Inmate Serving Life For Murder Assaults Century Correctional Officer

June 1, 2017

Saturday, a close custody inmate serving a life sentence assaulted a correctional officer at Century Correctional Institution, according to information recently released by the Florida Department of Corrections.

David Coleman assaulted the officer at approximately 7:35 a.m. Coleman kicked the officer in the leg. Staff responded appropriately, and the inmate was subdued.

Coleman will receive a disciplinary report for the assault. The FDOC did not release any information about the correctional officer’s condition or need for outside medical care.

ColmanĀ  was sentenced in September 2013 to life in prison on a Hillsborough County conviction of second degree murder.


21 Responses to “Inmate Serving Life For Murder Assaults Century Correctional Officer”

  1. Bob on June 6th, 2017 1:36 am

    The issue is the prison was made for a different era with a different set of rules and inmates and there is alot of time sitting. Behind those walls and alot of it is young statically speaking iinmates with time cause the most truble in there first few years another issue is the way the public seems to support inmates this is an issue nation wide the public is pouring fule on a fire they don’t have to deal with

  2. Rando on June 3rd, 2017 9:27 pm

    I agree with Paul

  3. David on June 3rd, 2017 2:22 am

    Too easy…who is running the prison…not Mrs Jones…she is admin…could it be ( just taking a wild guess) the warden, the corrections officers and staff….I saw all those guys there while making deliveries…never saw Mrs Jones running around there.
    Perhaps many dont like the lady, and never met her.
    I did in Gainesville while she was with another part of our state govt. Very nice lady.
    I guess everyone here could do her job. But you were not asked nor did you apply.
    Crying about everything under the sun to get personal attention and just perhaps…one up someone on this post.

  4. paul on June 2nd, 2017 8:37 pm

    If he’s already doing life and can’t behave they need to chain him to a flagpole in a thunderstorm and let God take care of him ;)

  5. Nod on June 2nd, 2017 10:26 am

    Watchout, they may tack 5 years to his life sentence, solitary confinement for life would be a good start for all such rubbish.

  6. Road Scholar on June 2nd, 2017 9:48 am

    @ David

    I don’t cast stones in an avalanche. Not to denigrate Ms Jones, who is already receiving at least one department head retirement benefit from the state, rather lofty, I would think. If she is not in charge of the prison system, who is running it?

    I am sure there are some “school trained” professionals who are ready to step into the breach.

  7. Matchbox on June 2nd, 2017 4:48 am

    Throw him in a hole for a couple of weeks with nothing bUT water and when he gets out he won’t have the strength to assault anyone

  8. David on June 1st, 2017 8:26 pm

    Julie Jones does not run any prison, what happens in prisons nation wide is whats happening locally here. Corrections officers are a slice of society ,,there are good ones and there are smugglers…
    There is no perfect prison and no matter who is put in charge of any prison..including Florida, people will find fault.
    There are good and bad in all walks of life and all jobs
    No one will ever be happy with any outcome as the world is actually become nothing but hate .
    Shoot…I will wait for a negative on my opinion and then someone will try and read something in this narrative. Thus proving my point.
    Cast the first stone

  9. mike on June 1st, 2017 5:46 pm

    Julie Jones must be one talented individual to get made head of so many different departments. :)

  10. wendell on June 1st, 2017 2:49 pm

    “Staff responded appropriately”

    I love that-gave me a chuckle. Well done.

  11. Bill on June 1st, 2017 12:48 pm

    Retired CO, I agree 100%. There does indeed seem to be a serious problem within that facility. It is an every day occurrence to read or hear of another incident there. Something seems very wrong with the administration there. I am almost positive, the COs are doing a stand up job, but from an outsider looking in, they must be limited in some manner to perform their duties. A D%M inmate is an inmate, especially one sentenced to life. Just don’t get it. BZ to all COs everywhere, it isn’t anybody who can do your job (speaking from the heart as my son-in-law works within the CA Sheriff’s office).

  12. Road Scholar on June 1st, 2017 11:31 am

    @ Retired C. O.

    From the Miami Herald, 3/18/16, Julie Jones began her career as a State Biologist, then became a Fish and Game Officer. She became the Director (Colonel) of Florida Fish and Game. After retiring from this She was called to be the Executive Director of the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, (FHP, etc.) Then she was called to be over the prison system.

    The article states “she had no experience running a prison system, let alone one as vast and broken as Florida’s.” She stated she had no more knowledge of how the system worked than the average citizen.

    It’s public record….”I report, you decide.”

  13. Northend resident on June 1st, 2017 11:07 am


  14. mike on June 1st, 2017 9:47 am

    Would more money have kept the prisoner in line? I think not, he is a lifer with nothing to lose, I’m sure he would tell you what he would do with that disciplinary report. The hole is all that will get thru to a prisoner, solitary confinement is the worst punishment. I think of the movie Shawshank Redemption & how discipline was depicted. Well we can’t go back to those days, now a prisoner gets a lawyer & sues if his pickles are not kosher. Put them in tents outside of that AC, like that hero sheriff in AZ, wearing pink like he made his jailbirds do.

    Work detail, getting to go outside, exercise yard priveledges, tv, these are all leverages that could be used to keep order, just deny these things. I would guess they can’t smoke cigarettes already. If they can smoke, byebye to those if they step outta line. Food? Step outta line, plate scrapings loaf. Commissary? Gone.

    There are myriad ways to keep them straight. :)

  15. Mary on June 1st, 2017 7:09 am

    Something has to be done at CCI, & NOW!

  16. 429SCJ on June 1st, 2017 6:58 am

    Fear and respect walk hand in hand; in the DOC.

  17. Les Bridges on June 1st, 2017 6:37 am

    @ Dan: Couldn’t have said it better myself.

  18. Gary on June 1st, 2017 5:38 am

    The Century facility continuously has problems with inmates either escaping or assaulting officers. Isn’t it past time the governor does something?

  19. 429SCJ on June 1st, 2017 4:55 am

    With the proper conditioning, Mr Coleman could be a model inmate.

    Spare the rod (black jack) and what to you get, a problem inmate.

  20. Retired C.O on June 1st, 2017 2:59 am

    Most of the Correctional Officers who were the HEART and BACKBONE of the Correctional Officer staff at Century C. I. have either quit, retired or been run off for doing their job…The Warden needs to go and be replaced with someone who isn’t their just to get a second retirement check…. Julie Jones needs to go… She has absolutely no idea how to run a prison system…. It’s very simple… It’s a prison… It needs to be run like a prison… It’s not a resort…. It’s not a vacation destination…. That’s what it’s being run like…..The Correctional Officers are the good guys and should be treated like the professionals they are and get paid like a professional…The inmates are the bad guys and should be treated as such… There was a time when Century C. I. had very few Use of Forces and very seldom had an inmate assault staff… It was the exception not the rule as it is today…. The Correctional Officers I mentioned earlier came to work every day… Enforced the rules… And were respected by the inmates… From what I’ve been told… Those days are over…. Great job Warden Bryant… Great job Julie Jones… You are a waste tax payers money… I pray the officer who was assaulted is okay and I pray that an officer doesn’t have to be killed before needed changes are made… Once again… ITS A PRISON… IT SHOULD BE RUN LIKE A PRISON… INMATES ARE THE BAD GUYS… CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS ARE THE GOOD GUYS….

  21. mick on June 1st, 2017 1:48 am

    A disciplinary report? – what is that going to do? Give us a break ,he’s in prison for life – Make life uncomfortable for him – no cable tv – no AC – bread and water for 30 days – scumbag inmate – what a joke , a bad mark on his permanent record.