Schools Locked Down Due To Law Enforcement Chase; Suspect In Custody
October 20, 2016
Multiple North Escambia schools were placed on lockdown for a brief period late Thursday morning as the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office chased a wanted Century man’s vehicle north through the county.
The suspect, Roosevelt Lamont Dixon, is in custody in Baldwin County. Outstanding charges against Dixon include grand theft, kidnapping, carjacking and grand theft auto. He will also be charged with fleeing and eluding for Thursday’s chase. He may face additional charges in Baldwin County, where he is awaiting extradition back to Escambia County.
According to Amber Southard, public information officer for the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, deputies began following a white Dodge Charger in the Pensacola area after a deputy recognized Dixon as someone wanted by the agency on multiple violent felony warrants.
Dixon crossed into Baldwin County on Barrineau Park Road. We are told law enforcement in Baldwin County later stopped the vehicle near the Foley Beach Express and I-10.
Schools ordered into lockdown included Northview High, Ernest Ward Middle, Bratt Elementary, Molino Park Elementary and Jim Allen Elementary, according to Norm Ross, associate superintendent. The precautionary lockdown period was very brief, lasting just a few minutes.
More details will be posted as they become available.
Pictured top: This Dodge Charger was stopped in Baldwin County. Photo for, click to enlarge.
32 Responses to “Schools Locked Down Due To Law Enforcement Chase; Suspect In Custody”
—get a grip parents. The school personnel is busy making sure that all students are where they should be, all doors are locked and try to have learning as usual—why should they notify that all is well and taken care of? That is what those in the school system do—take care of your kids. Thank God each day that your child gets home safe—-and don’t forget to thank the teachers and others that make this happen! God Bless our overworked, unappreciated, and underpaid school employees!
This is for all mothers act this way, when your kids are walking the street without supervision you don’t scream for someone to notify you then. So I say sit back and let the sheriff department do their work and keep you kids safe. Ya’ll need to sat back and pray and be thankful that we do have the men and women’s out there putting their life on the line for us and our kid.
Way to go first responder
Ensley elem. Mother, GET OVER IT! The school officials had your child’s and every other child’s safety in the forefront of their minds. you act like they were trying to hide something. Let these people do their jobs, stop complaining. No one really needed to know, except the officials. No one needs to hop in their cars and get to the situation and become part of the problem. Why do you think you need to be informed?
If it is for PRAYER and no other reason then maybe yes. God knows PRAYER needs to be back in our schools. But here is a thought pray for our schools everyday, keep them prayed up! then when something like this happens you know God has got your children’s and the school official’s backs also.
Molino mom, what exactly to you want them to do? Phone call? email? text message? send a note home with the kids? Should someone stop and gather details during the incident? if you just get a message saying the school is locked down, will you then complain that they did not tell you exactly why. According to the story this occurred late morning, it lasted a few minutes, was effectively a not event, it was reported here and you commented in it before 2PM.
what should they have done instead?
Looks like that sweet Charger came out of it okay. Great work deputies!
@ H Smith
The Tahoes are plenty fast. The difficulty is that we can’t blow stop signs and redlights without slowing like the suspects can. Makes it tough to keep up.
I’m praying for you cousin I hope you get it together and find Jesus Christ while your locked ul..
There wasn’t a need to put the schools in lockdown, he stayed on the main roads the entire time. The only reason he made it Alabama is because his car out ran the family Tahoe police SUV. The SUVs aren’t meant for car chases but for $50k a piece, they must be comfy. The ECSO did make a good effort and no one or any property were hurt or damaged. Enjoy your prison time bad guy.
Why did they not mention my child’s school on here? They were on lock down as well and I was not notified about it either. Anytime there is a lock down they should notify us parents no matter how long the lock down was for
@ Renea
A police chase is dangerous, but in some cases such as this, letting the criminal go is even more dangerous. Sometimes people do get hurt in such situations. It is unfortunate but this is a “war” on crime. Police cannot let criminals go free just because they run or fight. We do the best we can to minimize the danger. Spike strip don’t work if you don’t know where the suspect is going so that you can get ahead of him. In these cases we constantly evaluate the risk of chasing and weigh that against the risk of the criminal being free to commit more violent crimes against you and your loved ones. It isn’t an exact science. We are just people and do the best we can.
I wonder why felons from Escambia County Fla. are “followed” all over the county, then apprehended when they finally cross a county, or state line? Do you think it could be because of Sheriff Morgan’s let em go policy of “no hot pursuits”? Such a policy is probably prudent when deputes don’t know what the one fleeing has done, but the last few have been known violent felons. Sheriff; you should depend on the deputes you hired to have some common sense, and let’s catch the violent felons before they do more harm.
This is not a good enough reason to put the schools in ” lock down”. This is bad for the mental health of the students. I am so disappointed.
I would assume there not notified because the whole point of a lockdown is to keep students and faculty safe and once parents find out sonothings wrong, despite being told not to, they run down to the school and try and get there child, in turn making it harder to keep everyone safe.
I wonder when Alabama will get tired of arresting criminals that the sheriffs office chases into their state. I understand the last one but this was a known dangerous felon. They should have ran him off the road or at least put down road spikes.
Thankful that this man is behind bar and thankful all of our children are safe. But here is my problem, the officers responding to this situation put so many lives in danger. The officers were doing over 100miles per hour on 9 mile rd, hwy 297 and hwy 29. These are all very busy roads. and yes other offices need back up but there was a lease 6 officers that FLEW by my work on 9 mile, causing cars to run in the ditch. My husband was on 297 and these officers were taking the middle of the road on limited site areas. All to end up in Molino just sitting in the area of Scott Pharamy just sitting there. The ECSO need to take in consideration the amount of lives they put in danger today.
Another Poster Child of Tag and Release!!
This guy has been arrested 8 times in the past 6 years!! And that is not his entire criminal career!!
When are we going to admit that coddling these violent, predatory criminals does not work!!
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.
I’m a Molino Park mom and I got the call as well.
@Molino mom the school did call
We receivedd a call.
I got a phone call from the school (Bratt) notifying me of what happened.
As a law-enforcement officer responding to an emergency at a school, I can tell you that the worst possible scenario is that all of the students parents show up wanting to check on their kids. As a parent, I understand this. But if the roads are clogged with parents vehicles then emergency vehicles cannot get to the scene including ambulances that could save your child. If parents are walking around the campus, we cannot tell who is the bad person and who are just parents.
As a parent, we all want to know what is happening with our children. But as a first responder I can tell you it would be safer if you didn’t know or at least if you did not respond to the school.
@molino mom, they are trying to keep our children safe. They cant call parents for every little thing that happens. Im sure if it were actually life threatening parents would be notified. Let them do their job taking care of the kids. JS
Mine is at Jim Allen and we were notified.
Well I’m not sure about you, but I have one t Northview and I was notified. They did an automated call and told about the lockdown and who to call for more info.
Bratt parents got a text alert notifying us of the incident. Glad the situation was handled quickly.
My children go to Bratt and I got notified that the school was on a brief lock down.
There was a connect ed call. However, during a lockdown, the main goal is to maintain the safety of the children. It was brief and had it affected the school schedule there would have been further communication from the schools. Make sure the contact information your child’s school has for you is correct.
When well the suspects name be released ?
I’m just wondering why were we not notified of the lock down? We are right here by the Molino Branch Library and you have to pass us to get to Jim Allen. Our children are precious to us. We would like to be notified as well.
Be Blessed.
Molino Head Start Social Services Advocate
Molino mom: If the school called each parent when the school was placed on a lockdown, there would be no available faculty to ensure the safety of the students. Plus, many parents would insist on coming to pick their children up.. compromising the safety of all involved.
Bratt Elementry did call with a recording letting the parents know. I would make sure your child school has good contact information for you & that you are the primary one to call
Why isn’t the school required to notify parents when they are placed on lock down? I know it wasn’t for long but still it shouldn’t be something we should have to read about.