Trials Continued For Jay Teachers Accused Of Relationships With Students

December 3, 2009

Court cases have been continued until late January for two Jay High School teachers accused of having inappropriate sexual relationships with underage students at the north Santa Rosa County school.


Ashley Elenea Burkett (pictured left), 31, and April Burford Watson, 33, both of Jay, were arrested in August on three counts each of unlawful sexual activity with a minor, a second degree felony. Both were released on GPS monitors.

Both women were due in court this week, but requests for continuances were approved by Judge Gary Bergosh, delaying their next court appearances until late January. Burkett and Watson have both pleaded not guilty to both charges.

“The investigation was initiated on July 28, 2009 after an anonymous letter was sent to the Santa Rosa County School District alleging sexual relationships between two Jay High School teachers and male juveniles,” Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office Spokesman Sgt. Scott Haines said after the arrests. The letter was turned over the Santa Rosa Sheriff’s Office for investigation.

“Interviews were conducted with the alleged victims in the case. Two victims alleged that they were involved in sexual activity with Watson at her residence and the residence of Burkett between the months of July and October 2007. One other victim alleged that he was involved in sexual activity with Burkett at her residence and the residence of Watson between the months of July and October 2007,” Haines said in August. “Both of the suspects were questioned by investigators and they both admitted to the unlawful sexual activity.”

Burkett taught reading and special education students and was  assistant volleyball coach last school year, according to the Jay High School web site. Watson taught math and was the advisor for the junior varsity cheerleaders, also according to the school web site. Watson was to be the varsity cheerleader sponsor this school year and Burkett was to be the varsity volleyball coach.


5 Responses to “Trials Continued For Jay Teachers Accused Of Relationships With Students”

  1. Kevin Bethea on December 7th, 2009 6:22 pm

    If convicted they should be punished, but nothing like life in prison, that is just crazy. If it happened, then they made a mistake. I really don’t think that the “Boys” in this case are nearly as innocent as they are making them out to be.

  2. Angi on December 7th, 2009 6:01 pm

    I find this very sick of these supposibly adult women to be having sexual relations with minors, they do need to lock them up and throw away the keys, jmho…

  3. Jay Mom of 2 on December 6th, 2009 7:48 pm

    You have got to be kidding! Life without parole and you think these boys will never be the same. HA! These boys are not harmed nor hurt in any way. These ladies will not just be slapped on the wrist, but you cannot tell me that they deserve life without parole. They didn’t murder anyone and apparently the boys were okay with what was going on, the article says that it happened more than once.

  4. char on December 6th, 2009 4:37 pm

    If their guilty of a crime like this
    I hope they get life with no possiblity of parole.

    The punishment for these crimes are always way to small.

    These kids will never be the same.
    What this will have done if true is change who they are forever.
    It will be a pivatal moment in their lives.

    Why should they get off with a slap on the wrists!

    Just my opinion

  5. What A Waste on December 3rd, 2009 2:10 pm

    To the teachers = Be glad your mug shot is not that bad I have seen a whole lot worse.. Pray Pray and learn from your mistakes and Pray some more hang on to the good in your life and do better when court is over or you have taken a plea count it as a blessing . And if you live in Jay MOVE because you will always be known for that . What A Waste