Shutout Win For Tate Baseball As They Honor ‘84 National Champ Aggies

April 17, 2024

Tate 12, Washington 0

The Tate High School Aggies baseball team honored their national championship legacy Tuesday night as they shut out Washington 12-0 in Cantonment.

The 1984 Tate baseball team (35-1) won both the state title and the national championship and Tuesday night was their 40th reunion.  The current Aggies wore commemorative jerseys with the number “84″ on the sleeve to honor the team.

Kaleb Posta earned the win for Tate Tuesday night, giving up one and no runs over a complete five-inning game.

Bray Touchstone had a three-run RBI home run for the Aggies in the bottom of the fourth. Trey Rebber and Madox Lan both had two hits for Tate. Connor Hassell and Quiggins were back-to-back in the lineup and they both had three RBIs.

The Tate Aggies will be at West Florida on Wednesday.

Images courtesy WEAR 3 for, click to enlarge.


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