Molino Development Proposed With Over 2,350 Apartments, 2,000 Home Lots On Nearly 1,500 Acres

July 11, 2023

A St. Petersburg, Florida, investment firm is seeking to construct a large mixed-used development on nearly 1,500 acres in Molino.

The Woodland Park development, once completed, would have 2,356 townhomes and apartments, 2,065 single family lots  (50′ x 120′ or 60′ x 130′), nearly 100 acres for commercial development, plus land for a fire station, school and other public uses, according to planning documents. The 1,486 acre development would be located west of Highway 29 and south of Highway 196 in Molino on land already owned by the investment company.

Exit 3 Investments, LLC has multiple applications pending this week before the Escambia County Planning Board as they seek to opt parcels out of the Escambia County Sector Plan and rezone multiple parcels for higher densities.

For the most part, Escambia County Planning staff found that all three rezoning requests are consistent with the comprehensive plan and the county’s land development code.

However, planning staff the proposed amendment to the high density residential (HDR) use is not consistent with the land development code on one side of the property that is next to agricultural zoning. Staff also found that the proposed high density residential zone is not compatible with surrounding uses because that provides for residential neighborhood development with a greater dwelling unit density within urban areas — not adjoining an agriculture zone.

“The land uses or development conditions within the area surrounding the properties are changing as development appears to be moving to the north and west. The development within the area has remained residential large lots with activities that support agricultural uses. Potential uses allowed in HDR would not be compatible with the existing surrounding development patterns,” county staff wrote in their report on the rezoning request on the most northern part of the parcel near Highway 196.

The Escambia County Planning Board will consider the Exit 3 applications for Woodland Park during a public meeting beginning at 8:30 a.m. Thursday at the Escambia County Central Office Complex at 3363 West Park Place in Pensacola.



The applicant states they have an existing agreement with Escambia County for the construction of a roadway to be named Woodland Parkway from an extension of the existing Mathison Road to intersection with a western extension of Quintette Road, which would be funded by the county.

Water and Sewer

The development would be served entirely by Molino Utilities with a backup connection to Cottage Hill Water Works. An on-site water storage facility would be constructed “at some point” to increase pressure for fire protection. Sewer would be provided by ECUA.


Exit 3 would donate 40 acres to the Escambia County School District for a new K-8 school.

Other Infrastructure

The developer would donate 20 acres to Escambia County for community services such as a fire station, library, storm water facilities, and other public uses as the county sees fit. graphic.


98 Responses to “Molino Development Proposed With Over 2,350 Apartments, 2,000 Home Lots On Nearly 1,500 Acres”

  1. Marcy Forster on July 30th, 2023 2:05 am

    “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” This development treats Molino exactly as the current Administration is treating the Country. Trying to “pull the wool”over the eyes of the people and convince them it’s for their benefit, despicable!! This is not for anyone, but the developers and those making the money. I certainly hope and pray you support the people who voted you in and not this out of town “developer” who has decided we need to be “citified.” The LOVE of money IS the root of ALL evil” this proves it. May God’s will only, be done! If you are a believer, PRAY, PRAY, PRAY. He has the final say.

  2. D.Ward on July 15th, 2023 11:04 am

    Has our County forgot what happened during Hurricane Ivan when Quintette Rd was the ONLY access between Santa Rosa and Escambia County? Yall might consider 8 lanes on HWY 29 before another housing project so residents can get the heck out of here if they need do.

  3. Gary on July 15th, 2023 3:58 am

    The folks at the Fire Station can watch us shoot at the EXISTING GUN RANGE, right across the street…

  4. Gary on July 15th, 2023 3:51 am

    I would wonder why the existing gun range is not marked on the map.

    It only right in the middle of the proposal…

  5. Samantha on July 14th, 2023 12:31 am

    I am so irritated at the lack of care of this county for the wildlife and general woods. 4th generation Panhandle resident and it is RIDICULOUS how much has been bulldozed for “progress” this county has none of the benefit of good paying jobs, schools, infrastructure but we do have a high cost of living, high crime and violence, cater to tourist scum and some GREEDY county commissioners to boot. But hey there’s a beach. SMDH.

  6. Well STEVE... on July 13th, 2023 12:49 pm

    @ Steve…
    If someone’s yard or condition of it is unkept and is not up to your standards. How about putting the effort that it takes to be petty and talk about them I to getting off your high horse and HELP THEM ..!! Shut up and go cut their grass!!

  7. JJ on July 13th, 2023 9:58 am

    ? What ever happened to the planned bypass that was to be at 29 and 196 OR 97 AND 29…

  8. Molino resident on July 13th, 2023 6:59 am

    Stupidest idea I’ve ever heard of people move to Molino to get away from people, traffic and things of those such and it’s not wrong for wanting it to stay the way it is cause this is an entry way for more businesses and subdivisions to be installed here before we know it it’ll be business after business and subdivisions all the way down 29 it’ll be just like Pensacola

  9. Time marches on on July 12th, 2023 9:52 pm

    This type of development in this location has been planned for a long time. I know a little bit because I worked flagging the wetlands on this whole area in 2006 and lived here since 1970. Exit 3 has been buying parcels in the Sector Plan area since 2012. Now they own enough to exert pressure for development with a willing Board of County Commissioners.

    Except they want to change the rules that the Sector Plan laid out to build a higher density=higher profits= higher tax revenue. This is another money grab.

    It’s baked into the system, and if you want to stop it you have to be seen and heard. But it probably won’t work, and we’ll get some slapdash build and run like Beulah is dealing with right now.

  10. Molino man on July 12th, 2023 8:40 pm

    One more thing. Folks love capitalism until someone else benefits. 75 years ago people moved to Cantonment to get away from the city. Can’t others move to the edge of the city and enjoy their life too?

  11. Molino man on July 12th, 2023 8:20 pm

    It’s funny how people get so upset over land that doesn’t even belong to them. The time to be upset is when the commissioners are telling you what to do with your land. Oh don’t forget the trees. There’s more trees in the US today than there was 30 years ago. If you don’t like it move to Walnut Hill.

  12. Tax Payer 101 on July 12th, 2023 6:46 pm

    I say no. The majority is saying no. The commissioners need to hear this and follow with what the people want. That is too much building at one time and the infrastructure will not support it. People want a quiet country life. Stop taking that away from them. Why doesn’t the developer go buy up old run down property in Century and rebuild that town….Now that would be good for the people.

  13. Dave on July 12th, 2023 1:47 pm

    to: sea wolf
    you should look up a map showing actual pensacola city limits…also how many times historically they have annexed anywhere. Might be eludicating.

  14. Old Skinny on July 12th, 2023 10:47 am

    Straightshooter/DToM …

    I lived in the area for years!!! I bought 50 acres in order to keep my little piece of heaven.

    You keep forgetting that you and your Molino neighbors had an opportunity to buy this property that is now being developed. You (Folks complaining) should have formed a large land company and bought up ALL the available land from Quintette ..North to the Alabama State line …. then you could have kept it all undeveloped.

    God Bless America and North Escambia!

  15. Anna on July 12th, 2023 10:41 am

    This is terrible!! Absolutely disgusting!!! Stop and think about our wildlife and our environment??!! You are taking their homes and I pray this plans fails!!! Bunch of greedy developers I ever seen in my life!! Disgusting…disgusting!!!! VOTE NO!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. bw on July 12th, 2023 9:46 am

    good bye gopher turtles, deer, protected wildlife , I’m curious how the developers are getting around conservation laws?…..Oh right,,,,Money

  17. WS on July 12th, 2023 9:43 am

    This is terrible. I moved from Gulf Breeze to Molino in 2015 to get away from the chaos. It is sad that all the rural areas are disappearing. When all the trees are gone, we all will be gone too.

  18. Concerned on July 12th, 2023 9:11 am

    Well here goes farm country.whos gona grow food in the future? This is to fill money in alot of people’s pockets.if people would quit selling the land this would not happen.cant believe our country is turning into a city.more killing more drugs.get rid of these commissioners.

  19. coffeeconsumer on July 12th, 2023 8:30 am

    This being proposed excites me. It’s high time for us to have stores and more houses! I just hope there is a coffee shop. Although this is a good plan, I do wish there would be a high school! This isn’t going to happen overnight and will be a process. I’m definitely for this, and I think molino is ready for this improvement. When I get older I would love to live in Molino, but there’s really no houses and with this I can live closer to my parents and grandparents!

  20. Kaylee G on July 12th, 2023 8:14 am

    I am so excited that my Air Force Vet husband and I can move to Molino to be closer to my family! I was born and raised in Molino and proud of where I’m
    I can’t wait to raise our little family here.

  21. sea wolfe on July 12th, 2023 1:03 am

    20 yrs ago we moved on hwy 97. we fled orlando to find space, quiet, and great neighbors. not long after we settled in we noticed an article in pnj regarding annexing this area so pensacola could grab this area and raise taxes, et al.
    could this be first steps to become pensacola residents?

  22. J on July 11th, 2023 11:30 pm

    STEVE THEN STAY IN THE CITY IF IT BOTHERS YOU SO MUCH what peoples yards look like.

  23. mnon on July 11th, 2023 10:55 pm

    I bet everything I own the 20% that are for this are either young and not very wise, or have not lived in this community their entire life. this is a bad idea. Do you think the parks and woohoo-fun stuff will be for you? This will turn into a project HUD housing area in a decade and everything being built around it will spread out into a sprawl ghetto, like Warrington. Bet me. Few more Dollar Stores, throw a bodega up by Jimmy’s, a couple more bars, why not a strip club too?

    We who have lived our entire lives here for generations are very much against it, we live here for the rural, country life and there are plenty of areas still around Cantonment to build all of this, no reason to start “spawling” out here.. That’s what this is a sprawl being developed in 20 years it is going to look like every other place you travel too in this country, concrete, Starbucks, churches, bars, and fast food.

    I’m glad I don’t have much longer on this earth, I pray for death if this is what Molino will turn into. If you want housing, and all this “great stuff” move into Pensacola, or better yet move to Warrington because that is exactly what Molino will become. Don’t sit there in your smug pompousness because those of us who have lived here with our families since this town was founded, generations ago, don’t want this. Some of these comments sound like the investors or those who are going to make money off this trying to talk this up. As I stated before I’ll sell ALL of my land to the nastiest corp enterprise that will give me 33% less than market value just so I know it goes through before my last breath and can sign the dotted line if this is what Molino will be and I hope it’s by all the ones approving of this. Give the money to my kids, tell them to sell everything, and move further into the country, because Molino will be blighted.

    Solar Farms, housing projects, staging areas for monopoly corporations, and Dollar Stores.. Sounds like a great place to live.

  24. Bob on July 11th, 2023 10:46 pm


    There’s this thing called “supply and demand”.

    We had a TON of remote workers move into our county at the start of COVID-19. The increased demand for new houses drove up prices. The only way to lower prices is to either A) get rid of a significant amount of the people who now live in Escambia County, or B) Build more houses.

    Affordable housing is a major problem that needs to be addressed. This is a potential solution. If you don’t like it, feel free to propose an alternative.

  25. gerald david on July 11th, 2023 8:56 pm

    The old Lamb farm toward the end of Williams Ditch Rd was 153 acres of soft rolling hills, pines and fox habitat. It also had plentiful Quail, horn toads and Venus Fly traps which I thought were protected. There was a little water hole and creek fed by a spring. that creek had small colorful minnows that when the creek dried up, the minnow’s disappeared, but would show back up after a good rain.
    Now it has a housing development with all lots built on There must be 300 houses. There is no sewer system, so it must be septic tanks. Property owners are having flooding problems because of rain runoff from the houses above them is flowing down hill. Nice houses but noisy.

  26. DToM on July 11th, 2023 8:10 pm

    Please don’t drive through if it causes you so much heartache. Those places you refer to may be the single parent family that can’t mow their yard or clean it up because they work two jobs to care for their family 7 days a week, or the widow who is not able to get to the store much less correct what you may deem an eyesore.

    How about you stop by and check on those residents or just STAY AWAY.

  27. Contractors on July 11th, 2023 7:08 pm

    It appears we have people who are contractors or people working for the investors.
    To answer jons yes it will create jobs but these people will move on once the project is done. Affordable housing that’s a joke the rent for the apartments will be $1500 to $2000 a month is that affordable. Town Homes will sell for $1900,000 to $250,000. The Homes will be upwards of $350,000 not mention property taxes and HOA fees. So don’t try and sell me on the fact that this is affordable housing. Look at Beluah Rd and the cost of the new homes on Molino Rd. So again let’s think this thru. Major traffic issue will develop Barrineau Park RD is not the widest already and we’re going to overload the intersection at at Highway 29 and Barrineau Park Rd and Highway 196. Not to mention where is the bypass going to get placed? Until the infrastructure can support and sustain this type of development don’t do it.

  28. Phil on July 11th, 2023 6:53 pm

    Fire Steve Barry this election, he is selling the north end out!

  29. straightshooter on July 11th, 2023 6:38 pm

    “Old Skinny”

    I moved on Mathison when it was still dirt road. No internet, No cable available. You said move over and let the folks in. Thats the problem, the way of life here, does not revolve around high-speed internet, grocery stores and entertainment.

    We go to town if we want to get hassled by traffic and homeless on every corner.

  30. Jim on July 11th, 2023 5:46 pm

    Vote them all out every election

  31. Steve on July 11th, 2023 5:31 pm

    I love these nice developed communities.

    The ones that destroy a area are the ones that have a house with junk all over and home in disrepair With the lawn and surrounding property all nasty. I drive Thru Molino area a lot and there is a lot of those type places.

    BE ANGRY ABOUT THOSE as they are what is hurting a area. They allow criminals to come in and stay and branch out to the good people.
    There should be a county ordnance against property that is unkempt and a eye sore.

  32. Bob on July 11th, 2023 5:23 pm

    Every week, we get new stories on this site about people being arrested for selling drugs or robbing store.

    Every time, we get dozens of comments calling for the death penalty or mandatory minimum sentences or retributive policing or any number of other practices that *don’t reduce crime*.

    …and now, we’re talking about a project that would increase affordable housing, expand public services, and high paying jobs, (things that have been proven to *actually* reduce crime) y’all are opposed.

  33. DToM on July 11th, 2023 5:12 pm

    I bet BurgerLover and OldSkinny don’t live on Mathison, but yet they feel confident this is a good thing. Hmmm…..

    I’ve actually lived this before in another state, and if your property is involved, you will not be fairly compensated. Of course they will pay you fair market value, but the properties increasing does not help you when they take it from you. Eminent Domain allows a lot of leeway for the rich to get richer.

    Get ready Molino, for those of you that live here, we’re in for a ride.

  34. Tc on July 11th, 2023 4:58 pm

    Coming soon crybabies!!

  35. Clark on July 11th, 2023 4:55 pm

    Isn’t that a gun range in the middle of this image, next to 2C and the future fire station?

  36. straightshooter on July 11th, 2023 4:41 pm

    “Build cross between”
    We don’t want Townhomes in Molino. “They are not crucial for growth of rural agriculture area” they are destroying 3000 acres of agricultural tree farm.

    We don’t want affordable housing.
    We don’t want social engineering of our neighborhood.
    More tax revenue means the government will spend more and then some.

    Bulldoze a few blocks in blighted areas in town and build affordable housing there.

  37. Jacque Falzone on July 11th, 2023 4:22 pm

    Molino is a popular dark sky sight. The sawmill came and neglected to shield the top of their lights even though we discussed this with them pre-construction. The “sawmill glow” has taken away part of our night sky aka the beautiful stars.FLP will add to light pollution across from Jimmy’s Grill (shield your lights FLP!). We are opposed to this development for numerous reasons. If this bad idea gets the green light, please shield the top of all street lights/house lights so we can continue enjoying the stars.

  38. Janet Enfinger on July 11th, 2023 4:15 pm

    Change can be good if properly prepared for and I mean properly…not emergency. Is Molino water adequate to handle a community of this size? The traffic is already horrible (I’ve lived here since 1969) and it’s unbelievable. Can schools handle it? Ransom remains over crowded as does Tate. Oh, does the developer know that St. Regis used the land (clay pit) at the corner of U.S. 29 and 196 as a dump for sludge out of their holding ponds? No telling what’s in it but I saw it and I wouldn’t want to live on it. In addition, I thought the road attaching to Mathison was off the table.???? Many questions need answers!

  39. Alice harris on July 11th, 2023 3:19 pm

    This is a terrible proposal. Most of this land is wetland adjacent to a major creek. Note that this land along the creek is not already deforested and in use for residential or farming purposes. That is because it is unsuitable for development because it is wetland. There will be flooding, increased filthy runoff from lawns, roads, and concrete, and loss of trees and wildlife. Such urbanization extending far into rural areas is wrong on so many levels. Our country and our county is destroying what little is left of nature. It is disgusting.

  40. Joe Vidak on July 11th, 2023 3:06 pm

    This crucial growth that is so vital to the rural age community who does it benefit? So far the the growth that has occurred has left the people that live in Escambia county footing the bill. Why can’t the developers pay all of the cost if they get most of the money. So far development has not paid for itself while there is a bigger pot of tax money overall some of has and will come in increased taxes for those that are already here . Why can’t impact costs be considered first maybe even a bond to cover flood costs when there’s a creek involved.

  41. JOHN on July 11th, 2023 2:15 pm

    Affordable Housing just not for me.

  42. Build cross between on July 11th, 2023 1:07 pm

    Townhomes and home lots in Molino are crucial for the growth and vitality of a rural agricultural area. By introducing these residential options, the community attracts new residents and promotes economic development. The presence of townhomes provides affordable housing options, allowing individuals and families to live close to their agricultural work or take advantage of employment opportunities in the area. Moreover, the development diversifies the community, fostering social interaction and cultural exchange, while supporting local businesses and services. Supporting this development ensures a sustainable and thriving rural community.

  43. Old Skinny on July 11th, 2023 1:03 pm

    Burger Lover hit the nail on the head …. after reading through too many of these (I was laughing out loud in my office) I had to stop and post.

    Oh the trees that will be cut down: The trees were bought by a developer, to do with what they please because one of your neighbors sold you out when they sold the property.

    Oh the deer and wildlife: I’ve lived in neighborhoods around this country where the deer are bedding down in your flower beds. They will adapt.

    Oh the traffic: Are there not more congested areas throughout the country where the traffic is MUCH worse.

    I swear if some of you folks couldn’t complain you’d bust a gut. Move over, let the folks that have the desire to move into your beautiful area, move in. Think of the opportunities, new grocery stores, entertainment, HIGH SPEED INTERNET!

    There’s always the option for YOU to buy more land where you live or find your own sanctuary somewhere else.

    What was the old line in the Eagles song? “Call Some Place Paradise, Then Kiss it Goodbye”

  44. gerald david on July 11th, 2023 1:02 pm

    There goes habitat for birds and animals. There goes another thousand acres of farm ground and trees. There goes the rural life of central Esc. There goes peace and tranquility. So many acres have been deforested already. Hope you like eating concrete when all the food producing land is gone.

  45. D.T.S.R. on July 11th, 2023 12:45 pm

    That’s nice and all.. apartments and townhomes.. but are they going to be affordable? I mean.. come on.. yeah, it’s great that there will be jobs for the area, and that’s great and all.. but the price to move into them…

  46. Burger Lover on July 11th, 2023 12:27 pm

    Everyone attend the meeting in support!

    The investment firm’s plan to build thousands of apartments, townhomes, and home lots in the rural community of Molino is a good idea for several reasons.

    It will provide much-needed housing for a growing population. Molino is a rapidly growing community, and the current housing stock is not sufficient to meet the needs of new residents. The investment firm’s plan will help to address this shortage and make it more affordable for people to live in Molino.

    The development will create jobs. The construction of the new housing units will create jobs for construction workers, and the operation of the apartments and townhomes will create jobs for property managers, maintenance workers, and other staff. This will help to boost the local economy and create a more vibrant community.

    The development will bring new amenities to Molino. The investment firm plans to include parks, playgrounds, and other amenities in the development, which will improve the quality of life for residents. The development will also help to attract new businesses to Molino, which will further improve the local economy.

    Of course, there are some potential concerns about the development, such as the impact on traffic and the environment. However, the investment firm has taken steps to address these concerns, such as by building a new road to the development and by using sustainable building practices.

    The development could help to attract new businesses to Molino, which would create even more jobs and boost the local economy.

    The development could help to diversify the housing stock in Molino, making it more attractive to a wider range of people.

    The development will improve Molino, which could attract more visitors and shoppers.

    It is a good idea with the potential to bring many benefits to the community.

  47. Buttercup on July 11th, 2023 12:13 pm

    An election is coming up next year. Call your district commissioner and let them know they won’t be getting your vote is this nonsense goes through.

  48. RaD on July 11th, 2023 12:10 pm

    0.13 – 0.18 acre lots. That is 5-8 residential lots per acre. Rural county areas should require 1 acre lots and most are zoned that way. This high density housing needs to be halted in both counties.


  49. Stephanie Robinson on July 11th, 2023 12:04 pm

    I have lived out here “in the country”, on Schifko Rd., since 1989…..bought the property, when Schifko Rd. was still a red dirt road. It was our dream to live in this area, and we eventually made it happen. I am heart broken to think about all the wildlife that will be killed or displaced, when the bulldozers go through, but my number one fear, is the traffic that will increase dramatically, on Schifko. Our road has been used as a “cut thru”, for non-residents as long as we have lived here, increasing over time. The people that use it for this reason, have no respect to the designated speed limit, or for the residents. I have witnessed vehicles flying pass my house, heading to work in the morning, or racing to get home after work. The sheriff’s office has been notified by the residents, a multitude number of times, over the years, but nothing has stopped it yet. We cannot handle the gigantic increase of drivers, “cutting thru”, our neighborhood, if this proposal goes through. All residents of Schifko and side roads, need to call the commissioner’s office and voice your complaints, as well as show up for the meeting, Thursday morning. We have to try to stop the destruction….not progress…..from happening! Let the commissioners know that they are not on the side of the residents…..they will be voted OUT!

  50. Mr B on July 11th, 2023 12:01 pm

    That’s just what this area needs is more townhomes and apartments. I can’t even count how many apartment complexes that have popped up in the last few years. They throw them up then charge astronomical prices. Get ready molino the BS is coming your way… this area used to have a small town feel, I hoped this type of come up wouldn’t happen but here we all are. In a mess

  51. mnon on July 11th, 2023 11:59 am

    The land is not coded for it, but I’m sure they rezone it or do whatever they must so everyone makes money off it, all the politicians and investors that is. Before I die I’ll sell my land to a toxic waste disposal company. Bet.

  52. Debi McCormick on July 11th, 2023 11:47 am

    Please show up to the meeting and put a stop to this nonsense!!!!!! All schools are overcrowded with a severe teacher shortage, roads are already crazy with traffic and this is going to make things 100 times worse!!!!!! Infrastructure is not there to support this!!!!!

  53. Green Rocket on July 11th, 2023 11:46 am

    Think of all the trees which will be destroyed. Commissioner 5 may vote against it just to let us think he does not support it All of the rest of them will probably support it and Comm 5 will know that.

  54. Green Rocket on July 11th, 2023 11:41 am

    All of our commissioners will probably vote for this with funding from the builders. The commissioner from District 5 may vote against it because all the others will vote for it just to let us think he does not support it. A lot of trees will be destroyed for no real reason.

  55. Burnttoast on July 11th, 2023 11:31 am

    At some point enough water pressure for fire protection?
    Will insurance companies write you a policy without adequate fire protection, wait until “at some point” hoping your house doesn’t catch fire.?

  56. Jim Summers on July 11th, 2023 11:10 am

    This is the guy to call….

    District 5
    Steven Barry (Republican)
    (850) 595-4950
    Term expires 11/2024

    But in the end, increased tax revenue for the County to collect and spend will win the race…. We all know this…

  57. Bill T on July 11th, 2023 10:57 am

    READ ALL THE COMMENTS!!!!! Seems like the citizens of escambia county lose again !!! Thanks county commissioners !!!! REMEMBER THIS WHEN YOU VOTE!!!!!!!

  58. Jim on July 11th, 2023 10:55 am

    Laws, Policies and plans are made by those that profit from them. This has been in the works for years by local big interest groups that are just drooling over the opportunity. They have no concerns about environmental or quality of life issues…it all about the Benjamin’s.
    It’s all for sale to the highest bidding and much of it is already in progress but is being done behind closed doors.
    Say your goodbyes to the sanctuary of rural life.

  59. Meme on July 11th, 2023 10:36 am

    Farms gone. Food prices increase. Housing and apartments no one can afford. I fear our quiet life is doomed. Thanks (for nothing) Escambia County.

  60. Randy on July 11th, 2023 10:27 am

    Will our county commissioner please help us with this? People have moved out this way and in your district to get away from all this so please help us

  61. Charlotte Schwartz on July 11th, 2023 10:13 am

    St. Regis (now IP) used to dump there and just wonder if they will be doing a THOROUGH testing of the land. There is soooo much wrong with all this. We don’t need all these houses and apartments. They talk about the Fire Department, School, and other businesses as coming much later after the disaster has already happened with the roads, wildlife, etc. Yes, the property is somewhat on Hwy 29, but a lot is on Barrineau Park Road, making getting in and out a nightmare for traffic accidents.
    Why don’t these people just build in their own area? Also who owned the land before all this? The paper company? Kids and grandkids of farmers need to think more with their hearts and heads than with their wallets!!

  62. Jimbo on July 11th, 2023 10:05 am

    I have said this before and I will say it again. Just because you moved to a rural location on a 1 acre lot 30 years ago, does not mean that your neighbor who owns 200 acres will not eventually die and a developer buy it. If you want to be alone, buy more land! Where I live off Chemstrand Road, 30 years ago was cow pasture, now everything is built up. Obviously they will move north, so just prepare as it is coming. Making up reasons for it not to happen will not work..but at least attend the meetings and make your voices heard.
    PS #James, I agree with impact fees. Do not understand why we do not charge them to help with the needed infrastructure.

  63. John on July 11th, 2023 9:49 am

    This is Absolutely pathetic, with stupid dollar stores apartments buildings, solar plants the country atmosphere is becoming a thing of the past. When I was a kid maybe five cars a day came by, now it’s five hundred or more. Now this , pathetic.

  64. anne on July 11th, 2023 9:48 am

    Note that the development firm is in St. Petersburg, FL. We wanted the north west area of FL to be recognized as a great place to live. Well, here it is!

  65. Susan on July 11th, 2023 9:44 am

    29 will be a parking lot during hurricane season….

  66. Big Jim on July 11th, 2023 9:30 am

    Can’t stop “progress”. Bottom line, if you don’t want new neighbors, better buy up and retain control of your surrounding land.

  67. Resident on July 11th, 2023 9:18 am

    Problem is the county commissioners really don’t know much about the area North of the nine mile road. I wonder if we had a meeting in Enon how many could find it without Google maps.

  68. Grandma on July 11th, 2023 9:11 am

    Disaster in the making. Current infrastructure will NOT support 4,421 new homes AND government facilities AND associated commercial growth. Cottage Hill Water Works, can barely service their existing customers, of which I am one. How can it possible be a “backup” for this planned small CITY???
    Control of growth is the very reason for zoning. I feel the out of county money has influenced these variances. Commission Barry, how much were you and the other county commissioners “persuaded” to support this?

    This detailed plan was NOT revealed until now! Why the delay?

    “Welp” if enough outraged property owners in the Molino Cottage Hill area rise up, it CAN be stopped with a court order.

  69. Justin on July 11th, 2023 9:07 am

    That looks like a truly miserable ant farm. Why places like this are allowed at all is beyond me!

  70. Ellis on July 11th, 2023 9:01 am

    St Petersburg folks…. Stay in south Florida and keep your business far away from Escambia County. We love our piece of paradise in North Escambia. Commissioners and County Planning Staff, please consider that every creek, tree, blade of grass, wild animal that we in Molino enjoy SHOULD NOT be uprooted. People travel , perhaps even yourselves, to get away from the hubbub of HDR life so keep Molino as agricultural properties !

  71. Pineywoods on July 11th, 2023 8:57 am

    If you dont like it you better buy the land

  72. JK on July 11th, 2023 8:56 am

    They are requesting an opt-out of the sector plan AND a change in the zoning to plan this. It’s a total disruption to the existing neighborhood in addition to hugging north, west and south the borders of a 120 acre shooting range that has been there since the mid-1980s.It can bee seen on the map.

    If I remember correctly in situation like this, if you write your commissioner, they will tell you it is “quasi-judicial” and can’t comment on it. The only way to speak before the BOCC is to speak before the planning board first when this comes before them this Thursday, July 13 at the Ernie Lee Magaha Government Building Board Meeting Room, First Floor, 221 Palafox Place at 8:30am.

  73. EMD on July 11th, 2023 8:54 am

    This is a NIGHTMARE. I am glad I am old. UGH! ! !

  74. Ihatecitylife on July 11th, 2023 8:53 am

    How many of y’all in the comments are actually going to go to the board meetings and VOTE NO! Internet doesn’t count as a fricken vote… they get away with this because nobody attends these meetings anymore…. Stop what you are doing and invest your precious time in our area or we will be Beulah

  75. David on July 11th, 2023 8:49 am

    NO! Absolutely not!!

  76. straightshooter on July 11th, 2023 8:49 am

    As an affected resident, I am strongly against this. Not sure we can stop it. I remember several years ago a dirt race track was trying to go in across 29 from us and we stopped it.
    At Least Commissioners, put the infrastructure in first for once.

  77. JJ on July 11th, 2023 8:33 am

    FIRE THE FIVE COMMISSIONERS AND REPLACE THEM WITH ‘AI’…. then we might have a sence of government over insane right now. Dollar General was brought in and the 29-196 intersection was still left with no traffic control light

  78. Dwight on July 11th, 2023 8:30 am

    What idiot thought this up. The first thing that should be happening is put a overpass in Cantonment over the railroad tracks and traffic light. U.S. hwy 29 can’t handle the traffic thru this area now. Shute hope the county commissioners are reading this article before they let this one pass. It should be sent to the state and federal representatives too. The county, state, and federal representatives should not allow this to happen.

  79. JJ on July 11th, 2023 8:27 am

    where is that paper mill dump location???

  80. James on July 11th, 2023 8:22 am

    When will Escambia Co. start charging impact fees for new construction like most Florida counties instead of putting the burden on existing property owners?
    Impact fees pre-pay for expanding transportation, water, fire, law, sewers, parks, schools, plus other things as needed for the increased population and usage.
    With just a quick check for detached, single family residential structures of 2,500 sq.ft. the prices in FL counties run from $0.00 for Escambia to a high of $29,482.65 – $11.79 per sq.ft.
    Commercial buildings are charged at a much higher rate.

    This development is just a beginning. We all are aware of how desirable FL is to live in, and how people from the northeast are flocking here even with the downturn the economy is experencing. The southern part of FL up through Ocala, and the Jacksonville area are about filled up.
    Land owners have every right to sell their property for a profit.
    Growth is coming weather current residents like it or not.
    Twenty years ago the larger land owners said that the north end would stay farms, etc.
    Then the county changed the requirements for development.
    Infastructur without impact fees is paid for by existing land owners.

  81. Concerned Resident on July 11th, 2023 8:15 am

    As Lynn said – Follow the money. Go to the Escambia votes . gov website and research campaign finance reports and see how the majority of the campaign funding has a history of coming not very much from the ordinary citizen but from real estate developers, contractors and construction related industries. You have to do some searching on the site because it’s there, you just have to spend time looking for the previous years. Ask yourself why we are getting uncontrolled growth all over the county. Ask yourself, do you want to end up like pace and Beulah, with houses stacked on top of each other, drainage issues, no peace and quiet, even more traffic issues? We have to attend the meeting, we have to voice ourconcerns and we have to vote out those who don’t listen.VOTE THEM OUT!

  82. Tara on July 11th, 2023 8:14 am

    Be careful Molino or you’ll end up like us here in Beulah!!! We have no infrastructure upgrades and thousands of new homes STILL being rushed through construction! Traffic is horrible and no one has any peace!!

  83. Wear green on July 11th, 2023 8:13 am

    This CAN be fought. My boss, his wife, and their neighborhood just spent a year fighting a 500+ apartment complex being built in their back yard with an entrance through their neighborhood. But it takes strength in numbers showing up and speaking up! Please attend the meeting Thursday morning at 8:30 and wear green to represent the land we want to save. Presenting as a united front will show the commissioners that the voters are not happy. The struggle to get pass the train in Cantonment is already a struggle, I can’t imagine the nightmare it would be with triple the residents. Show up, even if you don’t want to speak!

  84. ConMoRes on July 11th, 2023 8:09 am

    Did anybody like this idea besides the commissioners and the developers? Did they find even one resident that was for this project? I definitely think this would be a good time to follow the money and then start prosecuting some corrupt county officials. The proposed development is wrong on so many fronts it’s hard to believe it’s made it this far. When will our county commission put the horse in front of the cart for a change and do things right out here. If the idea is for Molino to be developed, then start with infrastructure that’d support the increase in homes, traffic, and crime, etc. this proposal is a terrible idea. It has my NO vote for sure!

  85. RWA on July 11th, 2023 8:07 am

    This St. Petersburg investment firm should stay in their own backyard with their massive building plans. Just because land is there you don’t have to construct on it. Let’s preserve some for future generations. Stop cutting down trees and making the flooding and air quality worse than it is. Enough is enough and this firm should be told to move on down the road and prey on some other town. Once they are finished destroying the peaceful community of Molino they will move on and not care about the aftermath. The vote should be no on this development.

  86. Woodlands destroyed on July 11th, 2023 8:05 am

    “Woodland” no more.

  87. Brian on July 11th, 2023 7:48 am

    This is terrible.

  88. Rin on July 11th, 2023 7:40 am

    Develop elsewhere. They will literally develop every square inch for a dollar. Choke on the money

  89. Molino Resident on July 11th, 2023 7:34 am

    Everyone needs to call their county commissioner! If not we’ll end up like Beulah.

  90. Welp on July 11th, 2023 7:24 am

    This is already a done deal. If you think there is any chance of stopping this, you are sadly wrong.

  91. Concerned Citizen on July 11th, 2023 7:07 am

    Have to vote current County Commissioners out of office. This is getting out of hand, people live in Molino for a reason, peace, quiet, fresh air, wildlife, and no neighbors.

  92. JTV on July 11th, 2023 6:12 am


  93. W. Ward on July 11th, 2023 5:47 am

    The map shown isn’t clear enough for details but what is clear is the impact this will have on a rural farming community. That impact will not be good. The Molino area does not need apartments or subdivisions, it needs to remain as it is, quiet & peaceful. The north end of the county does not have the infrastructure for such a massive development. There is no sewer, the water system would have to be overhauled, FPL would have to make major upgrades to their distribution system & the roads will not support the increased traffic. US 29N is the main north south thoroughfare & traffic is bad enough as it is. For a host of easily cited reasons this is a bad idea for this rural community & I for one will not support this in any way.

  94. Molino Resident on July 11th, 2023 4:52 am

    I am very concerned with this type of expansion. We already have an extremely busy intersection at Highway 29 and Barrineau Park Rd. The other infrastructure would have to be updated. The families already living out here moved away from the congestion of HDR areas. Unfortunately my concerns like many others will fall on deaf ears. The other thing that has been left in limbo is where is the future bypass from I-10 going to go in at. It was discussed at Quintette Rd or Barrineau Park Rd. These are all question that should be resolved any new residential projects start.

  95. David on July 11th, 2023 3:58 am


  96. Wizard on July 11th, 2023 3:31 am

    Theoretically this could triple the population of Molino.

  97. n.godwin on July 11th, 2023 2:43 am

    well, i guess there goes another of our forests.

  98. Lynn on July 11th, 2023 2:24 am

    This project runs all along cow devil creek
    The disruptions of adjoining land will contaminate this creek and cause an environmental disaster
    Our infrastructure is not adequate for the exsisting community and cannot support all these proposed apartments and townhomes
    Police and EMS can’t take care of exsisting homeowners
    The sewer lift stations (5) that they are proposing can fail and contaminate our water and land
    There is a contaminated area on 29 and 196 from years ago paper mill dumped hazardous waste
    Disrupting this area will create an environmental health hazard

    Follow the county commissioners donations from developers and builders
    They must not be bought
    They must vote this development NO!!!!