Molino Man Accused Of Aggravated Assault Of Mother, Girlfriend With Ceiling Fan Blade

January 13, 2025

A Molino man is accused of assaulting his mother and girlfriend with a ceiling fan blade.

Timothy Bryan Jones, 46, was charged with aggravated assault on a person over 65-years-old, aggravated battery on a person over 65, aggravated assault, and battery — all domestic violence related.

Jones allegedly threatened his family with a knife and struck a parent with the blade from ceiling fan.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office responded to find Jones in front yard of a home on Pilgrim Trail Way with music playing loud enough to be heard from inside a patrol vehicle.

“Jones appeared to be heavily intoxicated and refused lawful commands to keep his hands visible and get on the ground,” an arrest report states. Two deputies took Jones to the ground, handcuffed him, and placed him in a patrol vehicle.

Deputies located his 66-year-old mother on the floor inside the home with visible bloody injuries to her head, neck and face, the report states.  She told deputies that he became drunk and enraged, pushing her  onto the floor before threatening to kill her and his girlfriend with a knife.

He then allegedly pulled a blade off a ceiling fan and struck his mother in the face before pushing his wheelchair-bound girlfriend to the floor.

His mother was airlifted to a Pensacola hospital, while his girlfriend refused medical transport.

Jones remained in the Escambia County Jail Monday morning without bond.


4 Responses to “Molino Man Accused Of Aggravated Assault Of Mother, Girlfriend With Ceiling Fan Blade”

  1. Willis on January 13th, 2025 8:50 pm

    Kate, prayer won’t hurt but if we don’t start having actions against these issues instead of excuses then it’s never going to get any better. As you see it is continually getting worse with little punishment for anything anymore.
    Hell lots of places don’t even try to prosecute.

  2. Anne on January 13th, 2025 1:46 pm

    Assaulting and threatening to kill your MOTHER …. Judge please throw the book at him and lock his sorry self UP for a few years at hatd labor.
    What a horrible thing for his Mom and girlfriend. May they both heal soon.

  3. Bill T on January 13th, 2025 11:10 am

    All I can say about this situation is Hold on because you are definitely going to prison for this!!! Drinking caused you a major problem and apparently you can’t handle alcohol period we all make mistakes BUT not like this !!!!

  4. Kate on January 13th, 2025 9:40 am

    This is so sad, notice they don’t place a charge of injuring a disabled person. Satan has taken over this world. Please pray that we can win with Christian prayer.