EREC Reducing January Electric Bills For Members Following Extreme Cold

February 5, 2025

Escambia River Electric Cooperative is giving members a reduction on their January bills following record breaking cold and history snowfall to help alleviate the financial strain caused by increased electricity usage.

EREC is removing the Purchased Power Cost Adjustment (PPCA) charge for January. The PPCA reflects the fluctuating costs of fuel and electricity generation. This charge varies based on the market price of fuel and the cost of generating electricity.

“Our members are our top priority, and we recognize the challenges that come with unexpected weather extremes,” said Ryan Campbell, CEO and General Manager of EREC. “By removing the PPCA charge, we aim to provide some financial relief while maintaining reliable service.”

EREC said members will save from $15 to $50, depending on usage. For a typical customer using 1200 kwh of electricity, the reduction will be about $20.

For most members, the charge is listed as purchased power cost adjustment line item on their bill. For customers with multiple accounts, including those with water from EREC, the charge is listed as fuel adjustment.

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11 Responses to “EREC Reducing January Electric Bills For Members Following Extreme Cold”

  1. Concerned Citizen on February 6th, 2025 1:11 am

    I received an email from FPL to expect a higher bill due to the extreme weather so I have waiting on my bill. To take advantage of their customers at a time like we had you would think they would help instead of letting me know to expect a higher bill.

  2. Darlene Hart on February 5th, 2025 9:24 pm

    Thank you EREC. We appreciate you guys always.

  3. CDPJR on February 5th, 2025 9:12 pm

    I have been trying to talk to someone at FPL about an outrageous bill I received on every contact # I can find and there is never an option to speak to a human being.
    Went to the office and I was told that they will not do a face to face with ANYONE!!!!!
    I wish there was an alternative…… FPL would be in my rearview mirror!!!!

  4. Teresa A Comparetta on February 5th, 2025 8:55 pm

    Thank you EREC for treating your co-op members humanely and as people. Always

    be safe out there. God Bless all EREC employees.

  5. kim miller on February 5th, 2025 7:37 pm

    thank you

  6. kim miller on February 5th, 2025 7:36 pm

    EREC is the best. Thank you so much on the savings this month. I appreciate it and also your hard work when our power goes off.

  7. Had enough on February 5th, 2025 6:45 pm

    My power went off on Tuesday afternoon week of the snow. It was reported to FLP and got a message stating it will be fixed by 9pm. At 10:00pm and no power, tried to get an answer from FLP. Only thing we got was our request was cancelled. It was to late to leave and unsafe to drive. Next morning we got a message that the power would be fixed by 3pm. If they had let us know that on Tuesday we would have gone to a motel, but we spent 20 hours in a trailer with no heat no food. FLP doesn’t care.

  8. Marcia Weisman on February 5th, 2025 6:34 pm

    Sure miss being with erec and the hill

  9. River Rat on February 5th, 2025 10:13 am

    Escambia River Electric Cooperative at least has some mercy on their customers, show they care and appreciate them.

    Florida Power & Light has not done anything to help their customers. If anything, the greedy company will at least charge us double and blame it on the weather!

  10. Concerned Citizen on February 5th, 2025 8:32 am

    Exactly why people are pissed with FPL, they care nothing about their customers. EREC out here cutting bills, meanwhile you can expects an increase from FPL, probably be some type of reliability surcharge from your electricity staying on during the snow storm.

  11. brianh on February 5th, 2025 6:29 am

    Meanwhile, FPL wants to stick it to it’s customer’s.

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