Brett McCullough Named New Tate Aggies Baseball Head Coach

May 22, 2024

The Tate Aggies have named Brett McCullough as their new head baseball coach.

McCullough is a Class of 2002 Tate High School graduate. He has six years of head coaching experience. He also has seven years experience as an assistant coach for the Aggies.

McCullough compiled a 79-53 record at Pine Forest High School from 2018-2022. He was an all-state first team pitcher at Tate before pitching for Lipscomb University, Alabama Southern and the University of West Florida.

It’s an honor and absolutely privilege! Excited to get to work,” McCullough said in a social media post Tuesday night. ‘I’m extremely lucky because alot of people call their profession a job, I get to call mine home! Aggie nation it’s time to get to work!”

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2 Responses to “Brett McCullough Named New Tate Aggies Baseball Head Coach”

  1. Sharon Blanton on May 22nd, 2024 2:54 pm

    Congratulations again Brett!! You deserve this job and I know you”ll do a wonderful job with the Aggies!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. Unknown on May 22nd, 2024 9:13 am

    I have known this man since I was in elementary school, great job coach!

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