Jay High Student Charged With Weapon, Drug Possession After Weapon Found In Vehicle
January 17, 2025
A Jay High School students was arrested after a weapon and drugs were found in a vehicle.
The Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office said the student, who has not been identified, was charged with possession of a weapon and drugs.
The Santa Rosa County School District said a weapon and other items were found during the search of a student vehicle, and the items were seized.
“At no time were students or staff in any danger. Our staff is following all protocols, adhering to the code of student conduct, and following Florida State Statutes to maintain a safe and secure environment for everyone. At this time, further action will be addressed by Santa Rosa County Sherriff’s Office,” the district said in a statement.
9 Responses to “Jay High Student Charged With Weapon, Drug Possession After Weapon Found In Vehicle”
Brianh, I’m 53 and have had guns my whole life. When I was a kid, cops carried revolvers and a shotgun. They didn’t have ARs. If you had a pistol in your car, chances were that it was a revolver. Nobody ever thought of mass shootings except for a deer rifle from atop a tower 100 feet tall.
Robert, you do know that semi auto pistols have been around since the turn of the 20th century and AR’s have been available since I was a kid.
I can hardly believe this. Jay is such a small and unobtrusive school. My 3 grand daughters go there. I was struck by an air of innocence when I attended meetings or football games. I guess looks can be deceiving. If memory serves – this is a mandatory expulsion offense. Maybe a stay in jail or prison will teach him a lesson. I don’t have much faith in “re-habilitation” programs for minors. A good look at a long time prison stretch is a far better deterrent.
The difference with guns now compared to when I was growing up is now the guns are almost always AR types and semi-auto handguns. In my day it would have been a 12 gauge, .22 or .38. Nobody uses those guns for a mass shooting event and back then nobody thought is was a good idea to have an AR available for anyone to buy anyway.
I’ll take a bet that wasn’t the only vehicle with those kinds of items in it that day.
Danger ? Ehhhh
Oh yes the students were in danger. Drugs in a vehicle….probably isn’t a new “thing” for this student. It’s most likely been a common occurrence and O’m sure there’s more students doing the same. Someone tipped off the cops.
What about the drugs, was it a small amount or bagged to sell to his fellow students.
Drugs are more dangerous in their own ways
@No danger?
Students having guns in their vehicles was VERY common in my high school days. But there was never a danger of a school shooting incident. We would often go hunting before school and leave our hunting rifles or shotguns in our vehicles. We would sometimes even bring them inside the school to show off to the ag teacher. We never even dreamed of using it as a weapon to harm people. Gun possession has never – and I repeat NEVER – been the problem, and it still isn’t. Something else is, and until society figures out what that problem is and fixes it, it will always be a problem. But it isn’t gun possession.
I do not agree with the statement from Santa Rosa Schools, “ At no time were students or staff in any danger.”
If there is no danger, why was the student arrested? (Hint: Because it’s illegal to have such items on a school campus because of the risk … danger… they pose to the safety of the school. People are arrested in order to protect the public from the danger that individual exhibits toward the public.
Yes, there was a danger. But it was thwarted by staff and the SRCSO. Let’s not sugar coat the situation.