FHP Says Driver Pulled From Stop Sign Causing Highway 29, Highway 196 Crash

June 24, 2024

Multiple people were injured in a two-vehicle crash Monday afternoon in Molino.

A pickup truck attempting to cross Highway 29 and SUV collided at Highway 29 and Highway 196 about 2:35 p.m.

The Florida Highway Patrol said a pickup driven by a 52-year-old Cantonment man stopped at the stop sign westbound on Highway 196 before pulling directly into the path of a SUV driven by a 67-year-old Illinois man that was southbound on Highway 29. Both vehicles came to a final rest on the southwest corner of Highway 29 and Highway 196.

Both drivers and two passengers in the SUV, ages 66 and 38 and both from Illinois, were transported by Escambia County EMS to area hospitals. None of the injuries were considered life threatening.

For more photos, click here.

NorthEscambia.com photos by Kristi Barbour, click to enlarge.


24 Responses to “FHP Says Driver Pulled From Stop Sign Causing Highway 29, Highway 196 Crash”

  1. agatha on June 28th, 2024 5:38 am

    Folks just need to slow down. There’s a great, long line of sight to see what is coming but you have to look and be patient. No stop light needed.

    I would not mind if they extended the tiny southbound of 196 merge lane to a proper length. The one down the road at the nearly defunct business park is about the right length.

  2. David Huie Green on June 25th, 2024 6:29 pm

    “There’s nothing you or anyone else can do to change how someone drives besides spreading awareness,”

    Actually, there is.
    Pay for MANY more law enforcers and vigorously enforce traffic laws against violators.
    As it is some don’t notice they are doing anything unsafe because all those around them seem to be doing it.

    Few want to push all THAT hard, though.

  3. David on June 25th, 2024 5:12 pm

    NOW INSTALLED at this intersection are all manner of caution lights, the raised ribs that cars tires will alert the driver, PLUS, there are very bright street lights at night on BOTH sides of Hwy 29. What more can the state do, except install a full traffic light to make people find something else to gripe about. Let’s face it folks, if all these things laws can’t MAKE people look both ways, laws sure can’t fix inattention, and it is a proven fact that they sure can’t fix stupid.

  4. Kendall Doss on June 25th, 2024 4:52 pm

    @pat. There’s nothing you or anyone else can do to change how someone drives besides spreading awareness, however a light being on this road would provide more caution about the upcoming intersection. obviously rumble strips, a warning sign about the stop sign ahead, and a stop sign aren’t enough.

  5. Neighbor on June 25th, 2024 3:46 pm

    I’ll bet every one of you nay sayin to a traffic light there speeds up and down 29 like you could give a hoot. Just wait my friends, when it a loved one of yours that buys it there you’ll change your tune. And yes, I agree, you can’t fix stupid and there is a large percentage of stupid out there just caring about themselves and getting there as fast as they can. A light would help. You guys doing 85 would have to stop, or you’re still in the ‘stupid’ bunch!

  6. JJ on June 25th, 2024 11:30 am

    with cruise control, the speeding laws are so easy to follow.

  7. Spud on June 25th, 2024 11:08 am

    But dont You realize that whatever You are doing on Your phone is much more important than paying attention to the road….Heaven forbid that You might miss a text or something!

  8. Bill T on June 25th, 2024 10:41 am

    Well seems to me it’s very simple !!! A truck stopped then pulled in front of a car from Illinois!!! But it seems like all these people want to get all crazy and say stupid stuff ly we need a light we need this we need that oh it is a bad intersection everything you can think of except the fact that a person pulled in front of a car from Illinois and caused a wreck !!! HELLO?????? It’s the truck drivers fault that caused the wreck nothing more than carelessness!!! My other question is DO YOU PEOPLE UNDERSTAND THiS ??????

  9. Pat on June 25th, 2024 10:03 am

    People screaming for a redlight. We don’t need more redlights around town. WE NEED BETTER DRIVERS

  10. OhYouKnow on June 25th, 2024 8:56 am

    @Bill L

    You must of been distracted while typing. All you have to do is pay attention to where your fingers are hitting, its not that hard. Perhaps if you stop looking at your cell phone while typing it would be safer….. LOL

  11. SW on June 25th, 2024 8:53 am

    Looks like Bill L wasn’t paying attention to where he was.

  12. CCHGN on June 25th, 2024 8:40 am

    WOW, this is amazing.Every time an accident (BTW, accident?) happens, knee jerk reaction hollers for ‘MORE LIGHTS” SO ,the “knee jerk reaction team” County puts up flood lights! Well guess what? The next 3 wrecks happened during the day! SO the knee jerk squad hollers “MORE LIGHTS!!” , and they put flashers on the stop signs. Well, that didn’t help either.

    IMO, ya can’t fix a problem until you understand it. SO, a 56 yr old man stopped at the stop sign and then proceeded to pull directly into the path of a 67 yr old man. Does anyone care to guess the problems? HINT: NOT lights and signs.

    IMO, depth perception and reaction time- eye/hand coordination. SO, solutions? How about dropping the speed limit to 45MPH? How about a stricter DMV? After 55yr old, annual eye tests?

    IN a medical setting, if a person is crazy, suicidal or hell bent on killing folks, by law, the DR. MUST notify the authorities,. Eye DR are doctors, and they can assume that everyone who walks in with sight issues and/or corrective glasses , are drivers, so if a person needs extreme depth perception or far sightedness correction, the Dr MUST notify DMV, and they must get retested.

    SO, to recap , the problem is behind the wheel, NOT out in the intersection

  13. W. Ward on June 25th, 2024 8:11 am

    1. Traffic lights don’t stop people from driving through an intersection & never will
    2. Careless driving has become the norm everywhere second to speeding
    3. As said before the area lighting nor the stop sign lighting will change anything
    4. Distracted drivers are as common as pine trees

    Even after the recent accidents at this intersection there has been no LE or LE traffic units present to deter speeding or raise driver awareness. We’re paying for it, where is it? Nothing has changed even with all the attention drawn by the accidents. US 29 is still the only major artery for incoming southbound & out going northbound traffic in the county. Putting up a traffic light at the intersection will only impede the flow of traffic. It hasn’t stopped accidents at Molino Rd & surely not at Hwy 97 (Atmore Hwy). Just because a light is green doesn’t mean the intersection is safe to proceed through. A multitude of factors must be considered objectively not subjectively & regardless of the solution it will not please everyone.

  14. Resident on June 25th, 2024 7:30 am

    Ok let’s first state the obvious the planning board did not listen to the citizens. Everyone opposed the Dollar General at this intersection but the planning board saw Tax $$$. We the Citizens warned that the intersection would become dangerous from people coming and going. They did not listen. Now that what was stated is happening we want to punish the residents because people are in to much of a hurry by putting up a light. At the meeting for the Dollar General that was opposed by the residents the Dollar General representative stated that they chose to use Highway 196 for the entrance to avoid going to FDOT. I say they even knew the risk was going to increase.

    So now that the county has got their increase I Taxes $$$ . My personal insurance $$$ will go up because I live close to this now dangerous intersection and a light will not fix it.
    I say we lower the speed limit to 55 mph from where Homestead was located at all the way to Highway 97.
    I say that because we have add businesses along 29 and they are planning on more subdivision.

    But the only way any of this works is the increase speed control by issuing tickets. This would have to happen daily at different times.

  15. Annoyed Driver on June 25th, 2024 7:01 am

    I’m not surprised in the LEAST. I was driving northbound on Hwy 29 yesterday morning just north of Cantonment, and some idiot in a black car pulled right out in front of me even after seeing me coming doing 68mph. I barely had time to jump in the other lane, and my by the pure Grace of God, there was no one in that lane at that moment. She even inched up a couple of times at the stop sign, so she KNEW i was coming. It makes NO sense how dumb and reckless people can be sometimes!

  16. BGH2 on June 25th, 2024 6:36 am

    @ Neighbor…I completely agree with you about needing a light there. Others stated that a lights not needed because of people would just pay attention then all of these issues would go away. Welllllll, THEY ARENT GOING TO CHANGE!!! So, put the light up with warning flashers a half mile away to hopefully make these that aren’t paying attention to do so. What’s next? Speed bumps out on the main highway? That’s a joke but not far from a real thought. Praying for all involved in this recent wreck as well as the others who have been through one at this intersection. With all the froth towards the North end it’s only going to get worse people.
    Oh, hey Mr Bill, by now you know there isn’t a light there…js

  17. Neighbor on June 25th, 2024 2:48 am

    1st of all… @Bill L, you kind of set yourself up for this. Pay attention where you are driving. You might end up the next story.

    2nd… it looks like some one (powers that be) are interested in doing something toward providing a safer intersection. It has been inherently dangerous for many years and now as the population grows so are the risks pulling out to cross, or turn at 196 and 29. I have lived a mile from the intersection for about a dozen years and have persally witnessed 2 near fatal accidents and come up on the recent aftermath of several more.

    You guys that swear against having a stop light there, come on Man! The statistics offered for accidents and fatalities over the last 30 years don’t make sense as I know for a fact the population in the area, and traffic has at least doubled through there in the years I’ve been here. People will always ‘not pay attention’ or ‘be distracted’, or be just plain stupid! You can’t fix that. But most folks are alerted to a red light changing from yellow means STOP ahead. A green light means it should be safe to go. A traffic light slows things down but then lives are saved. If you that are against a light being out there, you might change your mind if it was a loved one, or you yourself involved in the accident.

    It is too bad these accidents keep happening and it looks like somebody is interested enough to look for a way to make that intersection safer. We’ll see.

  18. Debbie Lukkar on June 25th, 2024 1:38 am

    There’s no red light at 196 and Highway 29

  19. Cantonment born and raised on June 25th, 2024 12:59 am

    Bill L.- there is not a traffic light at this intersection so I’m not sure where you were

    If people would stay off of their phones, driving would be a whole lot safer. It isn’t hard to drive by any means as long as you are paying attention to your surroundings

  20. straightshooter on June 24th, 2024 11:27 pm

    @Bill L
    You must be talking about Molino Rd. There are no lights at 196 and 29, nor does there need to be. We just need drivers to pay attention to driving.

  21. JJ on June 24th, 2024 11:23 pm

    @BILL L

  22. Bill L. on June 24th, 2024 10:21 pm

    First I hope everyone will be okay. People are not paying attention all the traffic lights, lights, and stop signs will not stop people from being distracted and simply being stupid. Just this morning I was on 29 waiting to turn west on 196 all of the lights were red, when the arrow went green for me to turn and the north / south lights remained red a young lady who was applying her makeup started to proceed causing the car turning east to slam on there brakes…. absolutely no excuse for this. Pay attention

  23. Molino resident on June 24th, 2024 10:02 pm

    This makes no sense. Obviously one or more of the drivers is not paying attention. Possibly texting or just doesn’t know how to drive. A flashing light now has been added to make everyone aware there is a stop sign, but that doesn’t seem to help. I have lived on 196 for 25 years. All you have to do is pay attention. Drive defensively and offensively. It really isn’t that difficult.

  24. Cking on June 24th, 2024 7:52 pm

    Wow! Another accident at this intersection. Prayers for those in the wreck. They installed cameras. That should help to determine what happened. Please pay attention while driving and judge your speed and the speed of other vehicles here. It’s so sad this has happened again.