Ribbon Cutting Held For Brazilian Manufacturing Company’s Expansion In Century

January 24, 2025

A ribbon cutting was held Thursday for Algaplast, a 50-year old Brazilian manufacturing company in the Century Industrial Park.

In May 2023, AlgaPlast Corp. inked a lease for a town-owned industrial park building commonly known as the Helicopter Technology Building. AlagaPlast is the new American subsidiary of Grupa GA230 of Arujá, Brazil.

In Century, the company produces a variety of projects, including plastic injection products such as the front panels of retail gas station fuel pumps and laser cut and welded metal parts for other companies. Some of their custom metal parts are used by Blue Wind Technology and GE Vernova in Pensacola. The metal parts for GE are used to secure wind turbines as they are transported by train out of Pensacola.

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“We also deal with special engineering for developing these devices and industrial automation solutions,” AlgaPlast CFO Marcos Martins told NorthEscambia.com after Thursday’s ribbon cutting.

He said the company is proud to call Century their American home.

“Being in Century makes a difference for use and for the town,” Martins said. “This place was chosen carefully in order to allow us to deal with two very important customers to us, one in Austin (Texas) and another in North Carolina.  And we’ve gained the opportunity to deal with Blue Wind and General Electric.”

Algaplast current employs five people in Century, but the company hopes to double that workforce soon with additional growth to come.

Martins said the company has already invested $2.5 million in the new Century facility, and they are looking to invest another $2 million into expanding the facility.

Interim mayor Alicia Johnson said she is proud to welcome AlgaPlast to Century, and she looks forward to the company’s growth and contribution to the community.

Algaplast is renting the industrial park building from the town. The town re-acquired the 40,000 square foot industrial space at public auction for less than $1 out of pocket back in August 2009, following the town’s foreclosure judgment against the now defunct Helicopter Technology company. The building has sat empty since empty from 2009 until AlgaPlast’s occupancy.

The Florida foreign direct investment economic development project was facilitated by the FloridaWest Economic Development Alliance, the economic development organization for Escambia County.

Those interested in potential job opportunities at Alagapast should visit employflorida.com.

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6 Responses to “Ribbon Cutting Held For Brazilian Manufacturing Company’s Expansion In Century”

  1. Susie on January 27th, 2025 10:22 am

    Wind turbines… well, I wish them luck with the other projects they produce.

  2. Century on January 24th, 2025 3:45 pm

    I might be trying put in an application in . Closer hom.

  3. Just saying on January 24th, 2025 2:50 pm

    I see the past town clerk peaking around the folks in the back. Small world.
    What was the common denominator running off talent in the government

  4. Elijah Bell on January 24th, 2025 10:30 am

    Hopefully this will be the company that has the strength to stay in Century and help it grow and improve.

  5. Well on January 24th, 2025 9:26 am

    Good news.
    Best of luck and continued growth.

  6. chris on January 24th, 2025 7:19 am

    Finally, good news out of Century. Bringing jobs that are much needed.

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