Vice President Of Escambia (Ala.) School Board Charged With Revealing Grand Jury Secrets

December 4, 2023

Another member of the Escambia County (Alabama) School Board has been charged with revealing grand jury secrets.

District 4 Board Member Cynthia A. Jackson, age 72, who was elected board vice president just last week, was arrested midday Monday on a charge related to revealing grand jury secrets, according to jail records.

Last week, an Escambia County, Alabama School Board member, who is a weekly newspaper owner and publisher, and one of her reporters were officially been indicted by a grand jury.

Atmore News Publisher Sherry Digmon, 72, and Don Fletcher, 69, were each indicted by an Escambia County Grand Jury on charges of “revealing evidence of the grand jury”.

Both were set to appear in court Monday for a preliminary hearing, but that hearing was canceled after the indictment was returned. They are no longer eligible for a preliminary hearing after being indicted.

Digmon is co-owner and publisher of The Atmore News which reported October 25 that the local district attorney was investigating COVID funds paid to school system employees. The paper also revealed that Digmon’s phone and that the phone of another school board member had been seized under a search warrant. Both had recently voted against renewing an employment contract with Superintendent of Education Michele McClung.


11 Responses to “Vice President Of Escambia (Ala.) School Board Charged With Revealing Grand Jury Secrets”

  1. Wyse on December 15th, 2023 6:46 am

    Political bullcrap how dare anyone pass judgement !!! Shame on all of you !!! The truth will come out !!! Stay tuned !!! God doesn’t like ugly !!! What Happen to Innocent until proving guilty…. The truth will come out !!!!

  2. Parent on December 6th, 2023 1:30 am

    Get these crooks out, put Mr. Brantley and Mr. Bowens in!

  3. Reader on December 5th, 2023 2:32 am

    Both Sherry Digmon and Cindy Jackson should vacate their seat on the school board. When they both were seeking re-election on last year, I thought who in the world would vote to re-elect those two. Neither of the two had a plan to help move the school system forward. In fact Sherry Digmon didn’t even attend the Republican run off meetings between her and the gentleman who ran against her. That particular gentleman attended the meeting, he was well spoken and he had a plan to help our school system improve. I truly hope that gentleman is given her seat as well as the gentleman who ran against Cindy Jackson. If my memory serves me correctly both gentlemen were veteran educators and they both had a strategic plan to help improve our school system. Our school system cannot and will not thrive under bad leadership. It’s time that someone should reach out to those two gentlemen who I personally think would do an outstanding job on our local school board.

  4. Concerned Citizen on December 5th, 2023 12:47 am

    It’s a sad day when you entrust a school board member to do what’s BEST for the children in this county and all you see is crookedness, unethical behaviors, untruths, workings behind closed doors, sunshine laws broken, and personal agendas being pushed!! It’s been happening FOR YEARS!! Get these people OUT and put people in these positions who actually have the BEST interests of our kids at HEART! It’s a shame that this is going on in our county! I can promise you she wouldn’t have been arrested if there wasn’t any TRUTH behind it! If found guilty, she should be IMPEACHED!!!

  5. Billy Elder on December 4th, 2023 11:09 pm

    In America I believe you are innocent until proven guilty. It seems that y’all are already building the gallows for a hanging.

  6. Billy Elder on December 4th, 2023 11:02 pm

    I believe that in America you are innocent until proven guilty. Not, guilty until proven innocent. Just because someone is arrested doesn’t mean they are guilty. The comments have them convicted and hung at daybreak.

  7. Mickey powell on December 4th, 2023 10:51 pm

    Mickey Powell. They, she’ he, shes knowed better. Case closed

  8. Concerned Parent on December 4th, 2023 10:04 pm

    Resident, yes we do deserve better. Especially when it comes to our kids. What a great example she is being the newly appointed vice president of the school board. They better do whatever they can to keep superintendent McClung and get rid of this embarrassment!! They voted the wrong person out

  9. Resident on December 4th, 2023 9:38 pm

    Mrs Jackson we use to be friends. I live in Escambia County Al. You are a disgrace to this country you should step down from the School board and the Volunteers fire department you can not be trusted. We the citizens of this country deserve better than this.

    Ho Ho

  10. Just saying on December 4th, 2023 8:11 pm

    Witch hunt? Is it still a witch hunt if they catch witches.

    Lost in the shuffle the fact that Jackson and Digman’s phones were seized.

    Think there might be evidence of a crime on them??

  11. What on December 4th, 2023 7:10 pm

    What is this madness? This seems like a political witch hunt to me!