Molino Man Identified As Truck Theft Suspect By His ‘Distinct’ Facial Tattoos

July 30, 2021

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office was able to identify a Molino man as a truck theft suspect by his “distinct” tattoos.

Nicholas Bronson Pierce, 35, was charged with felony grand theft of a motor vehicle.

The victim alleged he let a friend known as “Brandon Jensen” use his 1997 Ford F250 for a couple of hours on June 23, but the friend never returned the truck after repeated requests. By June 30, the victim was in jail for 30 days and unable to continue to ask for the return of the truck or to file a police report.

Once the victim was out of jail, he reported the truck stolen and provided a Facebook page for “Brandon Jensen”, but deputies were unable to find a match for that name. But deputies were able to determine that the man pictured on the Facebook page was in fact Pierce due to his distinctive facial tattoos.

Pierce remained in the Escambia County Jail Friday morning with bond set at $5,000.


24 Responses to “Molino Man Identified As Truck Theft Suspect By His ‘Distinct’ Facial Tattoos”

  1. Steve on July 31st, 2021 5:30 pm

    I agree with everyone else “ Not Guilty “ !

  2. father on July 31st, 2021 7:53 am

    I’d for my daughter to bring him home to Sunday dinner.

  3. Anne on July 31st, 2021 6:47 am

    Met with some friends and we were talking about this man and the situation of loaning the truck, or anything, and not getting it back in a timely manner or when asked to return.
    One of my friends has a son who spent some time in state prison and she said that maybe this guy pictured did Not Choose to have those tattoos done on him, Her son had seen gang members (YES, in Prison – Imagine) hold down other men and “Mark” them with tattoos sometimes to just Ugly them Up or to put a stamp on them for violating a rule or something.
    Guy here is so messed up with these tats it’s hard to believe he asked for that to happen. Something like this could change all of our outlooks on life.

  4. sam on July 31st, 2021 4:40 am

    even i could pick this guy out of a line up and i can’t see well.

  5. My name is Earl on July 31st, 2021 12:53 am

    He needs a new tattoo artist! I’d get refund and find a new tattoo parlor.

  6. Stephen on July 30th, 2021 6:04 pm

    Imagine that.

  7. Panhandler on July 30th, 2021 4:30 pm


  8. Just Me on July 30th, 2021 2:06 pm

    What a mess!

  9. Bama on July 30th, 2021 12:04 pm

    I wonder if he was using the stolen truck to look for a job.

  10. Hmmm on July 30th, 2021 11:14 am

    Well, at least he got some top quality art done… that frog dancing on a hole over a spider is so creative, and I thought that was a real dove landing on that rose. And, wow… a piece of barb wire… is that the first time that’s been done?

  11. Mike on July 30th, 2021 9:56 am

    Dude has FAME on his forehead! I wonder if he was thinking mugshot on N Escambia when he decided to get that done?

  12. Bob on July 30th, 2021 9:41 am

    First, I don’t understand what you mean when you say this guy has ‘Distinct’ Facial Tattoos. I don’t see anything wrong with his face. When I go to work at the office everyone looks just like him. Personally, when I saw his picture I thought he was a pastor from a local church.

    Secondly, I wondered if the “victim” had any ‘Distinct’ Facial Tattoos. I just assumed that the “victim” was a fellow church member and this entire situation was just a breakdown in communication.

    According to the facts in this article, I am sure this is just a misunderstanding and we can “let bygones be bygones”.

  13. Taylon on July 30th, 2021 9:38 am

    I’ve always said if you’re going to get facial tats then either do not commit crimes, or invest in some high grade makeup to cover them up before committing said crime.

    Then again this guy may not be a criminal mastermind.

  14. William 2 on July 30th, 2021 9:20 am

    It’s obvious that this guy isn’t the best at making decisions, glad he made it easy for himself to be identified!!!

  15. Susie on July 30th, 2021 8:23 am

    Facial tattoos…a cry for attention but to “normal” people it’s a sign to turn around and head in the opposite direction when you see someone with them. This is probably why anyone ignorant enough to brand themselves a nutball still doesn’t get the attention they need….still.

  16. JimC on July 30th, 2021 8:20 am

    “Honor among thieves” is a myth. Obviously.

  17. AC on July 30th, 2021 8:11 am

    And not even good tattoos. Looks like he went to sleep and his three-year-old drew on his face with a Sharpie.

  18. Justme on July 30th, 2021 7:50 am

    Someone who tats their face has great self hatred…..I, personally, would not have a tat where anyone can see. I think it cheapens the person especially women. To me it is not cool and by the time the person is 65-70 yrs old that tat is going to be really sad. I guess no one thinks about this stuff….

  19. Oversight on July 30th, 2021 7:25 am

    “Victim” was in jail and couldn’t file a report? LOL! You can’t make this stuff up and you have to admit it is entertaining. We’ve got to be high on the list for the dumbest crook news.

  20. SueB on July 30th, 2021 7:24 am

    He can use, “I have Mental Health problems”.

  21. JustWondering on July 30th, 2021 6:36 am

    Is that a target? Or a hole? Either way, not flattering at all!

  22. mnon on July 30th, 2021 6:18 am

    When I started getting tattoos 30 years ago an old tattoo artist (probably best on Gulf Coast at the time) told me two rules while I was getting my first large tattoo. Number 1) NEVER tattoo someone’s name on you. Number 2) NEVER tattoo your face! Any young people out there, please follow those tattoo rules. You’re never going to be Post Malone, even he regrets it now, speaking in a GQ interview.

  23. sam on July 30th, 2021 5:39 am

    how this guy thought he wouldn’t be caught is beyond me. he’s tagged for life.

  24. Steve on July 30th, 2021 1:25 am

    Victim kinda said this outstanding citizen didn’t steal his truck , he gave it to his “friend”