Century Now Has New Interim Mayor; Town Seeks New Interim Council Member

January 11, 2025

Century now officially has an interim mayor in office, and they are seeking resident that want to fill a now vacant seat on the town council.

Last Tuesday, Luis Gomez, Jr. resigned  as mayor for medical reasons effective Friday, January 10,  just as his new four-term was beginning. After volunteering for the position, Seat 4 town council member Alicia John was appointed interim mayor. She will serve until a special election is held. and she has indicated that she will run for the seat.

Johnson’s interim move into the mayor’s office opened her seat on the town council. The town is accepting applications from citizens looking for an interim appointment to the town council to serve until a special election is held. Applications are due to noon, Friday, January 17.

The town announced Friday, January 10, that applications should be hand submitted or mailed to the Town Clerk’s Office, 7995 North Century Boulevard, Century, FL 32535; or hand-delivered between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. to the same address. Applications can also be emailed to mwalker@centuryflorida.us.

The town said Friday, January 10 that the “Application for Interim Town Council Appointment” was available on the town website; however, the application was not on the website as of Friday night. The town said applications are also available from town hall or by emailing mwalker@centuryflorida.us.

The town council is expected to review the applications and make a decision on an interim member on January 21.

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7 Responses to “Century Now Has New Interim Mayor; Town Seeks New Interim Council Member”

  1. Ed on January 12th, 2025 10:31 pm

    Look people of. Century we are no better off than we was the new mayor is a Gomez clone

  2. Give me a break on January 12th, 2025 8:35 pm

    Well, it seems like a great opportunity for someone in the Century-bashing peanut gallery to step up.

    Y’all want to weigh in and infinitum about Century’s struggles? Here’s your chance to step up and put your money where your mouth is.

    Put up, y’all.

  3. Teresa A Comparetta on January 12th, 2025 9:21 am

    Former Mayor Gomez, Jr, hope your health has not declined to the point it is detrimental you need to move for treatments. God Bless you and your family

  4. George on January 11th, 2025 2:09 pm

    How much is the salary for the Century mayor position?

  5. Alex on January 11th, 2025 11:31 am

    Will Alicia J. need the hire help from south Florida

  6. Elijah Bell on January 11th, 2025 9:59 am

    What a better time than NOW for the residents of Century to get involved and make a difference. There has to be some folks that want a better local government.

  7. chris on January 11th, 2025 8:10 am

    Citizens! Look! Now’s your chance to enact change. Council seat open. Oh wait, it’s Century. Nothing will change.

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