Sheriff Responds To Reports That Billings Murders Were Contract Hit

August 1, 2009

Sheriff David Morgan reacted Friday night to a CNN report that the Billings murders were a contract hit.

gonzalezleonardpatrickjr1.jpgCNN, citing an unnamed source, reported that Leonard Gonzalez, Jr. was paid for the murders. CNN stated that “from ‘Gonzalez down’ it was a robbery and from ‘Gonzalez up’ it was a hit”.

“We are, in fact, looking at this,”  Sheriff David Morgan said Friday night. “We want to ensure the citizens of Escambia County that we are not in any way, shape or form of the imagination taking that possibility or probability off the table in the conduct of the Billings murder.”

“We will consider all possibilities and review any evidence that is brought forward regarding the issue of motive in this case,” he said.

“Investigations are evidence driven,” Morgan said, saying that all avenues were being explored in the Billings investigation. He said that a contract hit was a possibility, but that determination would come later in the investigation.

“We have interviewed many persons of interest, but you will never know their names,” Morgan said, adding that persons of interested are often ruled out quickly.

“I want the citizens of Escambia County to understand that this investigation will go where it goes, and anyone who aided or abetted in the commission of this crime will be brought to justice,” the sheriff said.


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