Greg Evers To Serve On State Committee Created From Casey Anthony Trial

August 16, 2011

The North Escambia area’s state senator, Greg Evers, will serve on a new state committee that will look at child protection laws in Florida.

In a direct response to concerns raised by the Casey Anthony trial about the fate of children in the state, Senate President Mike Haridopolos announced the creation of a Select Committee on Protecting Florida’s Children to be chaired by Sen. Joe Negron, R-Stuart.

A Senate spokeswoman said the committee was being created because the president’s office heard from members of the Senate and “concerned Floridians” that the Senate should further examine whether changes in child protection laws are needed.

In addition to Negron, Haridopolos, R-Merritt Island, appointed Sen. Arthenia Joyner, D-Tampa, vice chairwoman. The other members of the committee will be Sen. Greg Evers, R-Baker, Sen. Anitere Flores, R-Miami, and Sen. Chris Smith, D-Fort Lauderdale.

“This select committee will be charged with examining the various policy options that are available to further advance the protection of Florida’s children,” a statement from the president’s office said. “The Florida Senate will discuss these options as a legislative body, and then determine whether changes need to be made to current Florida law.”


14 Responses to “Greg Evers To Serve On State Committee Created From Casey Anthony Trial”

  1. Connie Johnson on August 19th, 2011 10:40 am

    , We are the voice of all the children that are murdered, abused and slipped through the cracks of society. We speak for Caylee Anthony and all of the other children who had been victimized by the criminal justice system and justice stolen from them because of laws that are needing to be changed. We need Laws that will protect the children for they are our future. Our State legislatures, Senator’s, State Attorneys, Governor ’s , and all political officials, we want to see changes made and new laws pass, Our children have suffered from a corrupt criminal justice system long enough. The Casey Anthony Trial has open the eyes of the American People and it has showed us that we need a change and now! Caylee didn’t get the justice she deserved, The laws let Casey Anthony walk free. This trial open my eyes and the American people’s eyes that the No Double Jeopardy law needs to be discarded when a trial involves a child. This law has victimized Caylee and will steady victimize our children, The No Double Jeopardy law should not apply to any trial where a child is a victim of a homicide. Let’s get this law passed you guys, I have seen enough pain and felt enough pain and I am tired of the system failing our children.

  2. Connie Johnson on August 19th, 2011 9:38 am

    We need to take the” No Double Jeopardy law” out of trials that involve a child that is a victim of a homicide. We should take the Casey Anthony Trial and learn from it. Laws that allowed Casey Anthony to walk free and Caylee didn’t get justice, these laws need to be changed. Children are our future and we need to protect them.

  3. 429SCJ on August 17th, 2011 7:42 am

    I Think if I had been Casey’s father, I would have climbed into an empty boxcar and never looked back. We have not heard the last of Ms. Casey Anthony and furthermore, I am of the opinion, Greg Evers should run for the U.S. Senate.

  4. eab on August 17th, 2011 12:39 am

    I have to admit, I didn’t follow this case because of the bizarre feeding frenzy exhibited by the public and media. It looks like that frenzy will continue for a while judging by the fact that we are all posting here.

    As someone who is unfamiliar with the case, I wonder….wasn’t the woman accused of the crime acquitted by a jury of her peers? Did any of our folks get to hear everything the jury did?

    Another point….before I moved here from Atlanta years ago, I had a friend who was an attorney. We were talking over dinner one night and he remarked to me how he had just taken a case involving marijuana possession. The accused was the son of a well known conservative Georgia politician. My buddy pointed out a fact that apparently is well known to most defense attorneys (and probably most preachers). He said, ” It’s amazing how many people call for people’s heads without knowing all the facts. And you wouldn’t believe how many people want others prosecuted to the full extent of the law, but let little Johnny or little Susie get arrested for something and suddenly there’s a problem with the law.”

    Sometimes I think I should give up my profession and just go out to the road and just sell hangin’ ropes. I bet I could make a killin’.

    Thank God for those who are willing to defend the accused. Like the One who died two thousand years ago.

  5. bonnie heuer on August 16th, 2011 10:50 pm

    This is at least a positive step. The jurors in this case let a murderer walk free. They think they need a video of the crime. If anyone questions the prosecution evidence look at the scott peterson case they had it is called circumstantial evidence. Who was with Caylee before she died? What parent goes partying while there child is missing and if she died in pool why didn’t she report it. In the meantime she is out looking for the highest bidder for her story. I lost my 24 year old daughter who had two children and they live with us and believe me there isn’t enough money in the world to compensate for her loss. It is tough to get out of bed every day and it has been 2 years sinced she died. I couldn’t imagine partying after my daughter died, more like I wanted to sleep forever. And how do her parents get diability and her defense is covered by florida. They are sucking florida dry that whole family. We do not receive one cent from Pennsylvania for my daughters kids and I was just as if not more devasted by her death but guess what I work and so does my husband. We do not get disability. The system stinks and what message are we sending people its okay to kill your child and then you become a millionaire if you wait thirty one days cause there is nothing left for forensic evidence. Thank you for at least looking into this it is more than the jurors did.

  6. Kathy on August 16th, 2011 4:51 pm

    You are wrong to blame defense attorneys for doing their jobs. The problem with this case was the District attorney didn’t have the evidence to meet the charges, Fla has a reputation for overcharging and that is why they can’t win these cases. The defense attorneys were barely competent, that is how bad the States and the district attorneys are.

  7. menard on August 16th, 2011 4:07 pm

    I hope you make more changes them that

  8. Anne on August 16th, 2011 12:58 pm

    I don’t have children , but I have nieces and nephews and also took care of others children and I can tell you, if I didn’t know where they were after 10 minutes minutes of looking for them. I was in a terrorified. Hide and seek sent me into a panic attack everytime. Of and theses kids I watched also had a pool , NEVER would I let them outside , the doors to the deck were locked, it took 3 doors to get to the pool and each locked. If a child drowns , you call … you try CPR. You call 911.

  9. Andrea St. James on August 16th, 2011 12:40 pm

    The way to find out how to best protect the children in Florida is to first look at how Casey Anthony got away with what DCF described as “failure to protect her child”.
    There is no protection for children anywhere in America as long as DEFENSE ATTORNEYS like Jose Baez, Cheney Mason, Dorothy Clay-Sims, Todd Macaluso, Linda Kenney-Baden, etc., are allowed to get away with “getting the client off at any cost” and “do not let truth get in the way of justice”. There is a man sitting in a jail in Michigan who is doing the same thing Casey Anthony did (Sean Phillips). A man in Texas beheaded his 3 sons and then said, “If Andrea Yates can get away with it, so can I.” Susan Smith…another mother who killed her two sons….is now looking forward to parole in a few years. There are no “mitigating circumstances” when one person DELIBERATELY murders another person. These people will continue to erode our society, unless DEFENSE ATTORNEYS develop a conscience. Jeff Ashton, Frank George, and Linda Drane-Burdick, Prosecutors in this case, ABSOLUTELY PROVED Casey Anthony murdered CAYLEE MARIE ANTHONY. The defense called witnesses who were clearly not aware of the facts in this particular case and only cost taxpayers more money and confused the issues. Perhaps, there should be a closer look at the qualifications of jurors. MAKE THE JUSTICE SYSTEM WORK…PROTECT VICTIMS AND FUTURE VICTIMS AND PUNISH THE GUILTY. Too many children are dying because of selfish adults.

  10. Kathy on August 16th, 2011 12:21 pm

    Looks like God isn’t needed around here with everyone so capable of Judgement!!

  11. Lucy on August 16th, 2011 9:32 am

    I would try to get the Fed’s to step in, she can be charged with “tampering with a dead body” this is a federal crime. She killed that child and ended up with a loser jury in a rush to get home, 1/2 the jurors had criminal records, and to boot Baez’s daughter had been arrested in the same county as the jurors were from. Baez went into court lying his way through opening statements, and knew that would put “doubt” in those dumb jurors minds. I believe there was not only uneithical behavior on the part of the defense, but Jury Misconduct as well…. Someone needs to step in for Caylee (the murdered child) and do something. How can you explain how Baez called for some “specialists” when the body was found, BEFORE it was known to be Caylee? THERE WAS UNETIHICAL and IMMORAL behavior during this case, and it went on and on. Now is the time to get to the bottom of this. For the 2 year old that was tossed in a swamp to be eatin by bugs and animals. JOSE BAEZ MADE A MOCKERY OUT OF THE FLORIDA JUDICIAL SYSTEM, AND HE IS NOW PIMPING HER OUT AND LAUGHING ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK. AND FLORIDA IS ALLOWING THIS TO HAPPEN.

  12. B.J. Davis on August 16th, 2011 9:10 am

    The system needs to be changed. this sociopath walks away scott free of any wrong doings, in my opinion as well as millions of others, she’s guilty no matter what any jury declared.The one juror that was going on a cruise wanted to be done and out so no evidence was ever interviewed. I watched every minute of this trial, taped it and re-watched it again, I found the state put out a very convincing testimony. Baez put nothing forward after his shocking opening speech, alas I don’t know how this man and his dream team(sic) sleep at night, knowing this murderer walks amongst us free.

  13. Lori James Nichols on August 16th, 2011 9:10 am

    Thank you for caring enough about our children !! Some good must come from this tradegy. We must protect our children from sociopaths and murderers! No child should go unreported missing for 31 days or even 1 day!!

  14. Boycott Casey Anthony on August 16th, 2011 6:04 am

    Thank goodness some good will come from the murder of that sociopath’s beautiful daughter.

    I hope I put that nicely enough.