Pensacola Airport Transformed Into Pensacola Intergalactic Airport

February 5, 2025

Pensacola International Airport has partnered with Pensacon for its annual transformation into Pensacola Intergalactic Airport, assuming the temporary name and stellar decor to commemorate the 2025 Pensacon convention scheduled for February 14-16.

Pensacola Mayor D.C. Reeves announced the temporary change renaming the airport Pensacola Intergalactic Airport on Tuesday. The signage throughout the terminal highlights iconic comic and science fiction characters and welcome messages.

“Our relationship with the Pensacola Intergalactic Airport has been such a wonderful way to not only promote Pensacon, but also show travelers how great our city is in supporting events like ours. Each year, our celebrity guests are impressed when they come off the plane and feel like they are already immersed in Pensacon,” Pensacon CEO Mike Ensley said.

Photo for, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “Pensacola Airport Transformed Into Pensacola Intergalactic Airport”

  1. dave lamb on February 6th, 2025 11:15 am

    A new landing spot for the Enterprise

  2. David Huie Green on February 5th, 2025 5:03 pm

    I wish they would leave it an intergalactic airport….or really a spaceport. People from Zdkuvktimhgee could come more easily

    David for one-eyed, one-horned, flyin’ purple people eaters and their neighbors

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