Clarification: Health Emergency At Northview

March 19, 2009

Clarification: The “health emergency” at Northview High School involving bird excrement at a single building at the school has not impacted the regular school day or Friday’s “Food for America” program at the school. There will be school on Friday, and the Food for America program will still take place.

“Health emergency” was the term used by the Escambia County School District in order to facilitate the cleanup of a single building without going through the normal bidding procedure for a contractor. There is no health risk to the students, and no impact on the Food for America program because the impacted building is closed to the public.

A health emergency was declared at Northview High School over bird poop, allowing the school district to take swift action to cleanup the problem.

According to school district documents, a building used by the Northview agricultural department was infested by birds, covering the interior of the building and its contents with excrement.

Under school district rules, Superintendent Malcolm Thomas declared a health emergency existed around the building, allowing a contractor to be hired without prior school board approval. The total estimated cost was $5,310.

Principal Gayle Weaver said crews are working from about 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. to clean up the problem.

The agricultural department at West Florida Tech had more expensive problem. Rodents in storage buildings, classrooms at the courtyard of the ag departments led to an estimated $32,300 in cleanup expenses.


11 Responses to “Clarification: Health Emergency At Northview”

  1. Teresa Watford on March 20th, 2009 8:32 am

    If anyone thinks this nothing, look up Histoplasmosis. My husband was suspected as having this disease and was treated with daily IV antibiotics and it was no laughing matter. If anyone works in areas contaminated with bird droppings, at the very least, wear a mouth shield and be sure to wash up afterwards. Those white suits in some lines of work are even called “bird suits”, so wear them if you work in areas you believe may be contaminated and include a mouth shield. There are many kinds of bacteria in that stuff. Diseases can not only be transmitted through the skin, they become airborne when the contaminated areas are disturbed and that is when diseases like Histoplasmosis can be a concern.

    So my thanks goes to Gayle Weaver and the school board for getting this taken care of with urgency because it really is a health risk to those exposed and, for the work crew’s sake, I hope they are wearing the white suits and mouth shields for protection.

  2. Allie on March 19th, 2009 9:50 pm


    Why would it matter, you laugh because you don’t go there, yet, it could happen at any school. NHS is not a bad school, and where the problem was located is a clean area, and it is recent NOT constant. It’s not really worth worrying or criticizing about because it will be cleaned up soon!

  3. William on March 19th, 2009 6:38 pm

    To those that thought I should have pictures…/I’ll be happy to accept submitted photos. Just don’t forget to sign in at the office and tell them what you want to do.

  4. Ole' Willie on March 19th, 2009 2:31 pm

    Don’t blame Northview, It’s the District that’s making a mountain out of a molehill er” poophill. It is in the Ag. barn and from my agrarian recollection, all livestock create poop daily , most of which are quite a bit larger than a starling with a corresponding increase in said poop, why I’ve heard that city folk even buy this stuff and put around their flowerbeds.I guess if it comes in a bag from Walmart it’s safer than if it is on the floor of a barn.

  5. me on March 19th, 2009 2:09 pm

    Terri, I’m sure that they would not mind saving the money if you want to head on over there with your broom and soap and get the job done! From what I have read on this subject in the past many major cities have the very same problem on many of thier bridges and bird poop can eat through steel. So I suggest that you wear more than your pretty little plastic crocks to cean up that mess. Have fun!!

  6. how on March 19th, 2009 1:41 pm

    The birds that did the damage are not students. It is aproblem with an open barn. Don’t blame someone, when you done have all the facts!!!!!!

  7. Terri Sanders on March 19th, 2009 12:55 pm

    Lert me get this straight…$5,310.00 for the county to clean up behind the students at Northview ? And then $32,300.00 for clean up of another county school? For cleaning up what the students and staff just sat back and allowed to go on until it was out of control? I wonder why the issues weren’t addressed at the begining of the problems,when a broom and hot soapy water would have solved the problem? Professional pest control would have been even cheaper if done on a monthly basis. The janitorial staff could have handled the issue . I wonder where in the budget the money came from? A couple more things like this and Century/Carver could have stayed open.But then again,the county is full of crap already so it is no surprize they threw away more money to transfer more crap.

  8. Elizabeth on March 19th, 2009 12:24 pm

    “Health Emergency Declared At Northview High Due To Bird Poop”

    That has to be one of the funniest headlines I have read in quite a while.

    Agreed with Jay. Where are the pictures, William!?

  9. Concerned on March 19th, 2009 9:43 am

    They have birds, why would they want you, Trey?

  10. trey flowers on March 19th, 2009 9:01 am

    glad i don’t go there.

  11. Jay on March 19th, 2009 5:29 am

    Bird infestation, this sounds like a spin off from a “B” rated Alfred Hitchcock movie. I wonder if the clean up crew has to wear “white poopy suits.” LOL!!
    William, we want pictures!