Man Arrested After Traffic Stop; Deputies Find Possible Meth Making Items

April 30, 2010


trafficstop10.jpgA Century man was arrested Thursday afternoon after a traffic stop near Byrneville in which authorities said they found materials commonly used to make methamphetamine in his vehicle.

Javis Cain Grimes, 25, of Gilmore Road, Century, was charged with driving with a suspended license after deputies stopped his pickup on Highway 4 just east of Byrneville. He was released from the Escambia County Jail Thursday night on $500 bond.

During a search of Grimes’ pickup truck, Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputies found pseudoephedrine pills, rubber tubing, starter fluid and other potential meth-making ingredients.

Grimes has not been charged in connection with the items removed from the truck; deputies said that investigation is ongoing.

grimesjavis.jpgPictured top: Hydrogen peroxide, salt, pseudoephedrine pills, rubber tubing and a digital scale — some of the potential meth-making materials deputies discovered during a Byrneville traffic stop Thursday afternoon. Pictured top inset: Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Unit Investigator Heath Jackson bags the items as evidence. Pictured bottom left: Javis Cain Grimes. photos, click to enlarge.


29 Responses to “Man Arrested After Traffic Stop; Deputies Find Possible Meth Making Items”

  1. CenturyGirl on June 1st, 2010 5:34 pm

    Every Grimes is not like that. So go figure that. && it’s good that Javis is in jail now so he can clean up even though most of you talking about him don’t even know him. I’m so tired of everyone telling the cops good job too, they didn’t even get Javis making the meth when they had the chance, instead they waited till he was gone and busted his lab. So smart guys!

  2. Teresa on May 2nd, 2010 1:18 pm


  3. big dawg on May 1st, 2010 10:11 am


  4. JW on April 30th, 2010 11:02 pm

    “This is no different than the military announcing that they are going to launch a major assault on an area on a certain date. Loose lips sink ships!”

    whitepunknotodope, this is called “rules of engagement”, join the military and find out why we do the things we do. granted, not ALL operations are open to the public (or all members of the military for that matter)

    I’ll talk to you in person when I get home in 35 days from Afghanistan, you copy!!!

  5. HomeFry on April 30th, 2010 9:24 pm

    I feel bad for his family who is trying to deal with this son, brother & grandchild. This could one of mine or yours. While it is terrible knowing he is out running the streets doing this.
    It is even worse thinking about what addiction does to the loved ones dealing with it. This is a growing problem parents need to do more talking to their kids about this seriously addicting drug.
    This one is so much harder to overcome.
    The more we talk to our young people about this the better equipped they are when they are face to face and under pressure to try it.
    In this day and time it is our jobs as adults to keep warning kids about this mess.
    So talk to your kid, friend, grandkid or neighbor.
    You never know when you are making a difference. Take time to care and remember this affects us all.

  6. Don on April 30th, 2010 6:44 pm


  7. David Huie Green on April 30th, 2010 6:14 pm

    some kids never grow up

  8. Atmoreboy on April 30th, 2010 5:32 pm

    Someone arrested nearly everyday around Century…that should speak for Century by itself…its speaks good of the law officers around there too! CLEAN EM UP GUYS

  9. debo jones on April 30th, 2010 5:21 pm

    This kid has always been a problem all of his life. It’s about time they actually got him. Way to go boys in blue!

  10. Centurynative on April 30th, 2010 4:14 pm

    Why do people always down century? I mean im a century native and i dont think its the city its just the wrong people in it i mean people make the wrong choices just think some of you people may have made bad choices in your life one time or another so when you make statements about century turn around and look at yourself and think before you speak.

  11. Know your neighbor on April 30th, 2010 3:11 pm

    What a smuk look on his face….knowing he’ll be right back on the street soon…what a slap in the face to the people in Century…oh…forgot, they don’t care! Hope Heath Jackson will put these guys away when he makes it in Escambia Alabama.

  12. whitepunknotondope on April 30th, 2010 11:54 am

    “Sure. Like a person with half a brain can’t find this information on the net? Enough with blaming the media. It’ ALWAYS someone else’s fault.”

    NOTE: your comment has no merit based on what I said. Go back to school and try to learn this time, ok?
    I’m not blaming anyone for anything, I’m just questioning why the media have to give out so many unnecessary details like this. However, Judy does have a point. It IS a catch-22.

  13. JUDY MASEK on April 30th, 2010 11:12 am

    whitepunk, i do agree w/you, to some extent………it does plant the seed, by seeing the ingredients and utinsils needed…i dont think that its entirely necessary to “show and tell” most everything needed for this process….however, UNLESS, it would serve to keep parents and other law abiding citizens educated and alert to such things in and about their surroundings…..catch 22, i guess

  14. not an eglish major on April 30th, 2010 10:51 am

    Wow! Caught again just within a month or so.

    I was a dispatcher for a police department a while back and I did see many people come through, being arrested, for making meth and/ or selling meth. Most meth heads tweak alot. They jerk and have a wilder look in their eyes. They have sores because one of the ingredients they used to make it was red devil lye. Just what I want in my body, it has to have a way to escape, so, it escapes through your pores.

    Whitepunk, there are many ingredients to make this junk. Listing a few isn’t giving too much information, if you google it, I am sure, there are lists of ingredients.

    Maybe, just maybe, they will send him away for a while, but, if like others, he will get out and get busted again.

    Meth is a bad thing, while it is cooking it gives off an odor that is the most disgusting smell that you could imagine. Meth has ruined the lives of many people, a few I went to school with, once one is hooked on this junk, they will do just about anything to get their next fix and don’t care what it is they have to do! They hurt many of their friends and family, but, the addiction is sooooo bad, they cannot care who they hurt. One of my longtime friends did meth one time and was hooked. It cost her many other things. She was caught after she pulled up to get more, the judge in the case was going to give her probation, she in turn asked for jail time to get clean. She was given 9 months and is clean today because of it!

    My prayers go out to all the families and friends of meth heads. I hope each of them can get help.

  15. big dawg on April 30th, 2010 10:01 am

    I just dont understand how he keeps getting arrested week after week and getting right back out of jail. Im mean hellooo keep this man off the streets and his drugs…. I know within the last 2 months Ive seen him on here at least 3 times. Why do they keep letting him go?.. If i would have been pulled over with that stuff id be in jail no bond…. but its just something about grimes, he dont care if their out on the streets selling drugs or making them….

  16. Laine on April 30th, 2010 9:47 am

    Looks to me the “system” is failing… He should be somewhere to get help instead of back on the streets.

  17. none on April 30th, 2010 9:44 am

    how many times has he been arrested? Just wondered if the 3 times and your out rule still applies in Fl

  18. Beegee on April 30th, 2010 9:33 am

    To Resident: “Bad boys,bad boys,whatcha gonna do”??? I agree!!!!

    Apparently their hands are tied in this situation!!! All they can do
    is arrest them……cause if he was arrested a month or so ago
    for this same thing,and he got out to do it again???? Believe me,if the cops were able to do so,they would have him under the jail….just as I would!!!!
    Imagine how much this frustrates us….it’s gotta’ frustrate them more!!!
    To all the great officers : keep doing what you were sworn to do and maybe
    one day they’ll be able to keep the bad boys off the streets!!!
    I do know this for sure…there will be a payday someday for them that no one will
    get away from!!!!!

  19. NOTE on April 30th, 2010 9:25 am

    Sure. Like a person with half a brain can’t find this information on the net? Enough with blaming the media. It’ ALWAYS someone else’s fault.

  20. Student-Teacher and Mom on April 30th, 2010 9:14 am

    Gee whiz! This is the third person I went to school with this week arrested on a drug-related charge! My goodness! I wonder if I will be the only one at my high school reunion.

  21. whitepunknotondope on April 30th, 2010 8:25 am

    “He was always a mean little f_rt,”

    Then someone shoulda kicked his little when he was a kid!

    I have always questioned the media’s willingness to relay certain information to the public, and listing and showing the ingredients to make this stuff is one of them. If ONE person or kid goes out and acquires this material and tries to make meth because they saw it on this website, then the media has done more of a dis-service to the community than a service.

    This is no different than the military announcing that they are going to launch a major assault on an area on a certain date. Loose lips sink ships!

  22. Flomaton Mom on April 30th, 2010 8:05 am

    ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! How many times does it take to put him in jail for good! GET THIS BOY OFF OF OUR STREETS!!!!!!!

  23. RED TAIL HAWK on April 30th, 2010 7:42 am

    I grew up my entire life next door to him. He was always a mean little f_rt, but was never a thief or a really big trouble maker, just liked to fight a lot. It’s too bad some people get started down the wrong road, and it’s so hard to get turned around sometimes. None of us are perfect, but it is a personal choice that we all have to make.

  24. Momma Bear on April 30th, 2010 7:04 am

    “Isn’t this the same person that was arrested about a month ago on highway 168 for having the same sort of items in his truck?”

    Looks like it is. I found this story:

  25. Wondering on April 30th, 2010 6:49 am

    Isn’t this the same person that was arrested about a month ago on highway 168 for having the same sort of items in his truck?

  26. Oak Grove Bud on April 30th, 2010 6:18 am

    They sure catch a lot of people up here driving with a suspended license. I agree with BRD. Not good for the body.

  27. omg! on April 30th, 2010 3:55 am

    Wow again how many time is this gonna happen before he wakes up and stops this!! So people never change I went 2 school with him he was good in school guess he got caught up in tha wrong stuff and with tha wrong people!!

  28. BRD on April 30th, 2010 1:39 am

    Mmmm. Sudafed, starting fluid, brake cleaner — just what I want to put in my body. Meth is for dummies.

  29. Resident on April 30th, 2010 1:35 am

    Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? whatcha gonna do? when they come for you