Walnut Hill Felon Charged With Weapon Possession

September 30, 2010

A convicted felon from Walnut Hill is facing charges after he was found armed with a handgun on a local street.

Edward Charles Redmond, 55, was charged with  possession of a weapon by a convicted felon and carrying a concealed weapon.

Deputies found Redmond leaning into a pickup truck occupied by two people while on the shoulder of Cypress Street. At the time he was questioned by deputies, Redmond had a .38 caliber Smith & Wesson handgun in his back pocket, according to an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office report.

Redmond told deputies that he had just consumed a full bottle of vodka and that his mother had just passed away. Due to his physical and mental state, according to the report, deputies did not place him under arrest at that time. The gun was seized, and a warrant was later issued for his arrest.

Redmond was released from the Escambia County Jail on $7,500 bond.


8 Responses to “Walnut Hill Felon Charged With Weapon Possession”

  1. pa on October 4th, 2010 7:46 pm

    David-Nope not accurate-not paying for it anymore…….wasn’t as bad as ppl would like it to be. I can vote and most anything I would like…..I just hope you don’t have any children because accidents do happen and yes you will pay for them.

  2. David Huie Green on October 2nd, 2010 7:40 am

    “I have been in trouble before and guess what? We have paid our debt to society. Fines, embarrassment to family and friends, a record that will forever haunt you.”

    So it would be accurate to say you are STILL paying. Many people act like crimes are like shopping. “If I buy this, I pay this much money. If I commit this crime, I may get away with it or at most I’ll pay this set cost and then it’s over.”

    It’s never over. There are prices you will have to pay for the rest of your life, things you will not be able or allowed to do until your civil rights are restored–if ever. Things like vote, run for public office, carry a gun, live near a school (for some crimes), move around freely without notifying authorities. There are people who will no longer consider you for a spouse or hold their purses tightly when near you at family gatherings. There are groups who will no longer welcome you amongst them or if they do, positions they will never consider you for (like treasurer).

    It’s not really a “debt to society” no matter what they say. It is an ongoing price you pay as a natural result of your decisions.

    David for good decisions
    and comforting the bereaved
    while not getting others killed either

  3. pa on October 1st, 2010 5:16 pm

    Regardless some of you sound as if you have no heart. Ok the man had a gun. Was he waving it around and threatening people with it? I lost my father many years ago and yes he still stays in my heart and mind daily. I wish he was here and there is days I wish I could just go get so tore up I would forget and it would go away but it doesn’t. I feel for this man and bless his heart that he lost his mother…..VERY HARD thing to happen. Yes it is inevitable but when reality hits it hits hard. I hope he doesn’t get raked over the coles for possesing a firearm just because he is a felon. I have been in trouble before and guess what? We have paid our debt to society. Fines, embarrassment to family and friends, a record that will forever haunt you. I have no faith in the justice system what so ever….

  4. David Huie Green on September 30th, 2010 5:47 pm

    “What is this crap you sit out in the open with a gun and a bottle of vodka?”

    When you’re drunk, you do stupid things. (Some need to stay drunk so they will have an excuse for their stupidity or stupid actions.)

    In general, it’s a good reason to avoid drinking.

    David for sobriety

  5. Horiffic on September 30th, 2010 10:23 am

    Two weeks after my mother passed away I moved to texas and
    started a new career.

    What is this crap you sit out in the open with a gun and a bottle of vodka?

    I still feel the loss of my mother everyday.


    Get a job, do some charity work, clean the yard. What the heck!\

    There is a whole world out there!
    She will be waiting for you when you get there soon enough.

  6. robert on September 30th, 2010 10:09 am

    yes his mother did just pass away less than two weeks ago

  7. Terri Sanders on September 30th, 2010 8:54 am

    I would wonder if his mother had just passed away?

  8. Walnut Hill Roy on September 30th, 2010 6:54 am

    There is a lot of good things that can be said about LEOs with a heart; since they knew where to find the individual in the future and he was not causing a problem, this was an excellent move. I’m from Maryland, the LEOs up there would arrest you on the spot no matter what.