DeSantis, Ivey Order Flags Raised For Trump Inauguration, Putting Jimmy Carter Mourning In Hold

January 15, 2025

The governors of Florida and Alabama have ordered flags raised to full staff on Monday as Donald Trump is sworn in for a second term as president, putting the mourning period for President Jimmy Carter on hold.

“On this unique occasion where we simultaneously celebrate the service of an incoming President and commend the service of a former President, our nation’s flag will be prominently displayed at full staff to honor the tradition of our founding fathers and the sacrifices made by those who have served to ensure the torch of liberty continues to burn strong,” reads the memo from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

“Federal law, as cited in 4 U.S.C. §6, enumerates times and occasions for display of the U.S flag, including Inauguration Day, January 20,” Ivey reasoned in her memo. ” Accordingly, flags at state buildings in Alabama should be raised to full staff on Monday, January 20, 2025, to honor the inauguration of the new president.”

President Joe Biden ordered flags to half-staff for 30 days from the death of former President Jimmy Carter.

But U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson announced on social media Tuesday that flags will be at full staff Monday for Inauguration Day.

“On Jan. 20, the flags at the Capitol will fly at full staff to celebrate our country coming together behind the inauguration of our 47th President, Donald Trump. The flags will be lowered back to half-staff the following day to continue honoring President Jimmy Carter,” Johnson wrote on X.

In addition to Florida and Alabama, Republican governors in Iowa, Texas and Tennessee also issued flag orders on Tuesday.

In each state, flags will return to half-staff on Tuesday, January 21, as the 30-day mourning period for Carter continues.


11 Responses to “DeSantis, Ivey Order Flags Raised For Trump Inauguration, Putting Jimmy Carter Mourning In Hold”

  1. Just saying on January 18th, 2025 7:16 am

    FEDERAL law states that flags are to be flown full mast on Inauguration Day.

    A state Governor MAY order flags to be flown at half mast for the death of a former POTUS.

    Federal law supersedes state law. Therefore, BY LAW, the flag MUST be flown at full mast on Inauguration Day, regardless of political beliefs.

  2. KayKay on January 17th, 2025 12:01 pm

    Complete and total disrespect.

  3. Steve on January 16th, 2025 1:19 am

    Extend the height

  4. Lee on January 15th, 2025 5:25 pm

    Why does this not come to any surprise. Always working on dividing our communities and country over politics.

  5. JJ on January 15th, 2025 3:31 pm

    A Governor can raise a flag up or down anytime anddate they choose. Out of respect for change of D.C. whitehouse is far more in line for a resting president for a day!!!!!

  6. David on January 15th, 2025 3:26 pm

    Personally, as a Veteran, I’ve been saying for decades that we lower our flag too often for too many reasons. I’m for not lowering the flag except when it is not lit. If I die a horrible death saving a million lives, I promise to come back and haunt anyone who lowers the flag on my behalf. Instead, fly it higher and put spotlights on it at night.

    That said, the Flag Code (4 US Code 7) – calls for it to be lowered at federal buildings government buildings and U.S. Government owned ships – but doesn’t govern state/local government facilities nor privately owned ones. POTUS can request others participate but that is only a request. What Governors choose to do is up to them by law.

    It’s also been announced that the US Capitol Building Flag will be flown at Full-Staff during the inauguration. I don’t have a problem with that either. I choose to believe Carter would have wanted that – because of his lifelong advocacy of democracy and his respect for peace and prevailing authorities. I think he would have felt it appropriate to allow the Speaker to make the call on this one.

    I think Carter also would have known and appreciated that there is an important message sent internationally that the flag sends when Full-Staff for important transitions of power. In fact, that Full-Staff stature is so important that a flag is never to be raised to Half-Staff directly. It must be raised swiftly and triumphantly to full staff before being slowly lowered anytime it is taken to Half-Staff. So, if a flag is ordered Half-Staff and is not lit at night – etiquette demands it be raised in the morning light to Full-Staff, then lowered to half-staff each morning. Then, at the end of the day, it is raised to Full-Staff briskly before being taken down for the night.

    The importance of this is so strong that if a US Military Change of Command Ceremony happens to coincide with a Half-Staff event — the US Flag is raised to Full-Staff for the duration of the ceremony to honor the occasions. Since the inauguration is the Change of Command Ceremony of the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces – this is wholly appropriate and should be expected practice.

  7. CONfused.. on January 15th, 2025 3:13 pm

    Molino: Yes, but he is not currently the sitting president. and those who have decided to make this a thing NOW do not have the authority to do so. Hence why it does not make any sense for them to try and pull this move.

  8. Molino resident on January 15th, 2025 2:59 pm

    You do realize he will be the sitting president on that day, right?

  9. CONfused.. on January 15th, 2025 12:41 pm

    Uhmm…thats not how that works?? I’m pretty sure the only one who can change flag protocol is the actual sitting president…

  10. Guy on January 15th, 2025 10:03 am

    These people are sick.

  11. Bam on January 15th, 2025 9:16 am

    That is so disrespectful to a Wonderful President, human being and true Southern.