Escambia County Receives Three New Offers For OLF-8 Property On Nine Mile Road

December 9, 2024

Escambia County has received three new offers for the OLF-8 property on Nine Mile Road.

Ryan Bell and Beulah Ranch, LLC have submitted a $30 million offer for the entire 540 acres.

Fred Hemmer and Rob Ahrens of Beulah Town Center LLC have offered $42.5 million. Beulah Town Center previously made an offer of $25 million for 290 acres, but their new offer is for the entirety of the property.

Chad Henderson and TRI-W Associates are seeking an option to purchase the entire parcel for $40 million.

The Escambia County Commission is expected to discuss the latest offers during a meeting later this week. photo, click to enlarge.


10 Responses to “Escambia County Receives Three New Offers For OLF-8 Property On Nine Mile Road”

  1. Susien on December 11th, 2024 10:13 am

    This is exactly why places like Bristol Park flood. Wawa on 9 mile is built on wetlands. The County seems to forget about watersheds, streams and wetlands. If this County keeps building and building and building our “Country Town” will be gone. If your new house has three feet of water in it one day, after you report it to the Insurance Co, will you sue the County too? It most definitely is greed…followed by pure stupidity.

  2. camper on December 10th, 2024 11:25 am

    Picture this: A 5,000 lot RV park…That’s what I’m talkin’ about, yeah.

  3. Willis on December 10th, 2024 8:48 am

    Get that $$$$$$$$$.
    Century could use a loan.

  4. Joe on December 10th, 2024 8:09 am

    One cannot stop progress. More affordable housing and hopefully shopping will help the area tremendously.

  5. Scott on December 9th, 2024 6:57 pm

    Well, they certainly won’t take the 42.5, that would make sense!

  6. Tim Getzlaff on December 9th, 2024 6:16 pm

    I am new here and I support leaving it alone. Pensacola and immediate area is full of really old building that would benefit from demolition, mid-range buildings and homes that some as well would benefit from life termination and then what appears to be thousands of apartment buildings stacked up like cordwood to a level that another really strong hurricane could topple them.
    This property on Nine Mile is a brief look at the past. Pleasant to see uninterrupted. Would make a fantastic park. Drop in a few trees, walking paths, which by the way would be of significant benefit to the thousands of individuals living along this area in the stacked to the heavens compact apartment units. I agree with others leave. Enough of this packed in living is enough. If the County cannot control the aspects as mentioned than a building permit should not be issued until the design drawings reflect the concerns of the people and all infrastructure is in place before the first shovel of dirt for construction of any facilities is taken. Been in construction quality and a prior building inspector during my 60 years of working. Know exactly what is required in advance and have seen several thousand locations where this was accomplished prior to any permanent structure being started. Still, best left alone.

  7. Alex on December 9th, 2024 2:44 pm

    Have state fix Pine Forest before the first nail is driven on this property

  8. EMD on December 9th, 2024 12:25 pm

    Please, please, please QUIT BUILDING STUFF ! ! ! I am sure MANY others AND the WILDLIFE would thank you. You are ruining a once really nice place. What to do when we are wall to wall buildings…………Quit making ugly out of what God created. Stop the…….what looks like……. GREED ! ! !

  9. Tired of the Drama on December 9th, 2024 8:17 am

    Just sell it already and get it over with.
    Does the county need the money. No.
    Does it need another 2000 houses plus apartments. No.
    Does it need more manufacturing area. No.
    But its going to be sold and developed because what the county wants is more revenue to waste. So just sell it already and get it over with.

  10. Tracy on December 9th, 2024 3:53 am

    If Hemmer gets it there certainly won’t be anything but more residential units!! It’s a Hemmer thing it’s what he does and has been allowed to do for years. No builder responsibility for traffic issues, piss poor roads and what not but they don’t care…its not them that have to fight the traffic in an already overcrowded area