Escambia Prostitution Sting Nets 15 Arrests
August 29, 2014
The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Special Investigations Unit has arrested 15 people for prostitution related crimes following an undercover operation.
The anti-prostitution operations took place over the past week and targeted both those individuals engaged in prostitution and the clients that sought their services. The arrests occurred after the suspects either offered to perform sexual acts in exchange for money with undercover investigators or sought sexual acts with undercover officers.
“The Sheriff’s Office will continue to target prostitution related crimes which are often linked to human trafficking and the exploitation of minors,” the ECSO said in a released statement.
The following arrests were made, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office:
32 Responses to “Escambia Prostitution Sting Nets 15 Arrests”
Prostitution is rampant in Pensacola. Which make it just like so many other crimes and social problems in what should be a wonderful place to live and raise children
With some of the worse violent cime in the state Escambia County and Pensacola law enforcement organizations could setup other sting operations to stop other organized crime
I am truly ashamed of our crime rate but we have a great opportunity to change some of the leadership in the county in November. We have to ask those that want a chance to make a better place for us and them, to show us their plan.
This is not a tax shortage problem it is performance by local leadership problem
I stand by the Bible. Prostitution is wrong. Period. We are meant to sell our bodies. It is not just the body. Its soul the spirit who is taken away each time its done. No matter the reason prostitution is not the answer. If u r doing it to feed your family there r far better ways of providing than this. This will not solve anything and will hurt u in dif ways including getting you killed. I am so sick of all the sexual abuse in this world. It is very hurtful triggering uncalled for and sickening. 1 in 4 women are hurt all the time. Imagine a room of just 20women. 5 of those women have been sexually abused. We can put a stop to all this if men would start treating us women like previous rubies as the Bible says we r. We r not here to be slaves. We r here as a partner in life. I only tolerate men. Point blank as I have been abused so much throughout life and know people who have been abused themselves. So this is stupid. Men wake up and grow up and women u r way better than that.
I happen to like David Huey Green’s opinions~ at least he can discuss nearly everything in a cool manner without going bolistic on here. As for the people pictured above, I feel sorry for them that they feel that is the only way they can pay their bills. My heart hurts to think of what they go through every day of their lives just to exist. Only God knows what hell they go through and I pray that they will be able to turn their lives around and feel their worth, because God don’t make junk and He don’t make mistakes. We all are here for a reason and have a purpose for our lives, just some have had a harder time finding it.
“Human trafficking happens because prostitution is not regulated.”
So you believe the desire by those who do it to use children sexually would go away if it were simply legal to do so?
Or do you believe they would stop doing illegal things when they became legal?
Trafficking in anything happens because there is a supply and a demand.
Sometimes it is legal, sometimes it is illegal.
Prostitutes as a group would be safer if they didn’t have to fear the police, but that does not mean there would not be those who used them for illegal practices unless you intended to legalize all actions regardless of age or outcome.
David for reality
The economy is getting soooo bad. I recognise 2 of these women. 1 is married and works at the cleaners. 1 is a volunteer at the school! Shocked!
To those that cheapen relationships by saying you pay for it anyway..way to go pigs!
To those(I’m assuming men) that say what if it was your wife or daughter..if it’s your wife or daughter then you aren’t doing enough to support them financially.
Btw shame on those judging these women. We have no idea what the circumstances are that makes these women choose this way of making money. Some,by the looks of them,might have addiction problems but some look clean and healthy. Perhaps they have no other way to support their families.
It doesn’t matter to me one way or the other if its legal or not, I DON’T NEED THE SERVICES OF A PROSTITUTE !! This is not the 50’s anymore. If you can’t find a woman almost anywhere nowadays then you should evaluate your personality and appearance. I could go to Walmart and pick up girls. Besides, by the looks of these women, they couldn’t pay me !!
On the other hand, it’s just like anything else cops waste time on. But for you “holier than thou” folks, if your a woman, you’ve sold it. If your a man you’ve bought it. Period. It’s just a little more complicated and all prettied up.
Well you pay out the nose in a relationship, hopefully to keep your mate happy and happy mates make for easy sex.
Why not come out cheaper… everything has discount stores/shops, why not sex. There’s human trafficking because its not regulated. I too have been to countries where its legal, with health screening, and every hooker has papers. It wasn’t sleazy, the city I lived in was beautiful and the hookers were clean/classy… not crack/meth whores on the street like everywhere else in the US. Just look at the photos… outside maybe one, I wouldn’t have any of these bozos touch me.
I have lived in countries where prostitution was legal. Contrary to popular belief, society did not crumble, cats and dogs did not live together, and anarchy did not ensue.
In Costa Rica when any young woman turns 18 she can walk into any bar or hotel and negotiate her services as she wishes and, exit with her man or stay at his hotel. Before she is allowed to enter a bar or go upstairs to a hotel room, every hotel checks her ID for the proper age. The whole process feels very normal and respects all parties. No pimps, no sleeze….Personally, I love it.
Adam, you are wrong. If you look at Germany, human trafficking has increased. I doubt they would let me post links but there is a good deal of factual information reference the increase in human trafficking in countries such as Germany.
“This is the main reason.
“The Sheriff’s Office will continue to target prostitution related crimes which are often linked to human trafficking and the exploitation of minors,” ”
You are actually making a case for prostitution to be legal. Human trafficking happens because prostitution is not regulated.
Did you think bus drivers were too stupid to understand or that we should just keep our opinions to ourselves?
Please pardon me as I pause to drool.
David for less prejudice
Those of you that support are so liberal minded. Wonder if you would have your daughters, mothers , and wives prostitute? But you should not think a bad thing to promote and have in your neighborhood. Hypocrites!!
I think you all been drinking from swill on the internet , bunch of perv’s
I like reading Mr. Green’s comments. I once had a fiery back and forth with him on this site. I find his comments mostly wise and full of common sense. I say mostly wise because we disagreed on a very sensitive subject.
So those of you who agree prostitution should be legal are fine with your daughters, wives, and mothers selling themselves to be used for monetary gain on the open market ? So long as they keep the money of course and not pimp themselves ( you get a percentage of the profits)…..your pathetic! Thinking like this does not bode well or lend itself to civic duties and I would not like to live in your neighborhood….:(((
Now Mr. Green, can not only drive a bus, but has an answer/opinion on virtually any topic either on N Esc. or in the PNJ. The wisdom of it all!
This looks like a internet escort bust. Very time intensive, at least 2hrs of work per person went into each arrest. Each arrest reqiired a minnium of three officers. We are no safer today then we were before the bust. Giant waste of money and time.
“I don’t understand why prostitution is illegal.”
It’s because your wives don’t want anybody lowering the price for the services.
Auto theft, chop shops, and vehicular homicide are illegal as well, but I bet you drive your car around every day without any problem, right?
I guess they have to make a living somehow.. Oldest profession in the world..
Fine upstanding citizens!
Prostitution in Nevada is only legal on brothels where it is heavily regulated. Not on the street corners which is were the above pictured citizens were caught. Also, if you can’t tell Jeremy is a male, Zoom in and take a closer look.
It’s just a step towards worse behavior. It really shows how bad pie society is getting when people start defending prostitution…. ridiculous
The first lady, “Jeremy”, is listed as an “M” on the court records…
Curiously, no children and no trafficked women were found…again. But lots of people got paid your tax dollars for hassling consenting adults.
“I don’t understand why prostitution is illegal.”
This is the main reason.
“The Sheriff’s Office will continue to target prostitution related crimes which are often linked to human trafficking and the exploitation of minors,”
Separate the adult portion from the child exploitation and the methods pimps use to addict and enslave women and you might have a more valid argument.
Also wives gripe when husbands pass along fatal sexually transmitted diseases to them, but that could happen wth or without commerce.
David for safe children
and no living slavers
Perfectly legal in Nevada…
I’m sure if the government could regulate and tax it they would be more likely to legalize it.
“I don’t understand why prostitution is illegal. Selling is legal. (BOINKING) is legal. Why isn’t selling (BOINKING) legal? You know, why should it be illegal to sell something that’s perfectly legal to give away? I can’t follow the logic on that one at all! Of all the things you can do, giving someone an orgasm is hardly the worst thing in the world. In the army they give you a medal for spraying napalm on people! In civilian life you go to jail for giving someone an orgasm! Maybe I’m not supposed to understand it…”
He looks like a female.
Either that or women have taken yet another name from us menfolks.
David for less slavery
I was looking to see if I recognized anyone and see enough, one of them was a surgeon…you never know about people