the office of a Pensacola veterinarian.

“I think about it every day; something always reminds me of her” Cain said. “There’s no way to explain it. He took her life.”

Cain admits sometimes he thinks that he would like to sit down face to face with Thompson. “I wish I could talk to him and understand why.”

The support of friends, family and church have been important for the Cain family. A memorial in front of the gas station where Cheryl’s body was discovered has also provided a bit of solace. Hundreds of stuffed animals and handwritten notes have been left behind by the community. But nothing, Cain said, replaces the empty void created by the murder.

“We sure miss her. I wish we could have her back.”

Pictured top: A makeshift memorial for Cantonment murder victim Cheryl Cain at a Pensacola gas station. Pictured below (courtesy WEAR): Cheryl Cain’s body was found in this dumpster. Pictured above: Cherly Cain and her dog Bandit. Submitted and photos, click to enlarge.


37 Responses to “Thompson Gets Life Sentence In Cheryl Cain Murder; ‘Closure’ For Family”

  1. Lugal on March 23rd, 2011 10:30 pm

    FYI, there is no such thing as “parole” in the State of Florida, there hasn’t been since the early 80’s. Florida requires that all offenders serve a minimum-mandatory 85% of their prison sentence.

    When parole was abolished it first applied to all non-capital offenses. Capital felonies resulting in a life sentence (instead of the death penalty) remained eligible for parole but only after serving a mandatory 25-years. In 1995, law was passed eliminating parole for all capital offenses as well.

    In Florida, a life sentence = a life sentence.

    The only ‘early release’ mechanism in FL’s sentencing practices is gaintime. (Gaintime is a system allowing the offender to earn monthly awards of incentive gain-time, or credit for time served, based upon strict criteria such as exemplary behavior and graduation from voluntary rehabilitating programs.) However, 85% is the minimum, meaning the inmate is prohibited from earning any more than 15% gaintime.

    I hope this information provides comfort to the family.

    I also hope it gives some insight to those yelling from their soapboxes about Florida’s criminal justice system. First, shame on you. Unless you are educated and speak of facts, it is simply irresponsible to even insinuate to the family they may have to worry that this young man will walk out of prison on parole one day. Second, it is our responsibility as citizens to educate ourselves and if we don’t like what we discover, to seek change, ourselves. The Legislature doesn’t sit around reading comments on local news websites looking for good ideas on law making policy. If you think you have better ideas for how things should be done, focus your energy somewhere productive. Write your State Representatives, join an advocacy group, volunteer. Arguing with strangers on-line never has and never will accomplish anything.

  2. Lori on December 13th, 2010 3:19 pm

    I knew both Scott and Cheryl personally and they were both very nice ppl. What the hell happened to Scott along the way I’ll never know, drugs most likely but its sad that Scott did this to Cheryl. She did not deserve what happened to her.but he does deserve whats coming to him. For the family and parents of Cheryl my heart goes out to you, you are good ppl and didnt deserve this. May God bless you and may Cheryl RIP

  3. CainCousinTampa on July 27th, 2010 1:30 am

    Danny and Peggy, I’m so sorry for your loss and my heart weeps with you. However, it also rejoices in that finally, there was justice served and the Lord made sure of that. There’s one more angel up in Heaven and I pray with all that is in me that the Lord gives you peace and comfort. Dave let me know about the verdict and I just want you to know that I love y’all and will keep you in my prayers.==Ginny

  4. STUPID! on July 26th, 2010 9:54 pm


  5. Bama Boy on July 26th, 2010 3:55 pm


    Where was his witnesses, aliby and all of his support…………He had five people supporting him in that courtroom. Cheryl can never tell us what happened that night but Scott Thompson can……..and wonder why he did not take the stand?Cause he is guilty. Also answer one question? Why could he not take the stand?

  6. justsomebody on July 26th, 2010 3:12 pm

    to judgenot, you must be one of those people who only hear what you want to hear. he was not convicted just by the sweat found in her car, there was also dna found on the dumpster and the body. lets also not forget that her wallet was found under this morons bed. guilty guilty guilty. i wish the family could have gotten their own justice. sorry for all the pain caused to the cain family

  7. DAD on July 26th, 2010 3:02 pm

    Judgenot I was there in the court room and there was a lot of more then sweat. how about her wallet hid under his bed to start that he admits putting there. how abow the DNA on the light switch in the car 1 out of 250 million stronger then hers on her car that he swore he has never drove . The jury was sure and so am I ..hate it for his family they have done nothing wrong but you must pay for what you do .I didnt judge him I let the court do that.

  8. JUDGENOT on July 26th, 2010 2:47 pm

    To BAMA BOY!
    FIRST OFF>>> Nobody knows what happened that night but God, Scott & Cheryl. And believe me at this point I believe that Scott would have confessed if it was legit. I was speaking on behalf of everyone involved in the situation. So you need to relax. I have no problem with Judgement what so ever. If the judgement is accurate and beyond a doubt. Just because his sweat was found in her car does not mean he murdered anyone!!!!!!! THAT IS THE POINT I AM TRYING TO MAKE!

  9. Bama Boy on July 26th, 2010 8:23 am

    To Judegenot.

    Judgement has come. Scott Thompson (Murderer) is guilty. Found in judgement of Murder! No one has to judge Scott, God will. Yes God can forgive but it is God who says Thou Shalt Not Kill. So if you have an issue with judgement you address that with God. I dont know to many nice people who committ murder!! If being nice is murdering somebody and throwing them away like trash than count me out on being nice!! And Scotts mother can visit him anytime she wasnts to in prision! Before God can bless Scott he needs to man up and confess!!

  10. sharon cain on July 26th, 2010 12:50 am

    Cheryl was a cousin, a beautiful lady. Heartfelt condolences to familly. Justice was served. May he rot in jail.

  11. JUDGENOT on July 25th, 2010 9:37 pm

    This is such a sad sad situation… I am sure Cheryl comes from a wonderful family and I do not doubt that she was a wonderful person as well. The fact also is that Scott Thompson comes from a WONDERFUL family TOO. He was raised by good good people. This is a prime example of how DRUGS can ruin people’s lives. Cheryl was also a human being NOT WITHOUT FLAW! I pray for both families. Scott is truly a nice person. He is soooo funny and did nothing but want to make people smile and laugh. DRUGS destroyed him & his family. As well as Cheryl & The Cain’s. NOBODY WINS IN A SITUATION LIKE THIS. There is a loving father who had to bury his daughter before her time as well as a mother who has had her boy snatched away from her for the rest of his natural life. TRULY SAD! MAY GOD BLESS BOTH FAMILIES AS WELL AS SCOTT THOMPSON HIMSELF.

  12. L.M.B. on July 23rd, 2010 11:59 pm

    Thank you, LORD for answered prayers.

  13. jury member on July 23rd, 2010 11:58 pm

    i wasn’t able to have a say in the verdict seeing as though i was an alternate juror.(i walked in first after every break) and to the friends and family sorry for your loss it was an unnecessary one. i cant stress that enough.

  14. DAD on July 23rd, 2010 5:46 pm

    To the jury member I cant thank you enough. If they would have let us show all that we had your job would have been easy.Ithank everyone for there attention and seeing thru there so called defense. If you every want to talk please call my number is in the book

  15. David Huie Green on July 23rd, 2010 4:22 pm

    then it seems you chose wisely

  16. jury memeber on July 23rd, 2010 2:53 pm

    we had a choice between second degree, man slaughter or not guilty.

  17. Dan on July 23rd, 2010 8:58 am

    He deserves the death penalty.

    But, having worked in a state prison, I know that
    the inmate justice system will take over !!!!

  18. Danielle on July 22nd, 2010 10:23 pm

    Prayers have been answered!!!!!!!!!! May this family finally have closer knowing that he got life. Cheyl was such a beautiful person and comes from such a wonderful family. My thoughts and prayers stay with the cain family as they still morn the loss of their Daughter, Sister and Aunt. May God be with you all. Your church family loves you :)

  19. Susan on July 22nd, 2010 9:30 pm

    Cheryl was very much loved by our family who she was apart of for many years. She will always be remember for her warm smile and big heart. In a way you wish Scott would have gotten the death penalty. But they should put Cheryl picture where he has to look at it every day for the rest of his life. Maybe he would suffer more looking at the wonderful person he destroyed.
    I hope this helps her family in some small way, it will never replace their daughter but to know he can’t ever hurt another person may helpful. RIP CHERYL

  20. Mike on July 22nd, 2010 9:04 pm

    Thank goodness!

    Now the family can get some measure of justice and if one day in the future he wants to make peace, he can decide to tell them the truth and details of what happened.

  21. DAD on July 22nd, 2010 3:28 pm

    Thanks to all for your prayers. he did get life without any parole so he will be there for life. hate it for his family but at least they can still visit him no matter where he is sent and they can get phone calls . He took that from us. He is in a safe place

  22. a friend on July 22nd, 2010 2:42 pm

    I hope this helps the family in their healing process. Unfortunately, all the unanswered questions will always haunt everyone who knew and loved Cheryl.

  23. Samantha on July 22nd, 2010 1:47 pm

    This happened just a few days after my family had a major car accident…I was on the way to see my mom in the hospital when we saw all the police outside this gas station. It wasn’t until the next day that I saw it on the news and found out what had happened. My prayers go out to this young womans family! I am so glad they finally got closure but I know that it still has to be hard for them. I hope he realizes what pain he has caused to her family and that he deserves every minute that he spends behind bars. Maybe while he is in there he will find JESUS! One can only hope…

  24. Sheri Fowler on July 22nd, 2010 12:41 pm

    This MONSTER got just what he should have..well…I would have done the same to him…but, thats just me..sorry for her family noone deserves this..

  25. whitepunknotondope on July 22nd, 2010 12:08 pm

    If a guy who murdered my brother got out in 18, he’d be dead in 19.

  26. DJSheffield on July 22nd, 2010 11:48 am


  27. AL on July 22nd, 2010 11:16 am

    I am glad there is some measure of justice for Cheryl…. she was so sweet and kind (I knew her from a vet’s office). Even a few years later when she at another office, she recognized my dogs and called them by name at “Barktoberfest”.
    She was a one of a kind gentle heart.

  28. David Huie Green on July 22nd, 2010 11:10 am

    “Why did he get Murder 2 and not Murder 1 ???”

    I don’t see where they proved he planned to kill her before he actually did–Murder One. (He doesn’t look like somene who would go aroundkilling folks but then if we could look and tell, I imagine there would be fewer murders.) My understanding is that he meant to kill her when he did so but had not planned it out in advance–so we’re talking Murder Two.

    It should be easier to prove 2 than 1 and if the jury could only consider Murder One and acquitted on the murder one charge, he couldn’t be convicted of the crime at all. Maybe the jury had the options between one and two and one or more juror would only accept Murder Two.

    Best to get what you can and let his fellow inmates enjoy him.

    David for not murdering people
    and freezing murderers
    until they can be thawed as non-murderers

  29. L. Stevens on July 22nd, 2010 9:20 am

    too bad “life” doesn’t mean “life”. the guy who murdered my brother got 40 yrs for 2nd degree, got out in 18. the family is supposed to be notified when parole hearings are coming up, we got a letter dated the day AFTER he was released. nice. glad for the Cain family

  30. whitepunknotondope on July 22nd, 2010 9:12 am

    “I guess you have to be the one misreported in the News Journal and charged with trumped up charges to appreciate the hell of that you make light of.”

    Listening – Unless you were falsely charged and found guilty of murder you’re barking up the wrong tree on this article.

  31. Splat on July 22nd, 2010 8:52 am

    I didn’t know this young woman but tears form in my eyes as I read this story. I am glad that justice has been served.

  32. Bank Teller 2 on July 22nd, 2010 8:26 am

    My daughter was close to Cheryl and we are so glad that JUSTICE HAS BEEN SERVED !!! She was such a wonderful person and it took a really bad bad person to do that to her. Congratulations to her family. I know how close you all were. My daughter said that she would never imagine that he would do something like that just by knowing him through other friends. It goes to show you that you CANNOT judge a book by its cover right ??? He got what he deserved !!!!!

  33. Dan on July 22nd, 2010 7:55 am

    It apperas that this crime was premeditated.
    Why did he get Murder 2 and not Murder 1 ???

  34. Listening on July 22nd, 2010 7:51 am

    “And please, all you bleeding hearts don’t cry out to me about wrongly convicted persons!”

    I guess you have to be the one misreported in the News Journal and charged with trumped up charges to appreciate the hell of that you make light of.

  35. whitepunknotondope on July 22nd, 2010 6:40 am

    Well if this is the best we can do so be it, but I’d much rather see cold-blooded killers forfeit THEIR right to life within 4 weeks of sentencing, Federal guideline with no local interpretation or latitude allowed.

    And please, all you bleeding hearts don’t cry out to me about wrongly convicted persons!

    Hanging is the way to go for these monsters. One fall, that’s all.

  36. lil bit on July 22nd, 2010 2:13 am

    Yay!!!! But I say ummm he should have got death!!!

  37. me on July 21st, 2010 8:39 pm

    thankz god but i know some people sure woulda rather got there hands on him there self rip cheryl your truly loved and missed