Rustic Rooster: Deli And Market Planned For Highway 97 In Davisville

January 12, 2025

The owners of a planned deli, market and shop in Davisville have filed plans with the Escambia County Development Review Committee for their business.

The Rustic Rooster will be located at 10251 Highway 97, near the Davisville Community Center. The building was previously used for retail and as a restaurant.

According to a handwritten letter filed with the application, owners Dave and Carla Carlson, “Rustic Rooster will opening as a deli and small market and antique store”.

“We are rebranding what the previous use was and to bring back life to the beautiful building in the community,” the letter states. “We have cleaned and updated the interior and exterior to beautify the property.”

The 4,243 square foot building is located on 1.83 acres. Application materials show parking in the front and rear of the building.

The application is set for a January 15 pre-application meeting with the Escambia County Development Review Committee.

Pictured: The Rustic Rooster in Walnut Hill as seen Saturday afternoon. photo, click to enlarge.


15 Responses to “Rustic Rooster: Deli And Market Planned For Highway 97 In Davisville”

  1. on January 16th, 2025 9:39 am

    :What happened at the pre application meeting yesterday? Is there a possibility they will not be able to open? Certainly hoping that is not the case!”

    Decisions are not made at pre-application meetings. They are more of a “you forgot this form, or we need more info on this item”.

  2. Retired on January 16th, 2025 8:44 am

    What happened at the pre application meeting yesterday? Is there a possibility they will not be able to open? Certainly hoping that is not the case!

  3. Makayla on January 14th, 2025 6:31 pm

    Wow I’ve been waiting for someone to fix it up and do something with this lovely building. I been passing this building everyday for my whole life and I LOVE what they did with the place. They will definitely get my business!

  4. just a fact on January 14th, 2025 10:50 am

    I pray for their success. But as a small business owner in this county i can say. Escambia co. Caters to big corporations and makes it very very difficult for a small business to thrive.

  5. S.Smith on January 14th, 2025 12:59 am

    We definitely need more choices in the north end. I loved eating at the restaurant that was there years ago, but I think they closed because the septic had to be improved.

  6. Kay Bella on January 13th, 2025 12:34 pm

    I’m so excited! Hopefully this is the type of place you can grab a decent cup of coffee and great sandwich. Hopefully there is space to read a book or newspaper.

  7. David on January 13th, 2025 11:42 am

    This place really does look nice. Best wishes for your endeavors to get it up and running. I look forward to stopping by.

  8. job on January 13th, 2025 10:56 am

    preachers wife is 100% correct!! BUT we need some businesses up here and definitely a restaurant—but the county wants to SELL and make money and has zero interest in what the normal people in the north want

  9. Hmmm on January 12th, 2025 9:37 pm

    @ThePreachersWife As a contractor here in Florida, I’ll guess that they were getting permits for setting up the kitchen etc. but probably didn’t realize that in Escambia County you almost have to buy a permit to sneeze. You want to put some sealer on your parking lot yourself? Submit plan, PAY MONEY, Let them review plan, Receive Permit, Do work, Get Inspected. Put some lettering on the existing sign by the road? Submit plan, PAY MONEY, Let them review plan, Receive Permit, Do work, Get Inspected. Change anything inside? Submit plan, PAY MONEY, Let them Review Plan, Receive Permit, Do work, Get Inspected. You get the picture. And once you get them out there for one thing, then it’s game on… everything is on the table. Handicap accessible bathroom all in compliance? Enough toilets for building max occupancy? Septic system up to date? Enough parking spots in the parking lot? Handicap accessible spaces marked? Address numbers on the building? And a million other things. It’s mind-numbing and feels like a never-ending process. If you don’t know, it’s easy to do some work that the county feels like you should pay them for permission to do. Hopefully they can get everything passed and get open one day.

  10. randy lucas on January 12th, 2025 6:05 pm

    Hey,they can serve me out the back door,lol…I’m tired of eatn Pizza from Davisville store and the Crossroads,love yall but I need something new..

  11. Molino April on January 12th, 2025 2:32 pm

    This will be a welcome addition to the community. Can’t wait to check them out. I do agree it would be nice if they offer coffee as well but obviously that’s not a must to get my patronage. Would just be nice to get a good cup of coffee in the area. But the place looks beautiful and I can’t wait to see the inside as well.

  12. EMD on January 12th, 2025 1:38 pm

    Met one of the owners. Seemed quite amiable. I am excited to see a new business in the community. I hope so much that this new business is blessed and successful.

  13. ThePreachersWife on January 12th, 2025 10:56 am

    William, this sounds like they’ve done all this work without county approval, and now the county could say no. Am I understanding this correctly? That would be horrible!

  14. SW on January 12th, 2025 6:46 am

    Looking forward to paying them a visit. I like to support local businesses when I can. Best of luck.

  15. Resident on January 12th, 2025 1:52 am

    So looking forward to this! They have done so much to clean it up and make it look better, can’t wait. Thank you investing in our community. Can’t wait to get a sandwich and please, please have good coffee and a place we could sit and read a book or work on a tablet!