Century, Jay Entering Into Mutual Public Works Assistance Agreement

October 31, 2024

The towns of Jay and Centery are entering into a mutual assistance agreement.

The interlocal agreement, approved by municipalities, will allow for the sharing of public works personnel equipment and personnel.

Either town can request employee or equipment assistance for the other on a case-by-case basis with no compensation.  The borrowing town will assume responsibility and liability for borrowed equipment and personnel during their use. Both towns expect savings and improved operational efficiency through the agreement, which can be terminated by either party with a 30-day notice.

NorthEscambia.com graphic.


6 Responses to “Century, Jay Entering Into Mutual Public Works Assistance Agreement”

  1. Mel on November 1st, 2024 10:59 am

    I appreciate HJS and Just Me mentioning the Fire Hydrant issue. I’m not sure if it’s the same one that’s in front of my house but either way thanks! The fire hydrant for my house in the historic district has been leaking for over 4 years! I have been reporting it for over 4 years to the town clerks, the mayor and the deputy fire Marshal. The entire curb in front of my house is a stagnant nasty mess. The kids can’t even have a basketball hoop and every time we have a parade the candy gets thrown in the stagnant water. I have been assured over and over that they are waiting for a “part”. Waiting for a part for 4 years hummm sounds like a bunch of bull to me!

  2. SS on October 31st, 2024 2:48 pm

    Well there goes Jay! Whomever made this decision wasnt thinking properly. Century personnel can’t even maintain their own systems correctly and now you want to borrow them for Jay …smh

  3. HJS on October 31st, 2024 11:15 am

    Maybe someone from Jay can come fix the fire hydrants and put some new paint on the speed bumps. You can barely see them at night and the signs have been knocked down at some of them. And while they are working maybe they can fix the speed bump on Hecker Road just west of Alger Road, it was built too high. I won’t drive the car over it because it drags. Gomez isn’t worried about the things in Century, all he cares about is his south Florida cronies, he is too busy taking care of them to worry about the people of Century.

  4. SMW on October 31st, 2024 9:31 am

    Town of Century needs to get off their BUTT’s and fix the roads!!!!!!!!! You should NOT have to wait months to have a pot hole fixed!!! The whole town needs an overhaul! Pure laziness!!!! I see Jay as the one’s who will get screwed on this deal!

  5. SW on October 31st, 2024 8:51 am

    Jay about to get screwed.

  6. Just Me on October 31st, 2024 8:40 am

    The Town of Century can’t even fix fire hydrants that’s been leaking for 3+ years, or actually test the drinking water like DEP requires. How would they ever have time to help another town.
