‘Every Breath I Miss Him’ — Mom Of Fallen Marine Travis Nelson Shares Memorial Day Message

May 31, 2021

“If you’re reading this … I have no regrets; I died for a meaningful cause.”

Those were the words 19-year old Lance Cpl. Travis Michael Nelson of Bratt wrote in his field book, just days before he was killed in action August 18, 2011, while conducting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan.

“These words fill my heart with selfish sorrow wrapped in peaceful pride and a lifetime of cherished memories,” his mother Beckie Nelson said this week, 10 years after her son’s death.

“Greater love has no one than this that he lay down his life,” Beckie Nelson quoted from John 15:13.

“It is the beginning of summer, and as we all ‘kick off’ this time of year and enjoy those we hold so close, our families and friends, just please remember those that gave ‘their all’ with a silent prayer, a moment of silence, to truly embrace Memorial Day. Remember their families that will grieve a lifetime, but yet hold their heads high with a sense of pride that will shine through the darkest of days,” she continued.

“Every breath I miss him.”

Pictured: the August 2011 funeral of Lance Cpl. Travis Michael Nelson of Bratt. NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


22 Responses to “‘Every Breath I Miss Him’ — Mom Of Fallen Marine Travis Nelson Shares Memorial Day Message”

  1. Kevin Stead on June 2nd, 2021 3:19 am

    I took the time to stop and visit Travis’ memorial in the park. Such a beautiful place to preserve his legacy. He is one of two stops that I visit on Memorial Day weekend, the other being Oliver Hawthorne (ww2) in the Concord Cemetery. Remembering LCPL Nelson among our nation’s heroes. You are not forgotten, brother. Semper Fi, Marine. Til Valhalla

  2. Stephanie Jernigan-Watson on June 1st, 2021 10:05 pm

    Dear Beckie,
    Your precious Travis will never be forgotten by me or the Pace High School Patriots. He lives forever in our hearts, in our hallways, in our display cases, in our classrooms, and in our Celebrations of America that we have named in memory of NJROTC Instructor; Commander Sam Vickers. Your son is and always will be the epitome of a Brave Soldier, a True Patriot, an Amazing Young Man, and a Truly Revered Hero who gave his life for his country. My heart was broken when Commander Vickers came to deliver the news. Thank-you for allowing Pace High School to honor Travis. He and fellow Patriot Heroes; Kevin Ellenburg, Daniel McCall, and Kevin Conway will always hold special places in our hearts and minds. I thank God for the courage shown by these four young men and for fighting in the name of the United States of America.
    May God Bless you and give peace to all families who have lost a loved one in the name of defending this Great Nation…….As the old country song goes; God, Please Bless America Again……. With my sincerest respect and patriotism, Stephanie

  3. Chrissy on June 1st, 2021 7:08 pm

    The day Lance Cpl. Travis Nelson came home, I was honored to stand with the students of Ernest Ward Middle School, where he attended school. I will never forget that experience with those students. You could have heard a pin drop during the escort as each student, faculty member and parent held a flag or a hand over their heart. Thank you Marine! And a Semper Fi from my Vietnam Vet Marine.

  4. sam on May 31st, 2021 6:38 pm

    today is a holiday. it is not a happy holiday. it is set aside to remember those among us that sacrificed their lives for our country.

  5. Master Mechanic on May 31st, 2021 4:18 pm

    L/Cpl Nelson ,Thank you for paying the ultimate price. You are a true American Hero.
    J H Protsman
    USMC 1969-1976
    U S Army 1976 -1990
    Semper-Fi Brother

  6. Sandra Zack on May 31st, 2021 3:38 pm

    Beckie, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Although the loss of Travis deeply saddens us, we are so very grateful for the sacrifice he willing made. He was honored and remembered this morning by our Young Marines this morning at a Sunrise Service in Veterans Park. We will continue to ensure his memory and sacrifice lives on.

  7. Toni D on May 31st, 2021 2:04 pm

    God Bless LCPL Travis Nelson and God Bless and keep his Mother and sister in your arms until they meet again.

  8. EMD on May 31st, 2021 10:55 am

    May The God of all Comfort, comfort the heat of his mother and all his kin and friends today and every day and may they all have the hope of seeing him again one day.

  9. Vikki on May 31st, 2021 9:57 am

    Praise to our Lord Jesus Christ who showed us what the cost of freedom truly means. Thank you for your sacrifice, Lance Cpl. Travis Micheal Nelson and your family, for your selfless act of keeping our United States safe and free! May your sacrifice be forever remembered and we honor you and your family along with many others today. God bless each and every family that have suffered for our freedoms, May we never forget the cost and never forget our freedoms.

  10. Roy on May 31st, 2021 9:29 am

    Sempi Fi Marine

  11. Haley on May 31st, 2021 9:10 am

    I remember his final ride to the cemetery coming down hwy 29 as if it were yesterday. My then fiancée, now husband was in training for USMC himself at the time and I remember feeling like it all hit too close to home. Although we did not know him personally, we mourn with you. Thank you so much for the sacrifice you have made for our country. As a mother of 3 and one on the way now, I look at my children and can’t even imagine the immense pain you must feel on a daily basis having lost him. I also can’t imagine how much pride you must feel knowing he gave the ultimate sacrifice at such a young age to help the cause of keeping our nation free. I pray for God’s comfort and protection over you and your family, not just on Memorial Day, but always. May you find complete peace that passes all understanding in the arms of the Father.
    God bless you. Thank you for your sacrifices for this nation, ma’am. I don’t even know you but I do know you are one strong mama. I pray for you often and will continue to do so.
    With love,

  12. mickey powell on May 31st, 2021 9:06 am

    I’ll always remember the day you came home. Thank you for being who you still are to all of us.
    Mickey Powell

  13. Kathy on May 31st, 2021 7:43 am

    We salute Lance Cpl. Travis Nelson and all other fallen service members. They made the ultimate sacrifice so we may live in a land that is truly free. For that, we thank God and share our deepest gratitude. We are thankful to all the individuals and families who made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation-One nation under God.

  14. Anne on May 31st, 2021 7:15 am

    American Hero, Never Forgotten, Forever Remembered and Honored.
    To Travis and the many many more we here Give Thanks.
    For the Survivors, our hearts go out to you for the losses.
    God Bless this United States of America and those who Fight for OUR Freedoms.

  15. Jan on May 31st, 2021 7:07 am

    Sincere thanks to him for the ultimate sacrifice…..and to you as a parent whose ultimate tragedy is to lose a child.

  16. Dm on May 31st, 2021 7:03 am

    I’m thankful today for Travis and all those who gave the utmost sacrifice so that I can live in a free country. Freedom isn’t free. I’m saying a prayer for you Becky.

  17. Danny on May 31st, 2021 7:00 am

    I remember having our young football players wear his name on their helmets and explaining to them that he once was just a kid enjoying life but decided to risk his so they could enjoy theirs. What a great person he was and what great parents he had that raised him.
    It is sad that so many thinks of this weekend as just a long weekend, a beach day, or the official start of summer, when we should be reflecting on those that made this weekend, like all the others, possible.
    So, thanks to soliders and the parents out there, past, present, and future, who have given so much for our freedom. Not only do we remember the fallen soldiers but also the broken hearts that sacrificed so much.

  18. MDH on May 31st, 2021 6:32 am

    Beckie and family: From the depths of our hearts, my family wants you to know that we hold you in high honor for raising a son like Travis, one who clearly embraced “the cause” of these United States of America… a cause that (sadly) many of this generation do not see or understand. May you know that our family is praying for you – and all parents/family members of our fallen servicemen/women – on this solemn day especially. With heartfelt gratefulness…

  19. JTV on May 31st, 2021 4:43 am

    Thank you Lance Cpl. Travis Michael Nelson

    Requiescat In Pace

  20. martin mccrory on May 31st, 2021 3:54 am

    you are in my thoughts and prayers. I remember this story of Travis 10 years ago. Praying for you Becky on this memorial day!

  21. Junior on May 31st, 2021 1:33 am

    Mrs. Nelson,
    Thank you for your son’s sacrifice. On behalf of my family, we thank and salute him and you and any other family members that deal with this day. I know it is not easy, and he sounds like a man I would have loved to have met to thank him personally.

  22. Paul on May 31st, 2021 12:43 am

    It was an Honor to ride the escort from NAS to Atmore then ride make the final ride from the Church to the Cemetery. RIP Travis..