Take A Survey: What Do You Think Of Your Child’s School?

June 1, 2009

The Escambia County School District is giving you the chance to take a survey and rank how well your child’s school and its staff performed.

The survey, offered on the district’s web page, allows participants to rank many school performance areas based upon how they feel about statements such as:

  • I feel welcome at this school.
  • Learning is interesting at this school.
  • The principal at this school communicates effectively.
  • Students are challenged to their ability at this school.
  • Students receive recognition for good performance in academics.

There is also an open-ended question designed to recognize outstanding persons in the school district: “Can you identify one individual in the Escambia School District who has had an impact on you or your family during this school year?”

The survey is completely anonymous with no attempt to identify the participants, the district says, and the survey asks for “frank and honest” responses.

To take the survey, click here and then click on the red “Take the School Climate survey” link near the upper right corner of the page.


6 Responses to “Take A Survey: What Do You Think Of Your Child’s School?”

  1. Michelle Cayson on June 2nd, 2009 6:30 pm

    Thanks William, I must have looked over it.. It was early and I did not have my coffee yet. LOL I’ll try again know I’m awake.

  2. Mother of Three on June 2nd, 2009 6:11 pm

    For those of you who did not bother with the paper survey because you feared Pomeroy would chunk it if it didn’t say what she wanted it to (which I was told by someone at Bratt she would do), please go online and complete this survey. That way she can’t touch it .

  3. Compromised Leadership on June 1st, 2009 6:36 pm

    Although I personally like some of the individuals involved, an extreme case of nepotism and cronyism has created an environment at Northview High were leadership is non existent. When individuals directly report to family members and the perception of quid pro quo exists the ability to lead is severely hampered or worse eliminated. The moral of staff is all over the map and a couple in key academic positions should have been shown the door several years back. The obsession with thinking that all students should be taking a strictly college track continues to rob many of the students of an opportunity to experience high school in a positive, productive way. The discipline has become laughable and inconsistent. Students are suspended and removed from class for trivial things that could be handled in coordination with parents or at least enforced in a way not to remove them from class. (Don’t read the previous sentence as advocating leaving my poor baby alone!) Make the crime fit the punishment and KEEP JR. IN CLASS and let mom and dad have a chance to do their job! The environment around the school is less than inviting with a defensive tension in the air. I’m sure this comment will spark much debate and defense of the leadership and may only serve as therapy for me to vent. I do wish we could reclaim the day when we had a strong leader at our community school that understood how to be a catalyst to bring things together. It can be done, I have witnessed it small country communities, towns and big cities across our great country.

  4. Dawn on June 1st, 2009 12:02 pm

    My daughter loves Molino Park Elementary School and so do I! Everyone there is just so nice and welcomed us with open arms! It truely is an awesome school! Keep up the good work Mrs. Woodward, teachers and all the staff!! I look forward to seeing you all again next year!!

  5. William on June 1st, 2009 8:24 am

    Michelle — Ernest Ward is there. Click the school climate survey link. A window show pop up allowing you to choose “middle schools” and go from there. It might be that you have a popup blocker making it not work.

    Here’s the direct link to middle schools:


    Elementary schools:


    High Schools:


  6. Michelle Cayson on June 1st, 2009 8:18 am

    Ernest Ward was not on the list. But I still say with great pride, Ms. Perry, all the teaching staff, custonial staff, lunch staff and everyone in between are a brilliant team who make the school the best my children have ever attended.

    They have finally settled somewhere and there grades have improved hugely because the teachers actually care about there students and it shows.

    I just wish I new about this school sooner. Seriuosly EWMS I can not say enough praises about you all.