School Grades Are Out For Escambia County. How Did Your School Do?

July 8, 2022

The Florida Department of Education has released school grades for 2021-2022, the first full data release since 2019 due to the pandemic.

The Escambia County School District maintained an overall grade of B.

Nine schools received an A — Molino Park Elementary, Hellen Caro Elementary, N. B. Cook Elementary, Cordova Park Elementary, A. K. Suter Elementary, Pensacola Beach Elementary, Brown Barge Middle, West Florida High School, and Escambia Virtual Academy.

There were two F schools — Oakcrest Elementary and O.J. Semmes Elementary.

Warrington Middle School received an “I”, or “Incomplete” from the state. District officials are currently reaching out to the State Department of Education for clarification.

Individual school grades in Escambia County were as follows:


18 Responses to “School Grades Are Out For Escambia County. How Did Your School Do?”

  1. Amanda dunsford on February 9th, 2023 6:14 pm

    To the teacher saying put the responsibility on the parent,I can agree that it is up to the parent to makes sure the kid knows school is for learning not playing. Since you know so much about teaching and all who’s responsibility is it when the teachers are lying on the children? Making false referrals then you make 3 reports nothing happens assistant super attandent lies tell a lawyer a judge nothing happens got a fine for having tobacco products he wasn’t even in that class that day. Goes against his record for life nothing happens. So when the kids watch the system repeatedly fail them how are they supposed to act? How many more teacher are doing things like this to other kids and no one listens to kids so it’s easy for the teachers are you one of them that does it?

  2. NPC on July 11th, 2022 8:34 pm

    Thank you Bill. I would like to ask a question that a teacher with your experience may have the answer to. Is that form of test the most accurate way to grade?

  3. Bill on July 10th, 2022 2:13 pm

    Edit. Sorry for that.

    It’s possible for a school in a wealthy community to get a C when in actuality their students scored the same as an A school in a POOR community.

  4. Bill on July 9th, 2022 7:18 pm


    School grades are determined by the results of the standardized testing. Many people think it’s just a raw average of the students’ scores but that’s not true. Schools with students from minority and low income communities have test scores weighted more generously. Also, improvement is factored in, so a school that went from an F to what would’ve been a C gets bonus points for making gains so they might get a B instead but if it’s a low income school that could get bumped to an A. It’s possible for a school in a wealthy community to get a C when in actuality their students scored the same as an A school in a wealthy community.

    It should be noted that to get an F or even a D is abysmal. That means the school is in complete shambles and is totally dysfunctional. An F school is as broken as any school in Florida including those in the worst neighborhoods in Miami.

  5. Bill on July 9th, 2022 7:02 pm

    The reason I quit teaching was it was impossible, for me at least, to get the students to be quiet. Some teachers could get the students to settle down but most couldn’t. It wasn’t the major disruptions like fights that caused the real destruction of the learning environment; it was the constant chatter.

    The solution is to return to suspending students for being disruptive. Even the most ambivalent parents hate losing even a single day of the school watching over their children. Suspension works because it inspires parents to take the action needed so their child will stop disrupting the lessons.

    If the classroom environment is calm, teaching is pretty easy, as long as you’re well versed in the content matter.

  6. NPC on July 9th, 2022 4:18 pm

    I’m not sure why it wasn’t posted but I am curious as to how the grades are determined?

  7. Douglas on July 9th, 2022 1:19 pm

    I am a teacher here in Escambia County and the people that made the point of putting responsibility back on the parents at home are truly correct. There are students that do not care about learning and think school is more of a social spot to come hangout. Teachers cannot take these state tests for them and we cannot force them to learn the material because students are not taking school seriously. Those that do come to class to learn do well and pass these state tests that have a big impact on school funding. I spend more time trying to deal with cell phones, defiant behavior, and just getting students focused to learn and on top of all that there are other numerous things that take time from learning. Do not blame the schools for the school grade because there are a lot of great teachers in Escambia County that are trying to do great things in the classroom. It all starts back at HOME with the parents taking responsibility for their child’s actions that happen at school and dealing with those things at HOME.

  8. Dola on July 9th, 2022 1:19 am

    All of my children attended Bratt, but with the last one in middle school for one last year we have decided Flomaton much better for our kids after the last 2 years at EW!!

  9. Louis on July 8th, 2022 8:45 pm

    To Miriam…


  10. Direct correlation on July 8th, 2022 6:19 pm

    School scores are not school scores at all. They are simply a reflection of the strengths or weaknesses of given neighborhoods and the residents of the county where those students reside. Believe me, it’s not the teachers.

    To solve this… well, a lot of attitudes and hearts need to change in a lot of places. And when fingers point at the other side as being the problem, some self reflection is needed. If there are only pointing fingers, expect the status quo in future school scores.

  11. CHA CHING!!! on July 8th, 2022 11:32 am

    As much “school tax” as I pay from property taxes; all these schools should be A or B. Figure it out people or someone will for you.

  12. Miriam on July 8th, 2022 11:15 am

    There are no good schools in Escambia County.

  13. M in Bratt on July 8th, 2022 10:22 am

    With all the money that this school system takes in and spends, it should be able to pour enough resources into these underperforming schools to bring their scores up. If the school is getting an F, how much chance do their students have of ever being a success in life? These underperforming schools are a dumping ground for all the poorest kids, and I would guess that they are also the spot where the teachers wind up that cannot make it anywhere else. Instead of pointing fingers and placing blame, this school system needs to step up and fix the problem. The school has full control of these students for a full 1/3 of their lives and should be able to influence them positively during that time. You either deal with the problem, or kick the problem down the road eventually to places like CCI.

  14. bob c on July 8th, 2022 10:20 am

    @ Escambia resident…..
    Bravo, you have hit the nail on the head with your comments here.
    Have many friends who taught at WMS and had great experiences and loved the kids and worked hard for them.
    Sometime in the past 20-25 years there has been a major shift in family and home support for the kids. Nobody wants to recognize the “Elephant in the Room” and place the First Responsibility for kids education where it begins HOME.
    It is the
    Parental Involvement at the very earliest of ages that makes all the difference in how a child achieves and how they view desire for high accomplishment over just getting by.
    Kids at WMS have excellent opportunities and outstanding teachers but they are only in school a few hours a day. It is up to the Parent/Caregivers at home to keep up the positive education of their children and our future.

  15. L. B. on July 8th, 2022 9:59 am

    Amen Escambia Resident. “It Starts At HOME”. These parents want our teachers to be their Baby Sitters. And when a child comes home, with THEIR Complaint, “Their own complaint”. The parent shows up at the school now to Assault the Teacher. The Teacher’s need parental backing to help Educate their children, not insults because:
    “My Child Told Me”, “Somebody Said”, “I heard”, “Look like to me”. Keep that Fool home and raise them yourself.

  16. Howdy on July 8th, 2022 9:58 am

    What happened with Global. Learning Academy? This new school was supposed to be the best of the best and still consistent with a D grade. The comment by Escambia resident seems to be what’s happening. Society is falling apart with parents not interested in getting their children educated and helping them become productive citizens in the future.

  17. Gail on July 8th, 2022 9:25 am

    I agree with the Escambia resident. Today, parents expect teachers to raise their kids and for the government to support their kids. Parents think that the government is suppose to supply everything for their child…their meals, their supplies, etc. Then they want to blame the teachers for having trouble dealing with kids that the parents haven’t taught to show respect. I always told my child…you have a child and YOU are responsible for that child. Teachers and schools are suppose to handle the book portion of their education. Instead, teachers are having to spend time doing drills for possible school shootings, dealing with kids who curse at them daily or even threatened to physically harm them, trying to get the children to put their phones away, etc. If parents don’t start being parents and realize that teachers and schools need them to step up and support them rather than fight them every step of the way then our school system doesn’t have a chance.

  18. Escambia resident on July 8th, 2022 7:54 am

    I went to Warrington Middle School as a kid. I grew up in extreme poverty. There was nothing wrong with the curriculum or the teachers. Over the past few years they have tried even harder to do everything they can for these kids. It’s not the school. This issue is a home issue. When you have parents that don’t care what their kids are doing, that don’t value education, that have constant stress and disruption in the home, the kids won’t be able to learn. Stop blaming the schools and start holding the parents accountable.